Citius, Altius, Mens et Manus by Sam M. '07
In the words of a great woman, "Yay, a hack!"
DID YOU KNOW? The United States won 9 gold medals in the most recent Winter Olympics in Torino.
..and many thanks to Joe ’06 for showing up with this photograph at 6:30 in the AM.
Even bigger?
Full size?
Nice one, hacking community.
So the hacking community has been active this year, huh?!
Yeah, Mitra, don’t you read the Tech? It got two thumbs up. =—–
URL: http://boyscouter1147.livejournal.com
DATE: 02/28/2006 04:02:05 PM
Neat! (how retro Nancy Drew-esque does that sound?)
Neat hack. I like.
Cool Hack!!
I think the medal looks a lot like a doughnut.
Come on. I can’t be the only one.
I was pretty sure the actual medals this year were discarded AOL cds.
What a good year this is turning out to be for hacks!
It more closely resembles a cheerio, in my opinion.
I actually thought it looked a bit like a pineapple ring from the pictures. Rest assured that in real life, it is far more majestic.