It’s All About The Process by Bryan G. Nance
Take a moment, then get back in the game.
As you probably know by now, MIT has completed the process of admitting the class of 2010. I am very proud of the Admissions professionals at MIT. So much so that I am proud to say that many are more like friends than colleagues. We spent many, many nights and weekends looking at all of your applications. As we began Selection Committee I was overwhelmed with the staff’s knowledge of individual cases and their passion and respect for the process.
I am particularly pleased with the diversity of this class. For many there is a perception that the only way to increase diversity is to ‘relax the standards’. I can’t speak for other Colleges/Universities, but that is not the case at MIT. Everyone had to withstand close scrutiny and examination before being admitted. PERIOD.
Hats off to those who were admitted. This is an exciting time for you. Take a moment and bask in the glow of getting the MIT fat packet. Once that moment is over, get back in the game because you have a big decision to make in the next six weeks. Not to worry, we are here to answer your questions about all things MIT. (Probably not all things MIT; more like most things MIT.)
For those who were not admitted, I know how hard you worked and I know how much pain you must be in right now. You too need to allow yourself a moment to reflect on what this news means to you. Just like those admitted, once your moment is over, you need to get back in the game as well. Although you were not admitted to MIT I am more than confident that you have received other great offers of admissions from very good colleges. So you too must have exciting news to share with our blogging community. So let it be written, so let it be done!
Best of luck to everyone.
Hats off to your awesome and whole-hearted efforts. I’ve really enjoyed how personal the process is–I LOVE the blogs and all the honest, funny information that goes along with them.
I’m truly honored to be admitted (EA), and MIT’s becoming to feel “homelike,” with how personal the MyMIT page is.
I love your green shirt! Happy St. Patty’s day to all!
See ya at CPW!
Hey Mr.Nance, I justed wanted to thank you once again for your dedication and the time you all spend reviewing applications. I will wait eagerly for the decision tommorrow online. Thank you and I hope that I will get the chance to see you again.
Office of Admissions! Respect, for the great job you’ve done!
Thanks a lot for all the hard work Nance!! Good luck to all.
21 hours and 15 minutes left!!
Thanks a lot Nance for those encouraging words. I guess, u r right. Even if some of us ( i might be among the ‘some’) dint make it to MIT, we still got a whole lot of game to finish. It is not just getting admitted what matters the most. For my part, I enjoyed being the member of the Blog community. I guess I wouldn’t have got any better opprtunity than this site to see through the multi-faceted point of views and opinions of the brightest people who come from almost every corner of the world.
I would once like to thank the great admission committee of MIT, who had went through such a huge number of application files to choose the Clas 0f 2010. I particularly appreciate the blogs of some members of the committee (Matt & Ben) who informed us about different aspects of whole system throughout the past 3 months. Hats off to them!
Raz, Arian,Fadl & Eugeniu,
Thank you for your kind words. It has been my pleasure to work with and for you. When you hear, please let the rest of the world know!
Wow. It’s crazy that the process is over and we will be seeing a load of next years class at CPW in only three weeks. Exciting.
And hey, everyone listen to Bryan about the “not slacking off now that you are accepted” deal. It’ll be tough, but if I could get through it after being accepted EA back in December, than I am sure that you guys can deal the next three months. It’s hard, I know, but seriously, keep crackin’ at the books.
“MIT giveth, and MIT taketh away”
Thank you very much for the warm post Mr. Nance!
I was lucky to attend one of your early admissions sessions in Maryland :]. Thanks for opening up the world of MIT for me… and I’ll see tomorrow! although, as you said, whatever happens the future is going to be very exciting! I can say for certainty that the myMIT blogs really personalized the MIT admissions process to me, and it is so wonderful.
Hope you get some well-deserved REST!
I have to say, I remember I was very disappointed at my deferrance, but I’ve long since gotten over it. I realize how hard it is for schools to go through applications and pick people; after all, it happened for me for high school, and I know the copious amounts of work that is required of admissions people (my hall resident works part-time admissions). Just a friendly hello and thanks for the job!
Hmm. So Ben posted the pictures of the two of you gnawing away at some of the admit envelopes. What’s up with that, anyway? ^_^
Just wanted to thank you for the (probably grueling) work you’ve been through selecting the class. I don’t know about my decision yet, but whatever it is, I appreciate your effort – especially on the behalf of people like me who live halfway around the world in Asia.
Decisions are online !!
I was… accepted.
I can’t begin to describe the feeling that ran through me this morning. I think people see college letters as an affirmation of the past four years of their life… but that’s not what I’m feeling… it’s more of the idea that this school loved what I enjoy doing enough to let me continue doing it there.
I am all flavors of excited right now… and I don’t exactly know what to say (other than I’m happy to see you’ve updated your blog!)… so I’m going go relax some, then come back with something meaningful.
Thank you so much… not for the decision exactly, but rather for being so helpful with this blog community and everything. You the man, Nancester.
You are absolutely correct! Keep crackin’ the books! It ain’t over till it’s over!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I’ve finally updated my blog. :-D
Welcome to MIT! I’m kind of fond of the Butter Pecan flavor of excited. Thank you for always posting great points on my blog. Tell your brother to hold tight, he only has 13 days before he hears from Brown!
Welcome to the Institute! You did all of the heavy lifting!
Good thing I never visited the campus.
This might be seen as a question arising from frustration (I was rejected), but I’ve always wanted to ask this, ever since I have taken the SATs, which I thought would be MUCH harder. Why does MIT even require its applicants to take SATs? I’m asking this because, apart from the obvious auto-rejections based on abysmally low SAT scores, it’s quite clear from the scores you hear from those who were rejected/accepted that the SATs are a terrible measure for the kind of applicant pool MIT has. Anyone in the top 50% of their class, whatever the school or system, who has taken an SAT knows that, given a *minimal* preparation (and apparently, some prepare quite a lot for them), you are assured to get “good” (750+) scores? I mean, certainly you don’t receive many scores under 700, let alone under 650, so why even ask for them, if they seem to have little bearing on the decision anyway (given the number of rejected applicants with outstanding -including myself, if i dare say- scores)?
Do EA admits get fat packets this week too? :D I’m so excited — for that, for CPW, and for having the chance to attend the best school in the world. Thanks for all your hard work!
Hey everyone I was accepted into MIT yesterday at 11:48am, I had found out and cried. I’m very excited that I will be meeting you all at CPW. I would like to thank everyone in admissions Especially Mr.Nance. This goes to show that MIT truly does care about it applicants. I hope that my determination and drive will lead me to success at MIT this fall. I want to extended congratulations to everyone that applied and for those who got accepted also. For those wait listed and rejected I know that you will find success any way possible or you problem wouldn’t have applied at all.
rejected…….and it really hurts. Wonder what Stanford saw in me that MIT could not…It just doesn’t make sense, absolutely no sense at all.
oh my god!!!!!!!!!! im gonna have a heart attack i can’t believe I got into MIT, no not MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (had to write out the full name). Thanks Bryan for everything, I know without your support and SEO I wouldn’t have made it. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH……… it didn’t really hit be earlier but its really hit me now that I have got into MIT. Congrats to everyone else.
Hey Nance, what’s up…I realize you’re quite busy now, but any word on when the stats for this year’s application class roll out?
Hi! I’m back but I still don’t have any great ideas for parenting tips.
Mr. Nance,
You’re ADORABLE and so are your kids! Thanks for the encouraging words, they help (and coming from a guy with your cool hairstyle– they REALLY help)
Keep up the good work!
Whoops! forgot to add: I got rejected.
lol..i forgot about parenting tips.
what number were we at?
muffins only help popping ears if used correctly
story bout that:
When I was two and my sis was 6 months we were on an airplane coming home from hawaii. When my ears started popping I turned to my mom and told her “my ears hurt”. Since my sis was crying, my mom handed me a muffin without saying anything and went back to tending her. With my infinite 2-year-old wisdom I decided that since my ears hurt, and my mommy handed me a muffin to make it better, the muffin went in my ears. So i sat there and stuffed my ears w/ muffin until i decided that it didn’t work.
oops..that last one was posted under my old name
WE were at no.6 and that will be no. 7. Slow yes but persistent.
I was wondering if you knew anything about MITES admissions. When will the students that applied to MITES know whether or not they have been acepted? Thanks.