Your Questions by Matt McGann '00
What questions can I help answer about the application process?
I can't believe I've been blogging as an admissions officer at MIT for 9 years. Over that time, I've periodically opened up the comments to your questions, and then tried to answer them (this is now much easier with the advent of threaded comments). Directed questions that can be answered relatively briefly are best; those questions with answers that can be found easily on the website or that require a long, philosophcal answer are not ideal for this format. Otherwise, ask away!
Let me give you a brief update from campus… The Class of 2017 has arrived and is doing Orientation. Classes will begin next Wednesday. The Red Sox are in first place. And MIT Admissions recruitment travel season has begun, with our first meeting tonight in Orlando; we'll finish in a month in Chicagoland.
Finally, let me leave you with a photo from this week's annual East-West Water War — it ran in The Tech with the caption, "West Campus forces rally behind their wooden duck as they rush the forces from the East."
As for your questions, ask them below in the comments. I'll see you there!