My Entirely Unexciting IAP by Chris S. '11
see title
So, compared to my IAPs of years past which I spent studying abroad in exotic locales (okay, maybe not so exotic), this IAP had been REALLY low-key.
…I basically just went home for six weeks.
But I had a reason for doing so, you see. In a little bit more than 48 hours, I will be taking the monster of a test known as the Medical College Admissions Test, or the exam that tests your ability to choose correct responses to 144 multiple choice questions in the realms of biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and English in four and a half hours. (oh, and write two essays while you’re at it)
FUNNNNNN. (especially after spending the entire IAP poring over thousands of pages* of prep material).
* no joke. i read through at least 3,000 pages of material this break. if you think the SAT is bad, wait till you get to the MCAT.
But that’s enough complaining on my end.
IAP (or also known as January Term in some other colleges – but MIT’s is very unique!), is one of the many reasons why I love MIT. Our IAP gives us the flexible opportunity to pursue study abroad opportunities (like what I did in my last two IAPs), to work on projects (both abroad through things like D-Lab, and on campus in research labs through UROPs), to enjoy the multitude of craziness that goes on on campus (see our IAP listing, and Mystery Hunt!!, see this year’s), or to just go home, chillax, and do something that you always wanted to do (like backpack across Europe in 4 weeks, which is what one of my friends is doing). I actually haven’t to date had one IAP on campus, but rather spending three different IAPs in three different countries. I think it’ll have to be next year. (this class still calls!! and I’m finally 21 :P)
I only regret that I have but four IAPs to spend during my tenure at MIT. =p
Anywhoo, I’m writing right now from a Starbucks on O’Farrell St. in downtown San Francisco, where I’m spending the last 5 days of my IAP. I arrived here yesterday amidst the pomp and circumstance of the unveiling of the Apple iPad (which, by now, you should know about unless you’ve been living under a rock in a barren desert devoid of Internet connection). I went to Yerba Buena Center for the Arts to find out what the hype was about, but I realized that there wasn’t much to see from the outside, so I left, haha. IMO, iPad is basically a glorified iPod Touch, so perhaps this article did had some merit after all =p (oh, Mad TV predicted the coming of the iPad 3 years ago. since the video has PG-13 content I can’t post it here, so please go youtube it =p)
I <3 SF. It’s great being back.
Absolutely great looking breads
What is IAP? (Maybe I am stupid but this is not a stupid question!)
VERIFICATION: davary quondam
my sister gave the MCAT…seriously SATs and even APs are nothing considered to the MCAT…
MCAT is almost like the Brazilian college-admissions tests, hahah.
Those food look really good. :o Good luck! I hope you do well on it!
Holy cow! Breads? I thought those were rock statues for sale as tourist souveneirs! Good luck on the MCAT, Chris!
Cool… I went to San Francisco with my dad for his math conference; it was awesome!
Hi Chris,
I thought you have taken the MCAT last fall, haven’t you?
IAP stands for Independent Activities Period which occurs during january. As the name suggests, it’s a time at which students are able to do whatever they choose and there are also IAP specific events which take place.
Thanks Armin and Brad =]
That is so sick =D, it must be fun~
man i so want to be studying at MIT. I want this fun and craziness that runs in the atmosphere there. I want to study hard to make a difference but also enjoy my college years. You learn and enjoy together. I am waiting for my SATI results (11 Feb I believe). At present I must say that I have been idle and i know it’s bad. I need some courage and try to procrastinate less about writing my motivation letter… hahaha… I really hope to be studying there next year. MIT is the best!
san francisco seems to have a lot of those breads! :] when I went to visit last year I saw a lot of cute baking haha.
You may also visit this page
the month of january IAP
Boudin Bakery! I loooove that place. I see the sourdough crocodile is still there.
Good luck on your MCAT, Chris. Tell us how it goes.
so you went to fisherman’s wharf again! the bread looked familiar =9
IAP at MIT seems sooooo cool! It seems like the limitless and amazing opportunities are truly unfathomable. Sorry you were stuck studying during this one. Good luck on the MCAT! what type of medical doctor do you want to be? any ideas yet?
Hi Chris,
What books would you recommend for studying for the MCAT?
oh oasis, you’re totally the cutest MIT blogger
you can tell from just your picture with the huge stuffed animal (not sure what it is… first impression is penguin) at the top
and you’re the only person I know who would use “anywhoo”
and the picture of the animal shaped food
and there have definitely been some pg13+ vids on here
Good luck on your MCAT Chris!!
Great entry, Chris!
I’m lovin’ it!
One of these days I will explore SF…
(Resists urge to post Youtube links of med school parodies)