#9 Dream by Sam M. '07
Ah, bowakawa, pousse pousse! Ah, bowakawa, pousse pousse!
DID YOU KNOW? Stonehenge is not in Scotland.
Okay, another cop-out entry in the midst of studying for finals. Go read Mollie’s blog; she’s a senior, so she doesn’t have finals.
Today, Mitra awoke me with a knock at the door and the simple statement “Your alarm has been going off for over an hour.” “Okay.” said I, shut the door, rectified the problem, and snuggled back into bed for another hour or so. Turns out that I was having a wonderfully noisy dream about a Course 10 ’07 and a Course 10 ’08 involved in a huge championship boxing match, and I was in the control room where they were telling you what camera to go to and whatever. Anyway, the ’07 was really fast and dodging all the punches that the ’08 through, and as a result she was totally beating him down.
Later that day I was bored ripping posters from the walls of my rooms, so I e-mailed the ’07 with a description of the dream I had. She responded with amusement, and a non-sequitir that Pulitzer Prize-winning composer and MIT Institute Professor John Harbison is teaching 21M.500L Senior Seminar in Music next term.
21M.500 Senior Seminar in Music
Undergrad (Fall) HASS Elective
Prereq: 21M.302 and two 21M.2xx subjects
Units: 3-0-9
Add to schedule Lecture: MW3.30-5 (4-160)
Develop analytic and research skills in music. Focus upon a small number of important works, which are studied in depth. Strong emphasis upon student presentations and discussion, and a substantial writing project.
J. Harbison
And best of all, I have the prereqs for it! So much for taking only four classes in my senior year. All because of a crazy boxing dream I had.
Dreams. Maybe we’re made of dreams.
NEXT UP: Pictures of my ex-room
Current Top 5 iTunes playlist for studying, and also so you can judge how cool I am as a person by my musical taste:
“Free As A Bird” — The Beatles (1995)
“For the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti” — Sufjan Stevens
“Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands” — Bob Dylan
“The Mollusk” — Ween
“Birdland” — Patti Smith
why would stonehenge be in scotland?
yay. I love The Beatles.