Q&A Vol. III by Elizabeth Choe '13
Everyone gather 'round the laptop 'cause it's movie time!
So while Rachel has been Facebooking, Jenny has been getting into poopy situations, and Anna has been dancing the night away in Cambridge, I’ve been going on to Facebook, enjoying plenty of potty humor and having impromptu dance parties of my own…
…I’M HOME AND IT’S AWESOME. More entries to come involving my research and other jobs, but until then here’s a video. Boom. Sorry in advance for the singing. If any of the other bloggers have actual vocal chops *cough*KateRudolph*cough*, please start making videos because I think our readers are being tortured.
Hehe.. Love the video, specially you guys singing and your “Oh my God, essay questions!” :-D
@anonymous: Lol
I am in grade 8 currently my science and math marks are the highest in the school and my other marks. However, i did not participate in any science fairs i have won a math competition when i was in 6th grade. I am on the honor roll and my writing is assessed at a grade 11 level and i still manage to get an A+ on it. It is my dream to get into MIT or Harvard. I currently reside in Canada which might make things even more difficult. Do you have any suggestions on what i could do to increase my chances? P.S. I am also going to CERN later on
I am in grade 8 currently my science and math marks are the highest in the school and my other marks. However, i did not participate in any science fairs i have won a math competition when i was in 6th grade. I am on the honor roll and my writing is assessed at a grade 11 level and i still manage to get an A+ on it. It is my dream to get into MIT or Harvard. I currently reside in Canada which might make things even more difficult. Do you have any suggestions on what i could do to increase my chances? P.S. I am also going to CERN later on
I have to admit your Q&A vlogs have become my favorite of all blogs here on MIT blogs

Keep it up !
Question : I’m planning to apply to MIT in a few months, but I’m in a French international school in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I know it’s quite unusual but I’m confident I have a chance at MIT. The question is, do you know anybody at MIT who graduated from high school with a French baccalaureate ? If yes, what was their experience ? Moreover, do you have any advice as I’m entering my senior year in September ?
Thanks a lot Elizabeth
@ Anonymous,
You still have a significant amount of time inbetween now and when you will actually apply to MIT. I wouldn’t worry about it too much to be honest… I know when I was in 8th grade I didn’t.
@Elizabeth, Your videos are always cool!
@anonymous: Ahh, an anonymous proposal via interwebz. Unless you are Chris Thile, no.
@Anonymous: I don’t mean to sound discouraging but a majority of the people who apply to MIT have very similar accolades. Perfect grades and difficult classes are no guarantee, by any means, for admission (actually, nothing *really* is). Instead, spend high school pursuing some of these subjects outside the classroom. If you love science, why not try doing a research project? If you love math, keep going for those math competitions (you can also do original research on math too!). If you love writing… write! Write stories or novels or essays or whatever. Point is, take the talents you have and do something you really enjoy with them. And I agree with Nathan – don’t stress out too much about it.
@Nathan: Dude we need to do a joint video blog next semester (maybe on MITSO?)
@Moe: Okay so the bloggers also often get questions from lots of international students. Maybe one of us will devote an entry to this. I ditto my response to Anonymous and add that you can use your unique situation positively in your application. More on this later, feel free to e-mail me if you want more info.
@Rachel: ummm YES
can we be the first to make purebred blogger babies plz
k better get cracking on the necessary biotech
Um, Do I sense a Mahler videoblog next semester?
Vblogs rock! I’d love to see one on Mahler
@Anonymous: If there’s any way you can find something that few people have done but you enjoy doing, or present your story in a unique way, that could make a stronger impression. GL w/ your work @ CERN.
oh my god you and your brother are the CUTEST.