Red Sox by Snively '11
Hey, did a Red Sox game just start? The dorm just shook and it sounded like a bunch of fighter jets just flew by, another benefit MIT has to offer: front row seats to fly-overs.
[Update] Yeah, I think there has to be a game, because I just heard the last little bit of the National Anthem FROM MY DORM ROOM!
So what is the policy for us Yankees Fans if we ever get to MIT ?????
I was wondering what that plane noise was. That makes sense.
Also, I can sit in bed and look at the lights in Fenway. Do you guys seriously need another reason to come to MIT?
@Next Year!
So Yankees fans do exist around here, and sometimes they’ll wear their hats, but you should probably avoid going into Boston dressed in your pinstripes. Red Sox fans are a whole new breed of crazy (proof) and there’s no telling what they’ll do to you.
That was it! That planes always fly over my house on their way to Boston (for the 4th of July too). I was sitting in my room and I thought there was an apocalypse! I looked into the sky as it grumbled and just saw dark clouds. Now, now I’m at ease.
Hah, yeah, my tour group had just exited building 14 when WHOOSH. We kind of just stared up for a second, after the planes had passed, wondering what that was about until someone mentioned the Sox game :D.
Wow. That reminds me of the Phillies celebration after the World Series. It was seriously scary in the city then. And that sounds awesome though I’m not really a Red Sox fan. Do you go often to games?
Apart from the front row seats to fly-overs does MIT offer a student from Australia, who is super interested in neuroscience, any benefits? I know that MIT has an amazing neuroscience program but how does it compare with other colleges when it comes to undergraduate neuroscience programs?
My son called home to tell us he thought Boston was under attack!
What is this stillzone.com thing? lol
@Kiss ’13
The stillzone thing, I thought, was really cool! It combines my hobby/sport (pistol) with my major (MechE) via fluid flow over a surface. You can see the boundary layer and visualize the losses associated with the hard edge of the pistol in the picture. Yeah 2.006!
Spark…Chill out… You are two years out from even applying…In the meantime, let us enjoy blogging about some things that give a little diversion
Someone from MIT’s flying club snapped a photo of them as they passed by Westgate, low over the Charles: http://web.mit.edu/dfn/www/2009-opening-day-fly-over.jpg.
I could see them clearly from my window.
That’s awesome. I don’t live by Boston, but I’ve always loved the Red Sox. I visited one time and walked on the field, and one of the coolest things is the scoreboard the “Green Monster.” It has so, so many dents in it from baseballs that you never notice when you watch games on TV.
hey its never to early to start lookin at colleges. I would say email somebody in the neuroscience or biological department and get their feedback. Depending on what you want to do with neuroscience, I think Emory in Atlanta is also a good school for it.
…very friendly…
MIT is awesome! Are the jets, blue angels?