The Beginning of the End by Cristen C. '10
& the end of some beginnings
Do you know what it’s like to only have two classes left to graduate?
There’s a feeling that goes something like “ugh, if only I’d taken more classes in previous terms I could have graduated by now!” But I am not dwelling on that. While some of my friends have completed their requirements in three or three-and-a-half years, four years feels just right to me.
Then there’s the feeling of relief. Whew – I don’t need to cram 6 classes together to finish my degree. In fact I can proceed at a comfortable pace. I can almost take it easy!
But you can’t just sit around waiting for June 4th to come. At least, I can’t. :D But at least I am done with grad school apps now, and am back from blogging hiatus! I’ve spent so much time worrying for my future… will I get into a good school? Can I get a job? Can I ensure that I’ve made the best out of my four years at MIT? Will I end up broke and homeless? :X I feel so out of touch with everyone…. Being a second-semester senior in college sure feels different from being a second semester senior in high school. What on earth do you guys even need to know about nowadays? Comment below. ;)
Haha.. scared of unemployment even though she’s going to be an MIT graduate
i want to know about the Music major in MIT
can i know whether someone who is admitted to MIT can choose a music major even if he/she doesnt have any previous experience of it
and how the music is oriented?
I never Know even MIT graduates are insecure about their life
i think you’ll be ok. it’s the trivial things, however, that count nowadays. my friend got a job on spot… the interviewer said that he was the only interviewee who wore his watch on the left hand (which is meant to be the case) unlike the rest who wore their’s on the right hand!
well, guys, you can always be your own boss! which is a ton better than a job.
Well the regulars – Whateverisonthesyllabus and I guess whatever one is interested in knowing, oh and a lotta IM phrases at least in my case – hehe! just keeping up with the status quo. BTW what jobs are you looking forward to? I have also started researching on this matter recently.
I want to know how does it feel like to be a senior at MIT?…you don’t seem to be very happy about it? am I right?
IIT is better than your MIT…You go to hell.. Huh..
@ Billu
I am absolutely disappointed by your comments of GTH. Though your comparision could be your views and perceptions about different institutes,your comment shows total inablility to comprehend the thoughts of real world, esp when one is about to finish one’s college and face the reality for the first time.
Anyways just hoping that you/we would respect the value of education and an individual’s thoughts of real world alltogether.
(Don’t know if i am too heartfelt or rude but just Cant stop myself from saying this to you Billu, had you known a little to whom did you say GTH you would wish her The best successes for the rest of your life)
I think, you don’t have to be afraid to get a job.
The MIT is known as one of the best schools in the world here in austria.
Going there is a big dream for many of us, but only few will archieve this goal.