Thoughts from the Dungeon by kellen manning
One night only
I’ve been stuck in the same dungeon in Metaphor: Refantazio for the last two weeks. The most frustrating part of this experience is that every time I turn the game on, it’s a new enemy that sends me to my digital maker. Well, that’s not true. The most frustrating part is that I don’t even need to beat this dungeon to finish the game. I could skip the dungeon and fight the final boss in his airship. Then, the credits would roll, and I could move on with my life. But…no. Mentally, I can’t accept that. So, here I am writing this blog instead.
At first, I was going to skip this blogging challenge. It’s been forever since I’ve written a blog for MIT, and I really don’t have much to contribute. But I saw everyone else doing it, and then there was an email from Ceri in my inbox this afternoon, and I figured this must be easier than what I’m dealing with in Metaphor. Right?
No. I was wrong. This is my fourth attempt at writing something, and the deadline is so close I can feel its icy breath on the nape of my neck01 can someone draw this for old times sake? . At this point, it’s whatever. I’m finishing something today, and if it’s not the game, then it will be this blog.
So, here I am. Blogging for the first time in three years. A lot has changed on my end. I feel older. You all feel older. Petey has always felt older, so that doesn’t count, and Jeremy is eternally young, so that doesn’t count either.
If I remember correctly, I used to say everyone has their version of MIT. I’m not sure who gave me that saying, but it still holds true. Looking back, my version of MIT was akin to running as fast as I could while trying to come up with as many cool ideas as possible before I hit the finish line. It was fun, and I like to think I’ve been carrying that vibe since I left. I don’t know.
Anyway. Back to the dungeon.
Wish me luck.
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