Stuff that happened on Pi Day (besides decisions) by Chris Peterson SM '13
pastries and pie-ings from around the institute
Pi Day is a big deal around our mathematically-minded Institute. Since the blogs were mostly focused on decisions, I figured I’d follow up a few days later with some of the other stuff that happened on Monday.
Pie Kits from Clover
To celebrate all the hard work done by the whole office, the whole admissions staff received a same-day delivered boxed meal kit from Clover Food Lab to make cranberry pies.
Department Events
Every Pi Day, lots of departments typically have free food with pie, including the math department, Koch Institute, Division of Student Life, MIT Dining.
Meanwhile, the MIT Museum took advantage of the day to announce their new home at…314 Main Street in Cambridge (right across the way from the new Welcome Center), a choice that seemed broadly appreciated by the world at large (or at least by Twitter user Ned the Sexy Fish Man).
Student Events
Many MIT student residences and clubs held Pi Day events as well. For a representative sample of chaos, blogger Alan sends along these photos and videos from the Next House pie-ing
(caption: students counting down 3-2-1, then cheering as the pie-ing happens)
and the announcement of the event as sent to the dorm mailing list, also representative of MIT mailing list culture
I really appreciate that I work at a place where busy people still make the time to have unabashedly geeky fun together.