Your friendly neighborhood webcaster by Dave McOwen
ignore if you can time travel within your own lifetime
Did you miss the CPW webcast with Lauren and Jennifer? Well if you hurry you can still catch it at the Class of 2014 site! (use the username/password we emailed to you).
The video will come down soon after the CPW registration page comes offline. Which reminds me…
Have you registered for CPW?
I swear that’s the last time I’ll ask, mostly because very soon CPW will transition from “the whirlwind adventure with my new classmates into the wonders of MIT I planned to register for” to “that potentially life-changing event I wished I’d registered for but missed the deadline because I inexplicably decided to watch all 5 seasons of ‘Quantum Leap’ back-to-back, which was very entertaining but in retrospect really could have waited.” *
[* Actual regret may vary]
I’m really posting to remind you that we’ll be having another admitted student webcast event on Wednesday (March 31st). This week’s theme is CPW! No I’m just kidding, it’s student life, and we have Uber-blogger Hamsika ’13 and Campus Information Session presenter (and all-around great guy) Paul ’12 to answer your questions.
We’ll be doing two different webcasts this time, one at 8:00pm EDT and one at 10:00pm EDT, in order to accommodate both coasts (and all the lovely time zones in-between). The page will go live ~30 minutes prior to each webcast so you can add your questions to the MIT Media Lab’s Backchannl feed, which will continue through the show.
I hope you can join us!
Paul and Hamsika student life webcast
Admitted students of the Class of 2014!
Wednesday, March 31st
8:00pm & 10:00pm EDT
first, again. see? no big deal.
Mr. Mcowen, I’ve sent you an email.
get a life
lol @a, i think CTMG is speaking in satire.
and we already know he/she isnt a real caltecher, itsa high school student. didnt you follow the last blog?
I don’t know if others are having this/these problems as well, but I seem to be only about halfway tied into the 2014er events…e.g. I haven’t gotten any of these mails, and I can’t access the guestbook or reply form.
I did send an email last week and got a response, but since nothing’s changed yet I thought I’d post here as well, just in case others are experiencing/have found solutions to similar issues.
Pretty please make a blog entry about it.
I am pursuing my 11th and 12th grade from a different school.
And i have my transcript of class ix and x of my old school
I am thinking of applying in the fall of 2011 and will submit mid year report in feb 2011 as per rules.
But then what about 11th class grades.
I also want to know whether only grades are to be written in transcript or marks are also to be added.
Thanking you
I registered for CPW on myMIT, but I forgot to send out my medical release forms until today. Is it too late?
I too can not access the Guestbook. I click on the link but it does not open. I guess this is because I was admitted last year and signed the 2013 Guestbook, but since I took a gap year and am planning to attend this fall I am considered among the 2014 class. This is very frustrating, as I have no other way to meet my classmates. I wonder if you too are on a gap year, niki? Mabe this problem is happening to all of us gappers. I too sent Addmissions an email but the problem is not solved yet.
ps: they say you register for CPW through your myMIT account, but I have no link in my account, wonder if thats because I’m an international resident?
I had no username or password sent to me?
@ Anonymous
WOOOOOOO!!!!!!! But I can’t post three times in a row (it’s bad form). I’m sure one of the other bloggers will be happy to post though.
@ niki & OnAGapYear’14
Sorry about that. I’ll be sure to add the delayed students to the mailings from now on. Email me (dmcowen@) and I’ll be happy to send it to you!
@ OnAGapYear’14: Yeah, I’m also on a gap year and a currently-international resident. I hadn’t noticed, but it’s true, I don’t have the CPW link in there either. Hope it gets fixed soon…it’s sadly kind of too late for all the guestbook excitement now, but I still want to see if anyone I know got in.
Ah well, at least there’s Facebook…