Surprise! by Snively '11
Long time no see!
DID YOU KNOW? John McCain is 2.41 Saturn years old.
Funny story. On the way to dinner tonight we were discussing Adelaide ’09 and her role as our floor’s “Moral Compass” when we started chatting about Sam and Ruth. Then, on the way back from dinner, we were discussing Sam, Mitra, and their “relationship.” After several tasty rolls, good conversation, and a nice walk back from dinner, we ended up back at the dorm and I checked my mail. A postcard!
We read it, I showed it to Laura, and then part of her head exploded because she couldn’t figure out how I, and only I, had gotten a postcard while nobody else had. There’s not much else to say, except thank you Sam and Ruth!
Oh, and Rick is kind of upset that you were in Milwaukee and didn’t call him.
Now I’m going to start sending you mail. What the address of Burton-Connor.
This “recycling” of videos on your personal blog onto your admissions blog is unacceptable!
@ Snively
Your Mitra link is incorrect.
I didn’t know John McCain was that old.
Do you know if someone will blog about intercollegiate sports at MIT?
^Just delate one “l” at the end and you’re set.
Yo Snivs, tell Richard that we have an e-mail dated 5/28 informing him of our plans. I think Ruth tried several calls too.
Glad you can be triple-dog-dared, though.