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MIT student blogger Lulu L. '09

I’m the new 8.012 tutor! by Lulu L. '09

blah blah blah

Come to my “office hours”!



27 responses to “I’m the new 8.012 tutor!”

  1. mit in 2009 says:


  2. Danae says:

    Oh my God!!! That is, like, so hilarious!

  3. Lauren '12 says:

    YAY! I was really sad they had canceled tutoring.

    I’m excited. See you at office hours! haha

  4. erik says:

    awesome post very helpfull :D now I know how to finish my writing with style raspberry


  5. Anonymous says:

    Does this hold the record for shortest ever admissions blog?

  6. Sally says:

    So helpful… lol ;D

  7. Anonymous says:

    Sorry, but nighttime tutoring is, like, the worst thing ever. :p

  8. Piper says:

    @Ehsan – 8.012 is basically physics for masochists.

    And wow, Lulu, I doubt I could get through 8.012, let alone tutor for it wink

  9. Mgccl says:

    I still don’t get why the quotation mark for “office hours” …
    the LOL after it made me think it suppose to be a pun or some other funny reference.
    But doesn’t look so…

  10. Mgccl says:

    Is it suppose to be a pun or something..?

  11. Ehsan says:

    Officially shortest blog post! Also the blog despriction is awesome!

    I’m guessing as a grade ten that 8.012 is kind of physics?

  12. Rutu '12 says:

    Hehe when I first saw your name on the website as our new tutor, I was like, “I’ve seen that name somewhere…….” See you at office hours (probably).

    @ Anonymous: Nighttime tutoring hours are the best!!!!

  13. Sebastien says:

    Hey lulu,

    Some bloggers have been showing us what their essays were like when they applied, and so far I’ve found them to be very inspirational.

    Out of all these blogs, though, you seem to have a certain touch when you write that I’m frankly intrigued by. There’s something about the candor and insight that holds the attention more strongly than the rest. Will you post anything of yours besides a blog entry or physics paper? Admissions essay perhaps, but if not that, then some other prose? I really enjoyed your “Lunch Date…” poem and I’m interested in hearing more.

  14. Sebastien says:

    hmm and @Anon…
    Go back to 4chan.

  15. lulu says:

    whoa what happened here.

    And sebastien- i do have a bunch of essays I wrote for autobiography class… i’m not sure if I’ll post my MIT one but maybe I’ll post these at some point. I put lunch date up here? lol i dont even remember

  16. Alex says:

    I have a question about MIT’s personal essay.
    So the limit is 500 words… do the admissions people really sit there and count the number of words?
    cuz im at about 511 and just can’t cut it down any further

  17. lulu says:

    511 is fine, i promise

  18. Anonymous says:

    lol this actually has 21 comments xD

  19. Anonymous says:

    will any new blogger also post their essays? we all desperately need them to assure that we have not done a blunder.

  20. moose '12 says:

    And you are an a-May-zing tutor, thanks so much for all of your help!!!! i will definitely be coming to more tutoring sessions, they are So helpful… =)

  21. anonymous says:

    About the essay question, how is 600? 700?

  22. lulu says:

    try to keep it under 600, k?

  23. xyz says:

    LOL hi Lulu, I don’t really know where else to ask this but honestly, how much work is it to be at MIT? How long does your typical problem set take you and what is the sequence of events that involve you doing it (so do you typically work independently until your brain explodes and then find a group to help, or just go to a group for the whole thing, or do it all independently, etc?), and how many days do you typically have to do a pset?
    Also are tests just at midterms and finals or are there often other tests/quizzes during the semester? Have you ever met someone who really thought they couldn’t do the work and then just figured it out? aaaaaaand, how much sleep do you get on a typical night? Thank you smile