Bring your stuffed toys to class by CJ Q. '23
reflections on liminality
Roll carts around campus. Marvel at the wonder that is the wheel. Learn where all the ramps and elevators are. Grumble when there’s no elevator near the stairwell you always take. Find an elevator and take it. Exit the elevator and grumble when you see the stairwell you always take. Come up with two very different ways to get from point A to point B.
Wear silly hats on Halloween. Realize Halloween is only once a year. Wear silly hats not on Halloween. Wear silly hats to your lab section. Get people to ask questions about your silly hats. Take pictures of yourself. Take pictures of yourself wearing silly hats.
Take pictures of your friends wearing silly hats.
Go on Nerf fights. Spend hours wandering empty hallways looking for people to shoot. Mull over your life decisions and how you ended up here. Imagine how different your life would’ve been if you weren’t here. Be happy that you’re here. Be happy that you’re here, now, carrying a Nerf gun looking for people to shoot.
Worry about how you can’t do this after you graduate. Worry about how you can’t stay in MIT forever. Talk to all your friends about how you can’t stay in MIT forever. Screenshot your conversations and share them.
(With permission, of course.)
Work on problem sets. Consider procrastinating on your problem sets. Punt your problem sets. Play board games.
Apply for internships. Apply for dozens of internships. Apply for hundreds of internships. Interview. Get rejections for internships. Get rejections for hundreds of internships.
Get an offer for an internship. Get another offer for an internship. Celebrate by playing board games.
Tell all your friends about it. Tell social media about it. Put the offer deadlines on your calendar. Ignore the deadlines for a week. Fret over which offer you’ll take. Weigh the pros and cons of each option carefully. Ask everyone about it, literally everyone you can about it. Punt the decision and play board games.
Go on walks alone. Go on walks in the middle of the night. Go on walks outside MIT.
Go on walks with friends. Go on walks in the tunnels. Follow mysterious signs in the tunnels. Keep following the mysterious signs in the tunnels. Be confused when following the mysterious signs lead you to nowhere. Follow the signs back to see if you missed anything. Follow the signs forward again to see that you didn’t.
Laugh at how silly it all was. Wonder if the signs are a clever metaphor.
Own stuffed toys. Bring your stuffed toys to finals.
Bring your stuffed toys to class.
Do things that make you happy.
Live a little.
Heck, live a lot.