Online Decisions To Be Released This Saturday by Ben Jones
Instructions on how to receive your decision online.
Hi folks,
I’m pleased to let you know that we’re on schedule to release decisions as planned – at noon (Eastern Time) on Saturday March 17.
Decisions will be available to those who meet all of the following criteria:
- You have applied for freshman admission (not transfer or graduate).
- Your intended entry year (as designated in your MyMIT account) is 2007.
- You applied in Regular Action, or were deferred in Early Action (the system is unable to display decisions for those who applied in Early Action and received a “final” action in December – i.e. admitted or denied).
What is the process for receiving my admissions decision online?
In order to check your decision online, you will need to have registered for a MyMIT account and you will need to know your username and password. When decisions are released, simply visit https://decisions.mit.edu and log in using the same username and password that you use to log into your MyMIT account. There are no interim screens, so you should be sure you wish to receive your decision online before logging in to decisions.mit.edu.
Please note that you can visit https://decisions.mit.edu now to confirm your username and password. We will not be in the office on the weekend that decisions are released, so to prevent any delays, you should confirm your username and password well in advance.
What if I’ve forgotten my MyMIT username or password?
You may use our automated system to reset it. Simply visit my.mit.edu and click on the “lost username” or “lost password” link.
What if I don’t have a MyMIT account?
If you do not currently have a MyMIT account and you wish to receive your decision online, you will need to register for one using your MIT ID, which was sent to you via postal mail soon after receiving your paper application (if you used the online application, you already have a MyMIT account). If you have misplaced your MIT ID, or if you never received it, you may call our office to get it (please note that you will be asked to give some personal information for verification).
If you register without your MIT ID, your username and password may not work on decisions.mit.edu.
Will there be any indication of my admissions decision in my MyMIT account?
Admitted students will see the addition of the Admitted Student Portlet in their MyMIT account beginning on or after Monday, March 19. (Denied and waitlisted applicants will not see a change.) If you do not wish to receive your decision online, you’ll want to take a brief vacation from your MyMIT account until your letter arrives in the mail.
first sensible post
I wish I get into MIT
hay ben….any views on the selection process
How many applicants from Pakistan have been admitted this year???
Wow I have to wait till midnight on the second last day of my MUN conference in Beijing haha
oh……….!!! don’t do that
it will be on 10:30PM here on same day
Not that I’m applying, but I always get excited when decisions come out.
Good luck to everyone!! :D
Wow.. 5 days to go! I’m actually going to wait for the mail though, heh.
Anyway, I thought I’d mention that the unofficial MIT admissions chat room is up. Everyone is absolutely welcome – hope to see you there.
Good luck everyone!
Oh the shivers… im just worried that my profile wasnt reviewed again, they just found my ACT scores last week, even though they “recieved” them in december. Its worrieing to me because i got a 95% on my math as opposed to the 50% they recieved from my SAT’s.
Do you think they revewed the folder when they got the scores and inputted them into the system?
WOAH!! That is pretty intimidating.. Anxiety.. I hope I get in..
Good Luck to Everyone!
Thank God! I thought I’ll have to wait forever for an update. It is official now- the decision date is close.
All the admission bloggers- we need your help to cope the tension. Looking forward to reading something nice and soothing! haha
Yesterday, i read a blog in my dream with pictures of Ben, Nance and Matt seeing off our packages (and also biting them for a pose). Now that is when you know the decisions are almost there!
This is sooooooo exciting! MIT is my dream school, and I can’t believe we’ve got only five days to go! I feel my heart’s going to beat like never before when logging into decisions.mit! It’s gonna be evening 8pm’ish here across the Atlantic. Good luck to everybody!
I have read the post with mixed reaction. Am happy coz the day to finally know my fate is just 5 days away. But at the same time I am nervous, tensed like never before. Am sure if we were to cast a vote for whether to have the decisions postponed I would vote to have them postponed indefinately.
For now am keeping my fingers and my toes crossed. I wish……..
But alas, if wishes were fishes then everybody would be a fisherman!!!!!!!!
you know whats funny? i’ve already gotten ea decisions from two schools, interim from rice, and international from six different schools in the uk, but this is the first decision i REALLY REALLY care about. Man its going to suck when i get rejected.
Sure it will be the most tensing moment – logging into decisions.mit.edu. My heart will blow.
Sure, I will be heart-broken if I get rejected. Am not sure how long I will take to recover but it’s going to be hard dealing with a rejection.
I agree with u. We need more blogs on admissions. Right now, I don’t care much about other blogs other than the ones on admissions.
Finally, any one from Kenya? What time will it be here in Kenya. Is it 7pm? Whatever the time, I won’t sleep until I know my fate.
Guys, it’s done. All we can do is wait.
Bhusan it’s gonna be 10:15 PM in India not 10:30.
Its so exciting to wait for the D day
the thing i hate is that the decisions are coming midnight when i can’t access a computer. i wish it were during the day. god!! i’m so nervous.
All the Best Everyone! Mr. Jones or Mr. McGann… could you please tell us how many international students were accepted this year? I was just curious… and the applicant pool size as well if its possible!
oh never mind it’s during day. look i’ve gotten crazy already.
(Same anonymous as above)
omg i’m so nervous. i’d give up all the other acceptances and scholarships for MIT. please let me in!!!
Great to get an actual offical update!! Waiting for the d day!! Ya…the moment we’re going to get the decision is going to be deadly tense! BADLY want to get in!
i really don’t think i’ll have the guts to check…MIT is the only place i’ve applied to abroad…and as far as india is concerned it all boils down to four entrance exams..n it depend on THAT ONE SCORE…that’s it…no 2nd chances…nobody cares about who u r or what others think of you….so ur just “registered” for these exams…MIT is theonly ‘real’ application until now!!!
TAKE ME TAKE ME TAKE ME TAKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally the hearts will stop beating which was continuing since jan 1
10:15pm eh?…hmmm….wonder where i’ll be….Oh man…i hope i’m not waitlisted…the anxiety would kill me…n i hope i’ not rejected…the disappointment would kill me….so…oh hey Ben…why don’t u just admit me????
then i’ll just die of joy i guess….
Hey matt…still just 110 international students?…how many applicants?
Here we go folks!!
All the best to all of you!!
hmmm…yeah…best of luck…hey i probably won’t be in town when the mailed decision comes….what should i do?
i have felt the pain before…
best of luck to all of you guys from a freshman here at MIT> Hope to meet many of you soon.
Best of luck to all the applicants!
Decisions Online…admitted..yupeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Well, it’s official now. I’m keeping myself busy until Saturday. Whether I mope around waiting or go out and live, the decision will be the same.
Wow, this is so nerve racking. Anyway, good luck everyone!
ermm huh? they’re not online. How do you know youre admitted, anonymous?
guys visit take a look at this group at facebook
Mom of sophomore, waiting to hear on my other son! Good Luck everyone, we parents are anxious too!
Dear mR,
I know u got a perfect SAT, gazzillions A’s, go to a renonwed skewl of the country, so dont worry u’ll get in…MIT wont get a guy better than U…aint I rite?????????
nope. My essays were terrible. I’m not getting in. Incidentally, do i know you from somewhere?
St.Patrick’s Day will either be very happy or very tragic this year…ah! Nervous….
I sincerely don’t know if you guys have gone through this, but here goes: http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/before/helping_your_parents_through_this_process/its_more_than_a_job.shtml
Hats off to you Ben! You’re one awesome awesome person!
God bless.
mark my words…you are in !!!if you don’t getin here..u’ll get into Princeton or yale or may be harvard…2400 on SAT would sure take you to one those institutes…assuming you are an international candidate
hope i get to MIT-my dream.With these five days of waiting,the going will be tough but when the going gets tough,the tough gets going.
Hi! does anybody know what time it will be in Spain?
Good luck!
Good…So guy just freeze and wait for 5 days…everything will be all right…GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO APPLIED…
wish everyone the best of luck!
remember, don’t faint when you arrive here..tehehehe….
Thanks admissions for all their hardworks, finally I could rest now..ah~
And 5:00AM Sunday for New Zealand …
I guess I’ll have to get up early
Hey! I’m not actually applying this year but still i feel nervous for all you guys. Good luck to all of you
Here’s a reminder:
For all those getting nervous, I’d suggest you go through this: http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/before/helping_your_parents_through_this_process/its_more_than_a_job.shtml
It sure did make me feel better. I’m sure it’s going to make you all feel good and less stressed too.
Cheers and my best wishes to all of you.
I swear I’m gonna have a heart attack this week from waiting. Ahhhhhh. It’s so soon! But so far away! Gahhhhh.
hmmm… it all just boils down to this very day… ahhh… love it man… seriously… i am not nervous… infact, i am sort of upbeat… and if i don’t get through, then what??? i don’t know… maybe i’ll still be the same… maybe not… but one thing is for sure… i aint gonna sulk or something… cummon… life goes on… i mean… maybe there would be something better in store… anyways… 17th March 2007 it is… 10:30 PM Indian Standard Time…
Chill guys, there’s no sense getting worked up over something you can’t control. You submitted your stuff, you laid everything you had out on the table, now just relax knowing you that you pwn. Seriously, worrying won’t help at all.
Do what I did when EA decisions came out. . .stay up all night the night before with friends and play wii. Maybe not wii (but I can’t see why not) but do something and make sure it lasts well into the night. That way when you wake up at 11:30 you only have to wait about 15 minutes before the decision.
WHAT?!?! 11:30 + 00:15 = 11:45, but decisions come out at noon?! They tend to release the decisons about 15 minutes early so that people view their decisions over a spread out period of time instead of destroying the servers at noon. In short, you’ll know 15 minutes earlier than you currently plan to, so yay!
Good luck all, it’s hard, but stop stressing and bugging out. Chill, have fun, and do something crazy ridiculous and write a blog entry about it to make people laugh. . . anything but worry about admissions decisions.
Nice post Snively… :-D
I’m just sad that they couldn’t have the descisions on Pi Day. But… to me, this means that there are so many good applications, that it will take longer to read them and make decisions. Keep your fingers crossed, everybody!
Snively- You should major in psychology
Dude it sure is getting more difficult to bear things as the gap closes… What gives me the shivers is the fact that some of us (or to be honest most of us) will get rejected… Being an international student, I can feel this a bit more intensely.
But to keep everyone cool, I say believe in fate. Its the best thing. What is going to happen is going to happen and you simply can not change it.
Dear me….. good luck to everyone of you and to me ofcourse!! till the decisions bye
In italy it will be 17:00 I guess…but I won’t be home till 21:00..they will be the longest 3 hours of my life…
Hi, I head a rumor that Massachusetts students will receive decisions on Wednesday (Pi day). Is this true!? And if it is, can we view the decision online also?
Oh God. I’m terrified. This sucks. My hopes and dreams have been limitless. Until this.
I’m getting sick to the stomach… And I’d been guessing March 17 since December, then it was announced a couple weeks ago that it would be March 17, now it’s for sure. Maybe my sickness has something to do with my lack of sleep though…
Mann. The day is almost here. Good luck to everyone =)
when I was applying, I knew the odds, but throughout all this waiting, I’ve been trying to remain optimistic — now the possibility for rejection is setting in, little by little….
I have submitted my application and now I trust in God.Only God can see you through my friends.Have faith. Ive bin admitted in Jesus’ name…. Amen
Saint Patrick’s day?? WHY!! Man, this means I gotta bust out the green for good luck.
adam – how do we get a username for ur chatroom? i can only see what’s going on, not join in
Like the lyrics of the famous song … “It’s final countdown”
anon- you just click log in, then type a name. If it’s already used, it won’t let you in. For instance Elizabeth is taken (god knows by whom since I’m the only Elizabeth who ever posts) so I’m Elizabeth D on the chat room. YOu can use a password or not.
I have a Robotics competition at that time. Maybe I’ll sneak a look at the site during a break. I also find out the same day whether or not I get a full scholarship to an engineering school.
Good luck to everyone!!
people in europe, keep in mind that the US had daylight savings time way before the EU this year. so actually your time is one hour less than the time difference you’re used to.
This is going to be a long week. Good luck to everyone!!!!!
It’s about time. Good luck, everyone!
Eep. Five days . . .
I just went through last year’s “waiting to know about the decision” and “phooey I didn’t get in” blog, http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/before/ helping_your_parents_through_this_process/its_ more_than_a_job.shtml, suggested by Ashesh, above.
That’s actually really scary. High SAT scores, 14 AP tests by the time I graduate, Laser Quest addict and radiation-hormesis-supporting oddball. A one-in-seven chance of making it in. And I don’t even have the excuses I had with some of the other application; my computer, which decided to crash, then burn out the monitor, then contact a virus, was working middling decently while I worked on the MIT application.
I think I’m just coming to terms with the idea that I really do have a one-in-seven chance of admittance. Wow. I mean . . . nothing really tragic if I don’t get in; I’ll go down to the local LQ and play left-handed for a while to relax. But it’s starting to get to me, like having a small pebble in your shoe. Not bad, exactly, but dang it’s uncomfortable.
Good luck, guys.
*Hoping, hoping, hoping . . . *
I figure, there’s nothing anyone can do now but think positively. Relax, take a walk, focus on something else, read, listen to music, call or write to old friends, make new ones… Might as well make some positive impact to reflect upon after the acceptance/rejection. Personally, I’m waiting until the physical evidence arrives, so that I can review my decision in peace (computer isn’t in the most private of places).
Good luck to all, and know that I’m waiting with you as I’m sure many are. I’ve heard one of eight admissions decisions – that’s my backup school. *Nervous* just doesn’t seem to cut it. =)
Oh man.
Now I’m gonna be all twitchy.
You guys should totally give out decisions on Pi Day, that’d be so much more MIT-esque.
I have no idea how i could possibly sleep this Friday, which sucks because I have a rugby game the following day against Canada, and in California the decisions will come out at nine in the morning and so if I get rejected that’s all I’ll be able to think about all day. AAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Anyways, Good Luck to everyone and try not to worry (like I undoubtedly will)
Oh My God. I think I’m gonna faint now. I want to go to MIT iwth all my heart and soul. Plz TAKE ME MIT!!!
My SAT II scores were not the best…still hoping everyting works out for me though. I know I’m MIT material (fingers crossed and numb)
If I calculated right, I will know my fate (okay, I’m being melodramatic but come on, it’s MIT I’m talking about here!) on Mar.18th at 2a.m. in South Korea. Looks like it’s going to be one sleepless night one way or the other. Well, good luck to everyone!
yup, ea decisions came up at 11:43 or earlier
I’ll be at a Robotics Competition as well… I’ll need to steal someone’s laptop!… But what is this MA applicants hearings on Pi Day?? Has anyone else heard of this?
I’m excited to see who makes it, and I know I’ll be just like you guys next March…unless by some miracle I make it EA ^_^ Only one person I know of applied to MIT at my school and we’re gonna be at Science Olympiad when the news is out so I hope someone brings a laptop!!
hey utkarsh and bhushan, i’ll be up as well for the decisions! which part of India do you guys come from? I’m in chennai.
Let’s hope we all get in! and, all the best for your board exams!
Oooh Good luck you guys!!!
I know a lot of you are very talented and promising students, and I hope that those of you that will get the most out of it get in!!
As for what to do while waiting… I was VERY anxious and I didn’t really eat a lot for like 2 weeks before decisions… I even dreamed I was rejected, but I was saying it like it was no big deal, and that’s when everything just fell into place: I realized that no matter whether I got admitted, deferred or rejected (which is what I thought I’d get), life would go on, and I’d become a succesful student no matter where I went to. So don’t feel bad if you don’t get in — at least you got the guts to give it a shot! If you don’t get in, there’s always a school that’s also a good fit, if not a better one, so go and find it!!
And the most important thing… I know it’s hard, but try to FORGET ABOUT MIT UNTIL SATURDAY MORNING! And I suggest the same thing Snively said, which is what I did, sort of. I went partying the night before, went to bed as late as I could, then my best friend woke me up to tell me I’d gotten in. (That’s a good idea, if you think you couldn’t stand to see a rejection just give a friend your password and have him/her check it for you.)
am i the only guy who is not excited about this?
Good Luck Everyone!
Great advice, people; it seems to help.
Good advice milena and snively.
I probably won’t have enough will power to follow it, but good advice all the same! haha.
But yeah, I just came back from my Senior Transitions Retreat and during my small group discussions, we gave each person affirmations and it was so comforting to know that so many of my classmates–even the ones that i don’t know too well–were rooting for me to get in (even Mr. Engle the new pre-cal teacher who i never had nor ever spoke to before). God I love my classmates and its going to be sad to leave them next year! ok. sorry for that tangent, but I’m kind of emotional right now.
i guess i’m just saying that its nice to know that so many people are supportive of you.
so honestly guys, I am really rooting for you. I hope to meet you all next year, esp those who i kind of got to know on the blogs. I know that we all deserve to get in because we have worked so hard for it. Good luck to all you applicants!
and i know it might sound weird coming from someone you might not know, but really…good luck and all the best.
Oh my god! i can’t think of anything else all day (there wouldn’t be much of a problem with that if not for the fact that i had a Math exam coming up…i’ve been preparing for that exam for a little less than 2 years, so i’d better start thinking about that too now)
And Atul and the others from India : because the ‘daylight saving time’ starts (or ends – i can never figure out which) in the US at around this time, I’m pretty sure we’ll be getting the results at 9: 30 pm IST…
And Atul, if we both get in, then i can be sure that there’ll be atleast one other person in MIT who can speak my mother tongue!
All the best, all of you!
I am really very excited, and somewhat nervous also. I wish I get into MIT.
I’m not going to be home to check it :(
Well personally I think MIT should put the letters in the mail tomorrow…please?
I’m so nervous. I don’t know if they have room for me although I really hope that they do. Does anyone know the statistics for 2011 yet? (like percent admitted)
ok, going to bed so when i wake up there will only be FOUR DAYS left!!
Fortunately or unfortunately, I’m one of those Pollyanna-type people who are really good at maintaining optimisim even in the face of defeat. I’ll probably be sitting there on Saturday with a goofy “you can do it!” face while the world collapses around me =D
Brilliant…now I have to look forward to emotional torture until saturday and possibly after saturday too…
Good luck to everyone who applied for 07!!!
really, fifteen minutes earlier?
At least you can’t make me wait ANOTHER 3 months for the decision
Only 1-3 people from my country make it to MIT each year. Please take me!
Being British, I was pretty worried to see that the decisions were being posted on St. Patrick’s day. Thinking back at our not so wonderful history, I had that “Oh no, I’m doomed!” feeling that everyone has for one reason or another. Then I remembered that Saint Patrick was born in England to Italian parents, and seeing as I speak Italian, then thought La Vita E’ Bella! Buona fortuna per tutti!