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A head-and-shoulders illustration of Stu Schmill, dean of admissions. He has light skin, short grey hair and a beard, and is wearing rectangular glasses and a blue collared shirt with a darker blue tie.

Stephen, I’m Putting You On Notice! by Stu Schmill '86

Believe it or not, admissions officers occasionally try to do things besides reading applications to MIT. One of the things I enjoy doing in my downtime (besides playing with Legos) is watching the Colbert Report, which is one of my favorite television shows.

During one recent episode, Stephen Colbert interviewed Richard Hersh, a former university president who recently coauthored a book on how higher education is failing in America. During that interview Hersh – who I think it is fair to say is somewhat down on education in America today – had some very kind words to say about MIT. (Thanks Richard. The check from Tim Beaver is in the mail).

Stephen, though, had some unkind words about MIT, and moreover didn’t seem to really “get” what makes this such a special place. Now, I know such complex concepts may be difficult for him to grasp (after all, truthiness will only get you so far), but, as someone who cares deeply about education, I felt compelled to try.

So Stephen, a few of us here at MITAdmissions put something together in a form you might understand: