MIT Calling by Jess K. '10
Yo Snively - I lied. There are actually 2 admits in Oregon BESIDES you - so 3 total. Now all you have to do is find the third kid.

So both Melis AND Laura beat me to it, but last night was the early action telethon! 54 MIT students total came to chill out and check up on how you guys are doing by calling all 390 of the early admits (sometimes more than once.. our bad). We were probably more excited than you were – there were periods of time when we’d have to wait to call some people back, during which Christina and I called our parents to congratulate them on their early acceptance to MIT. (“Frank? Hi, this is Christina from MIT, and I’d like to congratulate you on your acceptance! That’s right! I was just wondering if you had any questions or would like to get the perspective of a current student.. yes, there are girls here..”)
So I was planning on posting the most common questions, but the truth is the most common question was just “nope, no questions”; which I totally understand. Last year when Anthony called me, I flipped out. “OH MAN MIT IS ON THE PHONE. OH MAN, I HAVE TO REMEMBER MY SAT VOCABULARY, OR THEY’LL RESCIND ME. OVER THE PHONE. AAAHHH. AAAHHHH. AHHHHHHHH.” And it’s not like you have time to prepare a list of questions either. So just in case you’d like to put names to faces and events to rooms, here’s what we looked like while we were talking to you.

I gave out my email probably around 30 times this evening, but just in case you didn’t get a call from me specifically, or we missed you – it’s iamjkim at mit dot edu. Please, please leave a comment or send me an email if you have a question or just want to say what’s up. Let me know you’re alive!
I did get asked about what I was doing over IAP a couple times, so just in case you missed it, here’s an update: EMT training, 8 hours a day, 4 days a week. Tonight was supposed to be my first shift on the ambulance, but it’s currently out of service due to a mixup with the insurance company; it should be up by next week, in which case I’ll be on shift next Tuesday. MIT’s Student EMS is actually the only collegiate-run EMS that runs their own ambulance and can thus transport students and other patients to get the care they need. It’s a pretty cool program, and I’m really excited to be a part of it. So’s everybody in the class, as far as I can tell..

Anyway, it was nice talking to you guys for real! Keep those questions coming; I’ll answer them all together in the next entry.
Awww I didn’t get a call either!!! I got one a couple of days ago about CPW so I guess that was my call, but since you said you called all of the EA people I thought you called again!! Maybe I didn’t get it because I was at this huge festival and there was no service so I couldn’t make or receive calls :(
Oh wow, you mentioned Spontaneous Pneumothoraxes in that picture. A doctor actually thought I had one, but it happened to be a really bad case of Pleurisy (inflammation of the lung due to infection)
So.. your e-mail is [email protected], right? Muah ha ha.. Now you shall surely get spammed!
Just kidding, I swapped out a capital “I” for a lowercase “L”.
I’ve noticed how people at MIT generally write their e-mail addresses in the “address at mit dot edu” format; it’s a very good idea. As soon as I switch e-mail addresses, I’ll have to start doing that. It’s quite clever.
Anyway, thanks for the pictures! I always enjoy seeing a slice of what’s happening at MIT!
-Adam S.
Adam S.-
Just curious, you seem to be really, really involved in these blogs. I seem to see your name in every post!! Do you have any affiliation with MIT currently or are you just a hopeful like a lot of us?
Do you call Regular applicants toooooooo
:-( I wish I’d gotten a call. Im usually never home, though, so it wouldn’t surprise me if I was out if/when you guys called.
By the way, Jess, is it possible to change my contact phone number for MIT? It’s listed now as the house phone (I got the CPW call), but my brother, mom and I are only ever home late at night (after 9pm, usually) or before we all leave in them morning (before 730ish), and I don’t want to miss any important calls. Thanks!
kate f’in cheney graced us with her presence??? NO WAY.
I just went and posted about how I was jealous and how I wished everywhere else did this only to find out that, lo and behold, Yale will be calling meee next week some time! Cool. I think every school should do this–it’s really nice.
Hey! I’m deferred, but I still feel like family here, so I’m dropping in to say what’s up! EMT training is so exciting! Here’s a little update on what I’m doing:
12 hours of watch, 7 days a week. Sleeping in a room with 95 other guys sharing 7 sinks and 4 toilets. Today is the first time I’ve ever been to Dubai, and it’s pretty awesome. It’s also the first time I’ve seen sunlight in the past month or so!
GAH! I thought the hunt was over. OK, here’s what we’ll do. 3rd Oregon person, sign the guestbook! PLEASE! Comment, sign, join the facebook group, do something! Thanks for the heads up though Jess, it was really cool to be in a tagline! I enjoyed the convo last night, it sounded like a crazy mob was on the other end of the phone, I can understand where the confusion came from. Looking forward to actually meeting you at CPW, ciao until then!
Does the MIT ambulance have jet thrusters or anything? That would be neat. Ejection seats? How about a lighted dance floor?
Oh yeah, insurance. Heh.
Bianca & others- everyone was called at least twice if there was no answer the first time around. A handful were called a few days ago by some of the admissions officers. Check your caller IDs or ask your little sister!
Ridiculous pictures of me again, but I’ll let it slide. You forgot to mention that we called Ben Jones to congratulate him as well. He was lame and didn’t pick up though. :(
Only 3 Oregon kids?!?!?!
That kind of scares me. I’m from Oregon, I’m applying next year, and that’s not a lot of people!!! So, does MIT have any limits for how many people they admit from different states?
Also, the school I go to is really small (~350 students serving 2 towns) and we don’t really have advanced classes. No Honors, AP, or IB. Basic Chemistry is considered an advanced science class. Is this going to affect me at all when I apply? Also, I’ve taken a lot of Agriculture classes, and am really involved (and when I say really involved, I mean that it’s pretty much my life…) in FFA. Is there anything at MIT that deals with Agriculture? And, how will that be looked at when I apply?
Anyway, I enjoy reading these blogs, so I post a lot. Especially on the more ‘interactive’ posts like The Mystery Hunt Preview.
Yeah, I’m just a hopeful. I do tend to post a lot, I dunno. In my opinion, MIT is about 100x better that my next choice college.
Are you a hopeful as well, Alyssa?
-Adam S.
Will you call the accepted students with regular decision?
Haha, calling pre-Frosh was the most amazing thing ever. It was so great, that I put off studying for my Friday exam just to call more and more and more of them. They were so nice! Now at least a dozen of the ’11s have both my e-mail and phone number!
Oh btw, there was also this mom from MA who talked to me for ~30 minutes, it was amazing!
Hope you’re having fun,
Yes, we will be calling students admitted regular action, it will probably be right before and/or after Spring break.
Kelsey K,
MIT does NOT have any limits or quotas for any geographical regions within the United States whatsoever.
They also know that there are HUGE differences between individual high schools. When they review applications, they don’t simply count up “advanced” courses taken by each student; they evaluate you in your own context. So if you took advantage of the opportunities that were available to you, you will be on the same level as someone who had more (or less) opportunities and also took advantage of them.
If agriculture is your thing, then by all means include as much of that as possible in your app. MIT wants to see your dedication to the things you believe are important.
Disclaimer: I am not a member of the admissions staff, nor have I even been accepted to MIT (yet). I’m sure Jess will get back to you about your questions soon (and hopefully include something about Ag at MIT, because I have no answer for you there).
sounds you’re having fun in IAP;)
impressive you have a student EMS- in germany only universties that work together with a hospital(for the mdical subjects) let students work there!
Have fun!
Ah that’s not fair, I didn’t get a call (or at least I don’t think I did) from you guys. Even though it would probably amount to: “Omg you guys are so cool! Oh and no I don’t have any questions. Sorry, bye!” Unfortunately I always find the answers to my questions before I actually need them.
Love your pictures by the way!
Er,.. when Berlin calls, I can listen it over a rectangular box. Honestly, I swing in the tune, though don’t understand anything. But when MIT calls, why do I need another annoying animal? (That’s the AN3, ………….. Bell himself made this comment……not I :D)
Hey, I got a call from Christina! …but I was on a bus on my way back from a theater convention so I missed it. BUMMER.
Grant – I would contact [email protected]. It’s definitely possible, so no worries
And for everyone who was wondering – yes, we’ll be calling the regular action admits in the spring. You better be around for our call.. OR ELSE! DUN DUN DUN
Adam S. –
Yup! I’m just a hopeful from the Windy City. I was just asking because I was really impressed with your IAP problem solving! You seemed to be really into it, and you figured out those puzzles like none other. (It may seem like I didn’t post a lot of things for the Mystery Hunt Preview thing, but I used anonymous a lot for some reason there). I hope you get good news from MIT in the spring!
i’ve always wanted to use the phrase “rocks my socks” somewhere, so here I go and hopefully it won’t be too cheesy —
—- haha – sweet :D
MIT rocks my socks
argh… I was one of those MIT hopefuls that got deferred.. And I’m from Oregon… *tears*
Oh well, cross fingers for regular decision. :D
i can’t believe you put up a picture of herrrr and not meeee. die. PS Nicole says she looks rediculous in that picture. i agree.
Thanks Daniel! You helped clarify things a little!
Kristin – your mom was a sweetheart! I gave her my cell phone number & email address; you’re welcome to email/call me anytime
Ow, How I do so wish that I would be admitted regular action. I can see I would have some wonderful classmates and some wonderful friends. Way to go MIT. You are the very best. I love you all.
sir i want to take admission in mit. by scholarship. please guide me.
I’ve always wanted to ask if you ever rubbed George Eastman’s nose for good luck…
I’m done snooping.
But maaaaan…. this looks like a lot of fun.
2.7 years till the world’s ready for my taking.
To everyone who missed their call: don’t worry about it – expect one during the RA Telethon, if things are the same as last year.
Of course, if you’re me, then you’ll get both calls in the middle of performances you’re writing reviews for and won’t be able to answer either one.
But hey, no one else’s luck is THAT bad, right?
(David Chen! I was sick and accidentally slept through half of the EA telethon. Woe. We both missed it, and it would have been full of even more happiness had we been there. Also, Omar ’10 would not still be bothering me about missing it.)
This concludes my too-long comment on Jess’s blog in lieu of writing my own blog posts.
I noticed many people at MIT seem to use PowerBooks/MacBooks. Do students typically tend to have large screens (say, 15″ or 17″), or the more common 13″ types?
but I didn’t T.T
aww well,
always next year, right?
Okay, so there are 3 kids from Oregon…
Last time I checked the guest book there were only two from Wisconsin.
Are there kids who never signed the guest book, or are we really the only two kids from the Dairy State to represent next year?
hahaha YAY you mentioned OREGON!!!! i only wish there were more of us at MIT.
Alie – you’re forgetting the majority of the class is accepted in RA.