MTB Party Pic & TechTV CPW Coverage by Ben Jones
Some fun ways to remember the weekend...
Hi folks,
It was truly AWESOME to spend lots of time with all of you this past weekend. I hope you guys had as much fun as I did!
A quick update before I depart for a few days of vacation…
First, a big thanks to Chris Merrill ’12 for sending me the group photo from our Meet The Bloggers party. If I shrink it down to fit here, you won’t be able to identify anyone, so I’ll just link to the big version:
Second, another big thanks to Kris Brewer and Larry Gallagher from MIT TechTV, who worked tirelessly during CPW to capture our various events on video. You’ll find the fruits of their labor here:
Have fun reliving the memories, and I’ll talk to you all when I get back next week.
:-) B.
People no longer recognize me at Meet the Bloggers.
Clearly, I do not post often enough. ^_^
Woo, I love Ben’s smile!
Aww… awesome!
. Way to go ’12-ers!
It was certifiably awesome:
I have to concur with Donald’s certification! Though my apparent laser eyes are a little creepy in that picture (I’m no changeling, I promise >… mad props to whomsoever gets the reference).
I jumped at the wrong time – I’m not even visible behind my friend Becca ’12’s curly hair!
Oh well – plenty of time for pics next year…
I found Snively!!! (top right)
Heh, I see myself way in the back…
It’s like Where’s Waldo!
Eh heh heh…
Oh, and Ben, my friend thanks you for giving him a piggy-back ride.
lawl, I see me and my friend behind Paul >.lawl, I see me and my friend behind Paul >.<
I had a blast at CPW. It was awesome on so many levels!
Haha I look so awkward in that picture– I was on my tiptoes in order to be visible in the photo! Plus, I totally forgot that I was interviewed by TechTV.
speaking of cpw vids, check out: http://youtube.com/user/uponemeraldwings
I don’t have the memories!!!It cost me another F'(x)=0, F”(x)>0 in my MIT-induced-endorphin-level vs time graph T.T AWWWW.
@Karen: Oh the excuses! You’re just too short!
I like how the three guys at the back were trying to spell out TIM (or was it MIT backwards? lol)
If you’re wondering who accidentally spelled out “TIM” in the background, I was one of the two people who did that.
it’s really greattttt