On Tour by Bryan G. Nance
Goin' each and every place with the mic in their hand.
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin’ each and every place with the mic in their hand
New York, NJ, N.C., VA
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin’ each and every place with the mic in their hand
Oaktown, L.A., San Fran, St. John
-Award Tour, Midnight Marauders, A Tribe Called Quest
Hello All!
As you can see I’m taking the fight to the people! In the last few weeks I had MIT Central meetings in Washington, DC; Bethesda, MD; Baltimore, MD; Fairfax, VA; Ann Arbor, MI (see photo) and Manhattan (NY, not Kansas). Additionally, I’ve visited high schools in Detroit, MI; Queens, NY; and Brooklyn, NY.
As you can see from the Michigan Theater pix, I’m a star! If you’ve seen the Bryan G. Nance show, feel free to wax poetic about the experience.
I promise more comments and pix from the road in the days to come. Remember if you attend my session, stay for the late show, tip the waiters and try the veal!
See you in a city near you!
You were at Stuy today! Your presentation was awesome. It’s actually one of the few short and concise presentations I’ve been to. Hope you have some time to enjoy the city. =]
Wow, you have your own sign and everything. Nance is the man. :D
The presentation you gave in Bethesda, Maryland, was GREAT!
Hi Nance! Cool signs.
I attended your presentation in Stuyvesant today (I was the sole aspiring meteorologist). I would’ve stayed to chat, but I had class. While I disliked your comment on me wanting to be a “weathergirl” (“weatherpeople” commonly refers to the people on TV who recite today’s forecast off of teleprompters while pointing at a greenscreen), since what I want to do is study the science of weather (hurricanes specifically), your presentation still made me happy inside.
There’s an MIT info night in Henderson, NV on the Oct 11. Are you going to be there?
hey mr. nance it’s annie in case you don’t remember me because i didn’t bother you enough…. but thanks for coming through to our school and enriching our minds with insightful information about mit.. lol. like i said, i appreciate your taste in music and keep updating!
A star is amongst us
So you listen to A Tribe Called Quest
you ever listen to any Common Sense? I know my dad likes both and I really am more of a common fan
You’re a really funny guy. Great presentation at the Taiwan Center in Flushing. I like the part when you we saying hi to everyone on line and then you almosted trip on the stairs and nonchalantly said “and watch me break my neck” as if you meant to say that. Really funny stuff.
Dude, you had oatmeal raisin cookies and you didn’t bring me one? I see how it is.
Nice meeting you yesterday, Mr. Nance!
The “Bryan G. Nance Show” was very entertaining and was quite funny.
Only one thing…. I prefer Yankees over Red Sox.
MIT seems like one cool place,
Hey, Mr. Bryan Nance!
Just attended your presentation at the Radisson Hotel here at Holtsville.
The presentation was quite interesting – you even managed to make my dad laugh.
And no, you don’t know me, I just have an Asian face…
By the way, those oatmeal raisin cookies were the best I’ve ever had.
Had a great time.
Good Evening All!
I’ve finally made it home safe and sound! I’d like to thank all of you for your hositality! There are still 2 stops left: Chicago and Madison, WI.
A few stats/observations from the road:
I had a really, really, subtle MIT joke for Mrs. Perez’s dallas central meeting… I wrote “IHTFP” (which stands, of course, for “I Have Truly Found Paradise”)on my shirt collar with a (washable) marker to see if anyone would notice. No one did. I did, however, ask her whether your hair was long or not, and told her to say hi to you for me. So if she hasn’t, she’s been forgetful. :D.
I’m finalizing my MIT app now, and let me say, I’m scared to death.
My Gosh…you’re a rising star!!
You’re a whole new breed of admissions officers!! LOL
I’ll tell Waciuma about you posting him..although I always thought he had a weird taste in music. Hey..but weird people have to stick together!!
Oh! the shirt is me , I sent you an e-mail as we discussed…I have gone ahead and scheduled my interview (Tommorow!) but I suppose nothing is really final yet. Anyway I will let you read the e-mail rather than rambling on here and I look forward to a response
. On another note glad to hear your assorted travels went well.
Timur? I thought it was “Institute has the finest professors??” *innocent*
Mr. Nance, although this is coming a little late, I’d just like to say that the students at Thomas Jefferson Science & Tech REALLY liked your information session.
Even as a senior who is applying early to MIT, I still found tidbits of info (such as your explanation on “fit and match”, as well as the culture at MIT) that made me want to go to MIT all the more.
Half of me really wants to change my racial identity to “ninja.”
To Nakki, I know for a fact that Bryan won’t be at the Oct. 11 meeting in Henderson, NV, because I’m giving the presentation. I look forward to meeting you!
To Timur, you got me on the t-shirt, I must admit. But in all fairness, I was overwhelmed by your very detailed questions and talking with your dad might have distracted me. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
Amy Perez
Hehe! Sorry about that, and sorry for taking so much of your time because of it.
Best of luck on your NV presentation!
Nance, you cannot deny that your name in lights coupled with amazing Michigan cider easily puts us ahead of the rest.
Hello All!
Timur, Let me guess.. If you want to change your racial identy to Ninja, then it must be safe to say that your brother wants to change his racial identy to Samurai. As far as your leap year twin goes, we will look at both of you as individuals. At this point in life I’m sure that apeals to both of you. Finally, you have friends everywhere!
Zack, YeSeul, Sunil, & Robb
It seems that I did not respnd to your wonderful comments.
Zach, it is never too late to respond! I promise if you remember fit/match you’ll write a great essay!
YeSeul, weird is as weird does…. (huh?!?)
Robb, ramble away! that is what we are here for! I enjoyed the weather in Northern VA and the hospitality shown me at TJ! Please say hello to your GC for me!
Sunil, It’s good to be the King!
I think that it’s time fr a new posting! Look for a new thread soon!
Actually, his ethnicity shall be “pirate,” and we shall duel to the death (read: until we get tired and decide it would be more fun to commence with shennanigans).
NANCEMAN: It has come to my attention that one of my friends visited MIT Thursday and was in the group you spoke to. He’s the kid who came in late with the British dad.
ALSO: It has come to my attention that my twin brother is also applying to MIT. That’s TWO of us born on Leap Day, and as if the “odds” weren’t odd enough already, the local EC was also a twin who went to MIT.
So, uh, what does MIT do about twin applicants? Each one treated individually, etc? I keep hearing that colleges either admit both or deny both, but that would be a shame.
You were awesome in Ann Arbor. I drove all the way from Grand Rapids to see you! (Ok, it’s not that far.)
Between the reassurances that I _don’t_ need a 4.5 GPA to get in and if I fail Spanish, I still might make it, and the clips of my favorite guy in the world (the one with the gray pony tail), and the clever wit, I loved ya.
Say hi to Woodie Flowers for me (from team #1227), and I’ll be seeing you soon! (And ask Woodie to bring you to kick-off.)
I saw the Bryan Nance show. It was the greatest day of my life. Before, I was going to go to UVa. Then, the course of my life changed, and afterwards, I was applying to MIT.
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