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MIT student blogger Lulu L. '09

Sorry, no dorms yet but… by Lulu L. '09

ya wanna see some classes?

I have tests in all my classes in the next few days so I thought it was a good time to take a quick survey of what you want to see of coursework at MIT (maybe it’s not, I don’t know, I’m running on empty here…). I probably won’t take my SLR to snap away clickclickclick during lecture because that is pretty obnoxious when a professor is trying to speak but it depends on how shameless I am that day. Most likely, I will borrow a small, discreet digital point and shoot of the latest technology. The pictures will be slightly crappy but not obscenely so. Yeah, so that’s the plan. Of course, it’s been 2 years since I was a prospective student and I don’t remember what sucks and what doesn’t. So, if this idea sucks, say so, if you like it, say so. Also, input on what classes you’d like to see most of what classes you’d like to see as little of as possible will also help. If you want to see the kids sweating it out about to take a test (it’s pretty funny if you’re not one of the kids) I could do that too.

So without further ado, my classes this semester-

Unified Engineering – Materials (16.001/2) — test tomorrow 9-10
Vibrations and Waves (8.03) — test monday 2-3:30
Relativity (8.033) — test tuesday 2-3:30
Unified Engineering – Thermodynamics (16.001/2) — test wednesday 9-10

(minus photo. you’d seen plenty of photo already.)

Your feedback is important to me! Don’t worry! Be happy!

35 responses to “Sorry, no dorms yet but…”

  1. tony says:


  2. Hey..I think is a very interesting idea! I would like to see pictures of your class vibrations and waves. It seems like a cool class overall! Well I am a prospective student ( I applied EA and nervous as I can be), and I think that it is a pretty awesome idea…ohw wait I said that already!

  3. glareflair17 says:

    That idea sounds awesome. Maybe a picture from all the classes would be great, especially what the class looks like. thanks for the insight!

  4. glareflair17 says:

    That idea sounds awesome. Maybe a picture from all the classes would be great, especially what all the class looks like. thanks for the insight!

  5. lulu says:


    lol yeah. that’s good to know, thanks.

  6. lulu says:

    aww, that means I actually have to go to waves. ok. anything for my fans. smile

  7. Brandy says:

    Lulu, good luck on the tests. I’m sure you’ll do fine. Which ones are your favorite classes?

    I would like to see photos of the classroom too, just not on test day. I don’t know, maybe it’s the cynical New Yorker in me, but digital cameras on test day? That is like ummm, eating chocolate cake on a diet…cheating. =’)
    Now don’t get me wrong eating cake on a diet isn’t exactly cheating if you budget it in, and bringing in a camera on test days doesn’t necessarily mean cheating either, but oh the possiblities! Could you imagine?! I say leave the camera for the classroom for the following week, after the tests.

    I would love to see the dorms too. I have no clue what the dorms look like and that would be awesome to see. And no doctoring the photos, I want to see messy rooms…I know they are out there!

  8. Sarab says:

    Relativity please. Would like to see how MIT tackled that sort of a topic

  9. ananoymous says:

    I’d like to see pictures of the Unified lab

  10. Zaira says:

    Unified Engineering!!! Please!

  11. Jay says:

    Unified engineering in thermodynamics sounds really interesting. Haha, pics of students about to take the test would be cool too. Good luck on your exams!

  12. Manuel says:

    That’s a good idea. I’d love to see pictures not only of tests but also of norml regular classes. And for the test Unified Engineering would be great.

    Good luck Manuel

  13. says:

    i am a chinese university student in shandong province.i have written something on the ‘i’m lulu’.i want to know something about MIT and america,can you do something for me please?i can tell you something too.thanks!

  14. Chenjamin says:

    That would be sweeeet. O yes, if it’s not too difficult, is it possible that you may take the pictures of the students as well because I want to get a sense of how many students are usually in a class and the effects on the student of after attending a MIT course.

  15. APop says:

    Vibrations and Waves (8.03) and Relativity (8.033) please. Class photos would be great. I forget what my kid looks like and he’s in both with you. Thanks for doing this.

  16. Fred says:

    Dear Lulu,

    I like your idea. I heard 8.03 exam1 is pretty difficult. Maybe you can take a snap on the faces of students taking the exam2. smile

    BTW, I thought the test time of 8.03 is either 1:30-3:30pm or 2-4pm on next Monday. You may want to check it out again.

    You will do well on all the exams – I believe.
    Good luck….

  17. lulu says:

    by picking a class you want to see most. go!

  18. dama says:

    i like you lulu

  19. dama says:

    but how can i go to yourside

  20. Anonymous says:

    o,my God,hao can you say so? i blieve that you a very Lovable girl.The time i seeyou ,i like it.
    can not?
    i am not want to play,i like charming girl,just so so.God know me ,HOHO~
    and i next year will go to mit too,
    yeah, i want to see you .
    like is not love ,so one man can like many people and thing .
    HEHE,you are cute!
    God give me right to like you

    O ,can you tell me your icq ? MY IS 335349089

  21. Hi Lulu, its Kavita!!!

    Your blog is awesome (and your idea rocks, esp about photos of kids taking tests and Relativity and dorms).

    Can’t wait to see the pics…

  22. dama says:

    lulu, El Dorado have you see?

  23. lulu says:

    you’re kinda weird, aren’t ya?

  24. I was just about to suggest taking some pics of the crazy 1E frosh (and moi, the renegade Tetazoan), but then realized that a photo of Phil Engel in his boxers might show up. That might scare the prospectives.

  25. lulu says:

    KAVITA! ahhhhhh

    kavita is my homegirl smile

  26. kavita says:

    Yeah, there sure are some interresting people on this blog, Lulu wink

    By the way, do MIT students get Thanksgiving off, and what are you going to do for Thanksgiving? I’ve been dreaming of pumpkin pie for the last three days and I can’t wait…with whipped cream…a glass of milk…

  27. dama says:

    O yeah,
    it’s my firm blief that what kavita have said is true.i’m a true man and a gentle man .
    ah,kavita is a cute girl ,too;)

    I’m in Harbin, HLJ, P.R.China now,
    6259.50 miles between my room to MIT’s Nipple House.
    and you ?
    my mean is where are you from, China,Vietna, or Thailand ?

    A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.
    i feel i’m stdying in the Bottom of a well now,
    but i never want to be a Frog ,
    i long to see the world,
    and then i find you in the other end of the earth,
    feel very well.

  28. lulu says:

    MIT’s what house?

  29. lulu says:


    my hall had a thanksgiving dinner it was delicious it was sunday night maybe I will share some pictures very soon. They’re on my camera. I’m going home tomorrow (wednesday) and coming back on sunday :D

  30. dama says:

    Thanksgiving Day happy!