East Campus Rush 2014: RAW SCIENCE by Rachel D. '16
There shall be no entertainment or amusement in our courtyard, only roller coasters
This Sunday is the infamous East Side Party, which is open to the MIT community. We will showcase our various science projects that we have been working on over the past week.
Some of these science experiments include a three story fort, a roller coaster, a viking ship, and 3D twister.
Prefrosh will have the opportunity to battle in a giant wrestling pit made of pudding or some other terrible substance and dance until their feet fall off. But it is all in the name of science.
All events taking place over the next week can be found in the Daily Confusion, which is actually just a collection of inside jokes that I find extremely entertaining interesting.
The construction in the courtyard is pretty incredible. Here are a collection of photos I have taken of the construction over the past few days!
Inside of our main lounge (Talbot), Alyssa W. ’16 is working on creating banners for most halls in East Campus!
As you can see, it is a really exciting time of year for the denizens of East Campus. We are excited for our new prefrosh and about the build. We are excited for the science, not for the amusement or entertainment.
All the while, little Aria is getting adjusted to her new home on Tetazoo :)
(Title and tagline courtesy of Sabrina S. ’16, all photos taken by Rachel D. ’16)