For the Admitted Students by Chris S. '11
Welcome, Class of 2013!
First of all,
Welcome to the MIT Family!
3. Go on Facebook. Now. Join this group. Go “Facebook official” with MIT! ;)
14. Sometime soon, Matt will post a blog about Admission statistics. It’s always interesting to see how you fared (especially since this year was AGAIN the most competitive class ever – well, no surprises there!).
15. Sometime soon (on Tuesday), The Tech will publish an article about admissions this year, and it’s always an interesting read. (there’s already an article about it – they’ll probably keep updating it?)
92. Keep your eyes peeled on the myMIT portal. Sign the guestbook to introduce yourself to your peers if you haven’t already, and keep watching for things since the portal gets updated for new information (if it haven’t already!). Eventually, the portal will include all kinds of cool things like CPW Registration, meetings with local MIT alums to congratulate you on your acceptance, Overnight Visit form, and of course, your MIT Reply Form.
653. Plan what to do with the Official Copy of the Admissions Letter that will be coming soon to a postbox near you. :)
5,897. Let any of us know if you have any questions about MIT at anytime! We’re always here to help. =p
9,323. Stay by your phone (yeah, the one you put down on your application) beginning at 6 PM (local time) TODAY, the 16th, and you might receive a very mysterious phone call.
84,626. Check. it. out! boo-yah!
433,832. Say no. You can do it! ;)
795,028. Let your teachers (especially those who wrote your recommendation letters) know about the good news! They were part of your epic journey, and I’m sure they’ll be very happy to hear news from you. :D
841,971. Take some time away from fretting (especially since you’ve been doing it since January 1 =p) – and just take it easy for awhile. Spend some time with your parents, go out to a movie with your friends, and relax! Take the time also to enjoy your senior year classmates. Just like High School Musical 3, you’ll all be graduating sooner than you think.
6,939,937. GET PUMPED for Campus Preview Weekend! (CPW) So I never got to come to CPW when I got in, but after going through the my last CPW (which is also my first, along with the ’12s), I can tell you that it’s a crazy experience that you don’t want to miss if you can. :D Since it’s basically just a month now, get your plane tickets early if you want to come! Also, if your parents are coming along – make sure to get hotel reservations (MIT has discounts with Marriott – you’ll probably get more information about this in the package with your official admission certificate that you will get soon in the mail =p)
If you don’t believe me on the awesomeness that is CPW, just read any of this! woo!
It’s been a long journey, eh? :) Again, congratulations!
A Japanese radio station once conducted a survey on what songs describe the joy of getting an acceptance letter. This was number one on the survey. I found an English-subbed version, so have fun! =p
前を向け! (face forward!)
Finally our class is complete, from ea to fresh blood :]
And once you join the FB group, join the AIM chat mit2013. good? good.
Lol, nice w/ #433/832
Oh yeah, a full class of sexy nerds,see yah at cpwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~!!`#@#$@
@Avo ’13
IS this what you do with your free time at home,lol. I like the chat plug.
wise choice of numbers, Chris
(Actually, you would’ve done well to post this three days ago
Yes, pre-froshling, come for CPW.
Thanks for the post. OMG! Arashi, I love your song choice.
There still might but some waitlistees to join us… while I hope that enough people who got accepted make the GOOD CHOICE and matriculate, we can’t count out the people that got waitlisted just yet (that’s why they were waitlisted).
Gah, you totally split the digits of pi in a different place than I do, and it totally threw me off.
I had to procrastinate a LITTLE before working on my srp. mmm CPW, so close-!
Good point… Got a little ahead of myself in my excitement :] But we have a pretty good body of our class.
Wish I could have come to CPW! But It’d cost me like $2000 :D Thanks for the post Chris.
Will the 6 p.m. call come to our cell phone or home phone?
And one more question for Chris Su: why do you sometimes go by Oasis ’11?
@ Rachel ’13 –
I assume whichever phone that you put down on your application (how many fields are there for phone number on your application?)
But I would say home phone, most probably, unless they can’t reach you there and then they would use another number.
I post comments as Oasis since it’s my collegeconfidential.com username. (which I haven’t been on for like four months, haha)
Thanks for all the info!
for those of you fretting about high airline prices, airtran has 1-way standby tickets available for $69 for anyone under 23. check out their website for the details – obviously they don’t fly to most cities, but it’s a good deal if it works for you.
you can also try flying into new york (laguardia, JFK, and newark airport) and taking a $15 bus down from the big apple. Sometimes it’s cheaper to fly into a larger city.
haha “Say no” i was very amused by that.
But i currently do have to make that choice… and it’s tough.
433,832. Say no. You can do it!
did the “no” one last year..if any pre-frosh need some advice to why you should say no to either one of these great..but not as great as mit schools..just ask anyone here during cpw..or on the boards
How do you know if you were admitted into the engineering program as a pose to general admission, and what is the difference between the two?
As an undergraduate admit, you are admitted to MIT as a whole, not a particular school or department. You are free to choose any major — engineering or otherwise.
Whoohhooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Haha. Say no. Because bullies aren’t bigger than all of us
Am I the only one who don’t get those numbers?
I feel as if I’m not nerdy enough to attend MIT. I enrolled in Calc BC, but since our teacher doesn’t ever check homework or grade anything but tests/quizzes/take home tests, me and my pal opted to never do homework ever except the day before a test, where we cram until midnight starting at 6:30. out of ~130 HW assignments thus far, I have fully completed maybe……seven or eight…? Its even worse in economics, I’ve only taken maybe 20 pages of notes and I have no study skills. I guess what I’m trying to get at is that I feel like I will not be welcome at the Institvte because I have barely studied all my life and really don’t know that much about anything. I’m more of that dirtbag kid you see so much of at your highschool than the super special awesome overachiever.
In a nutshell, I feel as if i will get completely OWNED if i enroll at MIT. I feel like one of those guys who “slipped in” when other people with more determination and effort didn’t get in.
I am sure that if you were accepted, then you have something to offer MIT, and MIT has something to offer you. There’s no need to be concerned that “you’re not good enough”. You are. I do not believe the environment at MIT is particularly competitive. We will all be there to help each other. Of course the courses will be difficult, but that challenge is part of the great experience of MIT! Anyway, don’t get nervous that you don’t fit some sort of MIT stereotype. That should not be a problem.
“433,832. Say no. You can do it!
@ Arash’13
Are u Iranian?
Can students with AP scores apply for MIT if they didn’t take SAT test?
@ Albert Jing –
I’m pretty sure MIT requires either SAT I or TOEFL as well as SAT 2 exam scores (math+science) for admission.
If you think about it, AP scores don’t necessarily demonstrate the same kind of things tested in the SAT I, for example.
The digits were split so that each new digit was the smallest possible value that would be larger than the previous entry.
Love the song…I wonder if I can find it on iTunes.
Say no (hyperlink to caltech.edu and harvard.edu)
I burst into laughs
yeah your beaver doll looks like gimp, see paintbrush as teeth
harvard has too problems Bill Gaze (yuck)
first problem is, it’s not MIT
I too didn’t get the numbers???
What for they were?Nebody??