ZOMG CPW by Mikey Yang '05
ZOMG…CPW BEGINS TOMORROW!! AHHH! Aren’t you super excited?!?!?
I’ve spent the past several weeks with many of my colleagues, working long days and nights to match up all 1,100+ of you coming this weekend with current student hosts. (If your host hasn’t been in touch with you, don’t worry – you WILL have a host and a place to stay once you get here. We’ll work it out! And if your host has tried to contact you but you haven’t gotten back to him/her yet, do so ASAP so you can work out living arrangements, a meeting time/place, and everything!)
Anyways, in addition to matching all y’all with hosts, I’ve also spent the past several months planning the Closing Remarks and Variety Show that’s happening Saturday night. Come check it out!
The details:
Saturday, April 10, 2010
6:00-7:30pm (Doors open at 5:30pm)
Kresge Auditorium
(Here’s a link to the online CPW schedule entry.)
There are going to be 5 fantastic acts at the show:
– Chorallaries (a cappella, co-ed)
– Imobilare (dance, breakdancing/hip-hop)
– Ariadne Smith ’10 (classical guitar)
– Bhangra (dance, Punjabi)
– Logarhythms (a cappella, all-male)
These are, of course, just a sampling of the 60+ performing arts groups at MIT. There are also a lot of other cool arts-related things going on throughout the weekend, like:
– Next Act (they’re doing the musical “Urinetown” this year), Thurs/Fri/Sat 8-10pm @ Next House
– Steel Pan Jamboree, Fri 3-5pm on the Student Center Steps
– All A Cappella Extravaganza, Fri 4-6pm in 34-101
– SAAS (South Asian American Students) Culture Show, Fri 7pm in Kresge Auditorium
– Battle of the Bands, Sat 7:30-9:30pm in Lobdell Dining Hall (2nd floor Student Center)
– Emerson ScholarRecitals: violinist Tanya Goldhaber ’10 will be performing Fri 12-1pm, and pianist Sarah Rumbley ’12 will be performing Fri 5-6pm, both in Killian Hall (14W-111)
…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg…so many cool and awesome things to do this weekend!!
Anyways, come to the Closing Variety Show, and say hi to me at the CPW Help Desk, Student Welcome, Meet the Bloggers, and other stuff throughout the weekend!
And tweet me if you’d like…I’m @MikeyMIT. Chris also posted a bunch of stuff about CPW + Web things so you can get your nerd on while CPW-ing!
Have a safe trip, and we’ll see you soon. Less than 12 hours ’til CPW begins!
And thank you for planning the variety show. I’m hyped. :D
Just did hack…
hi my name is mariett urbina i’m from venezuela.. i’m student from system Engineer here in ULA, i have a question i’m studing my third year and i want to do a realy good final project.. how can i apply to do my final project there.. i know about some students that did it there.. please help me thank you chao…