Snow Day? No Way! by Paul B. '11
I'm totally counting down the days until the spring equinox.
As you may have seen from Shannon’s blog, everyone at MIT woke up to a rather snowy view outside. Here’s what my fraternity looked like:

Fortunately for me, my first class on Mondays is at noon. So the roads looked pretty good by then. :)

Happy Anti-Snow Day!
just got back from shoveling my driveway..
my hands hurt -.-
that was definitely every bit as efficient as my lacrosse practices
Nice pictures
I hate snow!!! The streets are disgusting.
I will never have a snow day here in SoCal. :(
Hopefully I’ll have the experience at MIT next year. :D
Down here in Mexico it’s starting to get a bit warm, around 30c degrees during the day and 10c at night.
Snow… I wonder how it feels. Where I live the only different weather we get is rain. Oh! One year we had a hail storm (hail + a tropical environment = global warming effect).
Hopefully, I’ll be able to see snow during next year’s winter.
PS: Dago you’re right. This morning we had 29¬∞C in Puerto Vallarta. I can’t believe I had to turn on my AC last night ._.
~Julio (’14?)
We had a snow day today too in NYC. I ended up doing work I didnt finish over the weekend though so it wasnt too fun…
How about a photo-blog post of your room? What’re the rooms like in a fraternity house?
@Drea – Yeah, I’ve never had a rain day :D The closest we came was having a “smog day” when there were fires in the area, but that just meant no PE, not no school.
@Paula: Thanks for the good idea! I’ll start putting some photos together.
@aidan: Nice guess, but not quite.
@Paul: Would that new camera be a Nikon D3? Haha..
I like the snow; it kinda gives a serene feeling provided you’re snug and warm!
…what’s with the sudden flood of blogging? Did they give you guys a quota or something?
^ I think it’s the day off
People in Southern California miss school just because it’s raining like two inches. I can’t imagine what would happen if it snowed, even half an inch. : )
Actually, I’m blogging more because I just got an awesome new camera. Maybe I’ll do a meta-blog about the camera sometime soon.
I’ve never had a “rain day” no matter how hard it’s raining. o_o
And I have a feeling there would be some amount of panic if it snowed, seeing as that’s kind of an environmental anomaly.
Iv had a gazillion EarthQuake days…lol.
Well, I didn’t mean an actual rain day. I just know that some people at school look for any excuse to skip school. I was just wondering what these people would do in the east coast where the rain is all weird and frozen : P