Sentimental Objects (part three) by Danny and Allan G. '20
junior trinkets
This is the 3rd part of our 4 part Sentimental Objects series! Here are parts 1 and 2 ! As we’ve described in the first two parts, we have a ceramic mushroom that we dub our memory mushroom, in which we place various memorabilia from the school year!

He has yet to successfully hold ALL of the objects we collect throughout the year, but he tries his best. We organized and arranged all these things into a hopefully aesthetic square-ish shape, and will now describe all of them as we reminisce.

1) Freshman Arts Program trinkets: a puppet we made for our fiber arts group’s weeklong puppet show project, random T passes, Museum of Fine Arts passes, wholesome sticky notes given to us by freshman in the program at the final FAP dinner, and our counselor portraits folded up
2) Rubber ducks from an arcade that we went to the last time we hung out with our high school friends before junior year started!
3) Presents from our friend Karen C. ‘20 <3<3
4) Business Cards from Jonathon Corbiere and Tyler Sammy, co-founder and Technical director of Thought Café! We met Jonathon and Tyler from an event the Animation Group hosted. At the end of the event there was a dinner that spaces opened up for, and we volunteered to fill in! So we had dinner with two of the people who make the Crash Course animations! It was really cool! We got to talk with them about Borderline and AR and animation and hear about their incredible work!
5) Birthday Cards from our wing in Next House, 3E! The drawings were done by Karen.
6) Pie Tin Awards from our wing’s end of year study break! Allan’s says “Least likely to wear the ring he designed” (guilty as charged 😅) and Danny’s says “Most likely or be drawing, Blogging or Both” (also true 😊)
7) Tickets from the Apple Picking trip at the beginning of the year!
8) Little orange paintbrush charms that the former president of Borderline, Jierui F. ‘20, gave us and the rest of exec at the end of her last semester being prez! <3
9) Movie tickets from when we watched Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse with our high school friend over our winter break
10) The program from when we went to see our friends Katherine C. ‘19 and Karen perform at DT at the end of spring semester!
11) The program from Measure for Measure! Danny couldn’t make it because of his night class, so Allan went for both of us to support our friend in it!
12) A Thanksgiving note from Katherine <3
13) Danny’s name tag from the Reality Virtually hackathon he participated in over IAP!
14) Chroma’s third volume which we both made art for!
15) Our friend invited us to see Tuft’s production of GHOST QUARTET at the beginning of the year!!!!! WE WERE SO EXCITED BECAUSE WE ARE OBSESSED WITH THE SOUNDTRACK! SEEING IT LIVE WAS A M A Z I N G (though admittedly no less confusing then just listening to the soundtrack lol)
16) The program from when we went to see an Opera on this year’s New York Art Scholar’s Trip! This was our first opera, and we realized, well, we’re not really opera people haha. Musicals are more of our thing (re: number 15 on this list) Regardless the trip was really fun!
17) A Totoro mug Danny got for our floor’s Secret Senpai Gift Exchange!
18) A mug Allan won in a raffle at an Animatic Boston panel we went to earlier this year!
19) The pamphlet for Borderline’s end of fall semester showcase!
20) The program from Next Act’s performance of Beauty and the Beast! IT WAS SO GOOD OMG
21) The program from a slightly confusing but overall really well put together play, Arcadia, that Danny went to see and his friend was props manager for.
22) The program from Shakespeare Ensemble’s performance of Richard the third! The lead was amazing, along with everyone else! We just wish we understood shakespearean English more 🙈
23) The end of fall semester ADT showcase, where we saw Katherine kill it!
24) The end of fall semester DT showcase, where we also saw Katherine kill it!
25) Random Trinkets from Allan’s IAP in California! A hand drawn map of the area I was staying, made by the program coordinator, and two prizes I won from a vintage arcade I went to!
26) A snowman plushy our grandparents brought us when they visited us around the Holidays!
27) The program from when we saw the musical Fun Home with our friend! IT WAS SO GOOD! Like omg all three Alison’s were AMAZING! And seeing Telephone Wire performed live gave us c h i l l s
28) The program from the Sakata end of year Performance! We saw Nia M. ‘20 slayyyyy!
29) The program from MTG’s production of Legally Blonde! IT WAS SO GOOD! The lead was amazing and was a FRESHMAN (along with many of the other cast members, who were also also insanely talented)! 🤯
30) An “I voted” sticker from when we voted in the Massachusetts Midterm elections!
31) A business card of an eccentric lady we met at Judy Jetson Hair Salon, when we went along with our friend getting a haircut!
32) Copies of Rune’s 39th edition, which we both have art in and which the cover art is made by Danny!
33) Wrapping from Secret Santa presents from our high school friends!
34) Our friend Rukia H. ‘21 went to see Hamilton and brought us back playbills!!! She gave them to us when we watched the Wicked 30th Anniversary concert livestream together!
35) A Steven Universe comic Allan got for our floors Secret Senpai!
36) The old Borderline signage that Borderline Exec was gonna throw away, but we, being the hoarders we are, decided to keep instead
37) A No Face plushy that came with the mug from 17!!
Well, that’s it. Paralleling how we ended part 2 of this series, Are We Seniors Now? Ö