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MIT Admissions will be closed for an office gathering from 12:30–5 PM on Thursday, December 19.

Melis A. '08

  • Course 2A
MIT student blogger Melis A. '08


Born in the suburbs of D.C., I used to live across the street from a nuclear reactor, and my current house is two blocks away from the National Institutes of Health. Perhaps my love for science and engineering was inevitable.

My name is Melis and I graduated from MIT in 2008 with a degree in
mechanical engineering with biomedical engineering. I am currently at
Oxford University, studying for a Masters degree in Immunology, and
I'll be going back to Boston afterward to get an MD-PhD through the
Harvard-MIT HST program. As an undergrad at MIT, I got my research
kicks from my UROPs (I'm currently doing my senior thesis project in
the Lab for Multiscale Regenerative Technologies) and summer
internships at the National Institutes of Health, National Institutes
of Standards and Technology, and Massachusetts General Hospital. I was
also an Editor-in-Chief for the MIT Undergraduate Research Journal, a
mentor for the Cambridge Science Club for Girls, and a member of
Biomatrix (a life sciences and engineering mentoring program), the
BioMedical Engineering Society, and my sorority, Alpha Chi Omega.

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