What’s Making Me Happy This Week: Week 1 by Natnael G. '15
Spider-Man, Nina Yuen, and More!
As exams become more and more of a reality that I can’t ignore, I find my weekly/fortnightly blogs slowly phasing themselves out. As such I thought I’d steal a simple format from the wonderful NPR podcast Pop Culture Happy Hour and just tell you guys a few things that made me happy this week. The rules are simple, what I post needs to be something that you can also enjoy (called the Zaxxon Rule) and the post shan’t be too long.
Amazing Spider-Man 2
I was lucky enough to see this movie on April 12th(I realize this was a few weeks ago but it’s still making me happy), thanks to the early UK release date, and I absolutely loved it. A huge fan of the original three movies (yes, even the third one) Spider-Man 2 was always one of my favorite movies and this movie knocked it of its throne. While I still feel like Tobey Maguire plays the better Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield has Spider-Man on lock.
How to Win Friends and Influence People
A few weeks back my future boss sent me a few books to check out before I started my internship. Sceptical about the title for this one I put off reading it and spent my free time catching up on a few fantasy books. After finishing The Wise Man’s Fear I decided to pick it up and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather. What I found was a wonderful book filled with useful tips and dozens of anecdotes of when these simple steps made a big difference in how a few greats, such as Lincoln, Roosevelt and Andrew Carnegie, ran the country and their businesses. This is a must read for anyone who going into an internship this summer.
Nina Yuen’s Videos
When Ernesto ’15 and I visited Amsterdam a few weeks back one of our stops was at the de Appel Arts Centre where we found a wonderful exhibition about the artist Nina Yuen. I can’t put my finger on what it is about the videos but we sat there and patiently watched all 40+ minutes in a trance. The video above, Heather Who, was my favorite of the bunch.
Ghost Ship – Sarah Kay
Sarah Kay is without a doubt one of my favorite spoken word poets and her new poem Ghost Ship is a great example why.
And with that I’ll finish with asking you guys a simple question, what’s making you happy this week?