Walter Lewin ESG Lecture by Natnael G. '15
Oh, you know, only one of the most famous Physics Professors of all time
Earlier this year I had the pleasure to meet Walter Lewin at an ESG Friday Luncheon. A close friend of ESG’s 8.012/8.022 Professor Paola, he sat with us and answered any question we threw his way. Taking the most random questions and responding with TED talk worthy inspirational speeches, Lewin turned an ordinary lunch into an unforgettable memory that I was lucky enough to video tape. Covering topics from why he majored in physics to the ONLY reason someone wouldn’t like physics, Walter Lewin never ceased to amaze. But at this point I imagine you’re anxious to actually watch the videos and finally finish this drawn out introduction, without further ado I present to you “Walter Lewin ESG Lecture” in all its 68 minutes of glory.
After time was up he surprised us all with signed pictures to grace our dorm walls. Not only is he an amazing lecturer, he’s a wonderful, down to earth, person.
Tune in next time for a life update! My first year at MIT has flown by and it’s about time I update you guys on what’s been going on.