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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.


Open Thread: Deferred Early by Decisions

If your decision was deferred, then we will reconsider your application anew and without prejudice in Regular Action. Understandably, you may have some questions, so we’ve assembled some answers to FAQs.

Many MIT students were initially deferred; you can read some of their experiences herehere, herehereherehere, and most recently here.

Some of you may feel happy to be deferred. Some of you may feel sad. Some of you may have complicated feelings that you don’t know how to name; that’s okay, too. For now, just float on, and we’ll see you back here in March.

In this world, concrete flowers grow
Heartache, she only doin’ what she know
Weekends, get it poppin’ on the low
Better days comin’ for sure