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MIT student blogger Connie H. '15

The Best of Times by Connie H. '15

summer at the NYTimes

I’m back on campus! I just finished my 10-week internship at the New York Times, which at one point made me use so much Rails I had dreams about it. I also did good amount of UI/UX and product design for an intern side project, culminating in a presentation that caused me to stand in an embarrassing well-what-do-we-have-here pose in front of a nonsensical slide that I designed as my group members snuck micro-naps in the back.

The Times was not at all what I expected, but everything I could’ve hoped for. Everyone was incredibly friendly, an expert in their field (be it marketing or puzzles), and very quick and witty. The only people in suits were either part time fashionistas or worked in the legal department. All in all, a great internship that was far from corporate, as these non-staged photos suggest:

I can’t reveal what I was working on, but I can say everything is going in a positive direction. :)

The rest of the summer was running around New York trying to cram in as many experiences as I could with my new baby:

Immediately after the internship ended, I had a brief stint in Canada for my older sister’s wedding. Bonnie (my parents let her name me) trusted me enough to design some of her wedding material!

And now I’m back on campus settling in and trying to feng shui the hell out of my room.

Coming up in the next three weeks with accompanying blog posts: another weekend in New York, preparing and helping run the pre orientation program DEAL (Discover Entrepreneurship and Leadership), sorority recruitment preparation and then sorority recruitment! And then school, or something.

How was your summer?