INT to the INT to the IN(s)T by Chris S. '11
i3 Videos! woo!
Interactive Introduction to the Institute (i3)
(n.) – a DVD you will receive with your next big mailing (scheduled to be sent out early May), after you choose to matriculate. The DVD is a compilation of student-produced videos introducing each of the 17 (this year!) dorms at MIT (counting New House as 6 different dorms – New House, iHouse, and 4 cultural houses).
The DVD comes in a nifty little graphic-intensive booklet with all the gory details of housing options, cost, dining hall, housing lottery, REX (when you come to campus and check out the dorms for yourself), the highly controversial Residential-Based Advising, and more graphic advertisement for each of the 17 dorms.
As there would definitely be a lot more questions about the MIT housing system as you guys actually get these booklets, I would defer actually blogging about choosing a dorm later on (and I’m sure Paul would have a lot to say about this as well).
But anywhoo, I want to give you a “sneak peek” of some of the 2008 i3 videos already floating around on the Net, if you’re curious. :)
We shall begin, of course, with iHouse – my dorm! =p
< shameless advertising>
Welcome to the highly innovative, oft-mentioned, MIT-homepage featured, administration-acclaimed International House.
< more shameless plug>
Video bought to you by yours truly…
< /shameless advertisements>
(note: the ending is actually cut off, for some reason by Youtube, meh)
(psst, Steve is my roommate, and so is Zach – you might remember him from everyone’s favorite – Mastering Physics =p. the bed with the stuffed lion is mine, lolol)
Some other ones!
BAKER HOUSE – AWESOME “baker kart”
And if you’re curious what the booklet that contains your i3 DVD looks like…
(I stuffed the DVDs into a lot of those booklets on Thursday!)
That booklet is so colourful!
That booklet is so colourful!
<3 .
But seriously, picking a dorm without actually having visited any of them is going to be one the hardest things ever; only next to waiting for my admissions’ decision.
Snively is now officially off of the homepage! I took a screen shot to commemorate the occasion!
arg picking a dorm is going to be tough
Anyone else totally think of D&D when they saw “INT”?
yeah i think that’s true. It really is a difficult decision. Because there are so many things to consider. I really liked next, but too far. And then there’s EC, but I don’t feel I’m that into the culture to fit in. Then there’s Senior Haus, which is pretty cool. Ahhh….
Senior Haus has an i3 video too.
Just sayin’.
Tough decision though.
I thought of “integrals” because the integral function on my calculator is “int”.
Great post and I can’t wait for my booklet! But I was wondering, I already matriculated and so far havent been asked for a deposit. Should I have already sent in a deposit?
@Paul: That’s exactly what came into my mind actually, but after scanning the page I realized that there was not a single mention of an RPG to be found.
I really want to be in either McCormick, Burton-Connor, or New House, except New House is a bit far off.
@ Dima- for serious? like, ever?
I hereby apologize for not having enough RPG knowledge to imply INT as such =p
(I’ve always been fascinated with D&D, actually. It’s just I went to school in Taiwan and it’s nonexistent there. The only actual D&D exposure I had was at Mathcamp…lol)
@Anonymous, there is no deposit =D
Wow, Senior Haus, Baker and BC look so cool (and so does Mc Gregor I think).
@MiniPocketsized, there’s no deposit at all as far as I know (unless they surprise us in the next big mailing =P)
hey chris hey chris <3
did you get my note??
why didn’t you respond??
wasn’t that lab boring? i was watching you to pass my time :D
haha chris! i cant believe you put the yatta song in…. remember the days when u sang yatta 24/7