On my way… by Laura N. '09
Turns out that Anthony isn’t the only one who loves Amtrak. I called them yesterday and their very friendly customer service people helped me change my reservations because I found out that my bio recitation had been cancelled.
I will now be getting home almost 4 full hours earlier than I originally expected! Yippee!
Right. Well, my train leaves in just over 2 hours, and I have a few things to finish up here before heading home for the weekend, so that’s all from me.
Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving, let’s hear it for unnecessarily large amounts of food!
Thanks Sam. I’ll probably take a bus then. I hope I can come up to MIT soon.
Oh, I love Amtrak too… especially holiday Amtrak, when you get to make new friends. I met the nicest guy, Camilo, in the station, and he let me play his PSP. It’s such a nice place to sleep, too. Glad to see that you enjoy it as much as I do, Laura.
As for Sam’s question, I can offer my experience–I take Amtrak from Boston to Philadelphia at least one direction every time I come home. Although Amtrak is a lot more comfortable and reliable, you can take a bus (either Fung Wah or Greyhound) from NYC to MIT for about a third to half the price of a train. The timing is about the same (4 hours), so either way is good. I’d probably take the bus, myself, for that distance.
Would it be a good idea for me to use Amtrack to get to MIT from NYC? I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving!
Amtrack is also a good choice if you live north of Boston, (NH, ME) and want to travel to Boston or along the coast of ME, NH, MA. The Downeaster is much less expensive and more comfertable than the buses that travel the same route.
Hey, i know i sound like a spammer but im not, i just got this cool book called How to survive a robot uprising, by Daniel H. Wilson. And i just found out about an event you may or may not know about going on. Something about the book at 5 p.m. on Nov. 29 at the MIT Coop. Since i cant go there myself because i live in philadelphia, i figured id tell you (since its going to be at MIT), if your’e interested. Its a great book and you should check the sample readings out on amazon. Tell your MIT-Friends. I think the author should have more info at – http://www.robotuprising.com
But this prompts the question: why did you let a bio recitation mess with your travel schedule?
Fung Wah busses have been catching fire a lot recently. They say it’s just as likely as with the Greyhound, but… they’re cheaper, though. So it’s your risk )
I always do Sudoku when I ride Amtrak.