Super Adventure Club by Sam M. '07
In a little while, I'll be gone.
DID YOU KNOW? The world’s most heavily-trafficked passenger airport is in Atlanta, Georgia?
Hey, if you came here from Google looking for something about South Park, no luck–this is just another stupid blog.
I’ve told this to basically everybody I saw today and I feel like I’m just recklessly complaining, but here goes:
Today I had a to-do list of 23 things to do before Spring Break. Right now, I’m working on number 22:
And what am I doing for Spring Break? Well, I’m not heading east like our very own Bryan and Anthony. Rather, I’ll be going south and west to my beloved homeland–Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
And how am I getting there? Well, there’s beauty in the breakdown.
At 5 AM, I’m leaving Burton-Conner for South Station by the T. Once there, I’ll stop at Au Bon Pain kiosk there for a cheese croissant and a large tea before my 6:40 AM train to Philadelphia. After a 6-hour nap, I’ll wake up in Philadelphia and prepare to make my 13-minute (!) layover and get on a train to Lancaster, PA. If I don’t make this, I hold Anthony personally responsible.
Hopefully, at around 2 PM in Lancaster, I’ll meet up with my friend Shawna, who goes to Franklin and Marshall College. Shawna’s performing in a flute recital with the “deft, smooth” flute soloist Jennifer Grim, who has performed sold-out shows in Carnegie Hall. If there are three things I like, they are deftness, smoothness, and Shawna.
Now, here it gets interesting–my friend Moria ’06 and company have decided to take their spring break to go from Boston to West Virginia, where Darris ’06 lives. Turns out this goes right down I-81, which is fortuitously right by my house. So, Moria and company are making a 40-minute detour to stop by F and M and pick me up. From there, we’re driving not to my house, but to my grandmother’s house in Jonestown, PA, which has far better accommodations. After spending the night there and getting some fresh Pennsylvania Dutch-style donuts in the morning, we’ll be off to Chocolate World, and then to my beloved house, where Sam’s Mom will be waiting anxiously at the window.
I have three goals for spring break:
1. go to the optometrist to replace the pair
2. get a haircut, or decide that my hair is beautiful.
3. take a bath
That’s it for tonight, Parappa.
Ironic, how you’re leaving MIT for your spring break, when a good number of the people frequenting these blogs are going to MIT for theirs. ^_^
On an entirely unrelated note, I need to stop recognizing your allusions to songs.
I especially love the Anthony note lol Have a fun and safe trip.
So let go, let go, cause there’s beauty in the breakdown.
Garden State is one of my favorite movies ever; if you haven’t seen it, you should over spring break.
Since I haven’t heard a song that the title reminds me of, I can’t help thinking of the South Park from last night.
Baaaah I suddenly wish I had different plans for the next week.
Hey, I’m from the Harrisburg area and the Patriot said that Chocolate World is closed for renovations until sometime in April. I hope that doesn’t mess up your plans!
No one has commented on the title?
I hate Copenhagen keyboards!!!!
ИґђІђяђЗИљИґИљИ÷ИАИ№Ит and Alt Gr.
And South Park rocks. Don’t worry pre+frosh, you can get Cable in your frat. Or your boyfriend’s frat. That’s what I do.
You all suck, there is a real super adventure club, and what south park makes fun of is usually true, except the family guy episode. The mormons are based on a guy who is a fraud, and scientology is a cult to make money and be tax free by brain washing people into a religion based on alien spirits possesing people and causing bad vibes