More Public Art Projects by Ben Jones
...for your amusement.
If any of you have attended one of my MIT info sessions, either on campus or on the road, you’ve heard me talk about MIT’s 2+ miles of underground tunnels. On mornings like these (3 degrees when I left the house), I am very grateful for these tunnels as I travel from the T to my office.
It took me 6 months to really get my bearings down there. Prior to that, it was like playing a video game – lots of exploring and getting lost and seeing certain landmarks 4 times before realizing that I was traveling in circles. :-)
Now that I’m more familiar with the tunnels, the journey tends to be a rather monotonous one. Until today.
Bryan recently mentioned one of the 4.301 projects in his blog. Knowing that these were beginning to pop up, I wasn’t too surprised to find this on my journey this morning:
Turning the corner yielded butterflies!
And then we find some signage hung from the overhead pipes…
Followed by some letters (figure this one out, folks).
Going up a flight of stairs, we find… hubcaps?
The last leg of my journey dumps me into the Infinite, where I find this heart (it looks much cooler in person). Click the photo to view a closeup, and for the uninitiated, here’s some history on IHTFP.
Oh, and someone pulled a brilliant hack this morning, turning Lobby 7 and the Infinite into Super Mario Bros, but I think Matt will be covering that.
Just went out to cover the Mario hack… but *poof* it’s gone! I’m sure others will have documented it well…
It seems like there have been lots of art projects/hacks recently. I guess they’re final projects or something. Seeing all the Mario stuff this morning was so much fun! I was definitely disappointed when a few hours later, everything was gone! I dont know if it was against fire codes or anything…but it totally brightened my day seeing everything this morning…especially after walking in the bitter cold to get to the main campus.
Hmm…so…I happen to have some rather sketchy hacker-type friends who tipped me off to this Mario business…so I went out super early and managed to get lots of awesome pictures which will be posted to my blog shortly. =)
I don’t yet know if I am accepted, deferred, or rejected, but after reading the recent MIT blogs I want to attend MIT more than ever. MIT feels like family now: open, honest, compassionate, and human. I hope you all get some rest, knowing that through your struggles this week you’ve proven that you care about each of us…those accepted, deferred, and rejected. Sleep well and b-r-e-a-t-h-e.