Sounds of Summer by Elizabeth Choe '13
What've you been listening to lately?
Howdy homies! Has it really been over a year since I posted this? Holy giggles it has!
Now I don’t know about you beautiful folks, but I still have four glorious days of summer break left, so I will continue to unapologetically blast some 90’s Mariah Carey in my car, but if her jamz don’t float your boat, here are some other tunes I’ve been playing this summer. Warning: They are mostly borderline-saccherinely peppy songs.
“Tallulah” by Company of Thieves – This is the kind of song that you enthusiastically sing along to alone in the car at 7 in the morning and other drivers stare at you but it’s like, I AIN’T EVEN MAD because you’re in such a good mood. This is completely uncharacteristic of the rest of their material, just sos ya knows.
“The Walk” by Mayer Hawthorne – This is the kind of song that you play in your head as you walk around like a badass until you realize that you are really just knocking over the displays at the Gap. Warning: he’s got a lil’ bit of a potty-mouth in this video, sorry.