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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.

MIT staff blogger Bryan G. Nance

Welcome MIT Class of 2010! by Bryan G. Nance

By now many of the Early Action admitted students have received "Da' Tube".

By now many of the Early Action admitted students have received “Da’ Tube”. Let me hear from you! Are you excited? Are we your number one choice? Do you have reservations? Are you still in shock? Drop the Nance Effect a line and we’ll chat! Tell us your story. I especially want to hear from those not given to post regularly to this (or any MIT blog).

100 responses to “Welcome MIT Class of 2010!”

  1. Armand says:

    Hey, I usually don’t post on the blogs but I have definitely been reading them all the way through as well as on CC. You can call me a lurker. But anyways, I’m from Miami, got accepted. I was praying at home, staring through my window even until the mail truck (USPS) came. Once I saw her stick the tube in the mailbox I couldn’t help it, I was weeping like a little girl =/
    It still hasn’t sunk in yet. I’m just so happy. I can’t wait to meet and talk to the rest of Class of 2010. Thank you admissions people. These blogs definitely helped the process seem easier and more welcoming.
    And for those still waiting, remember to “expect the worst, hope for the best”. I think Matt said that. I know you are all truly deserving of MIT, and will have the time of your life at any school you attend.
    Hmmmm…..lemme get back to homework….

  2. Caroline says:

    Hi! I got accepted to MIT yesterday and danced barefoot in the snow for like, 15 minutes…. I’m sooooo happy!

    And then today I got accepted to Caltech too! I honestly don’t know what to do… I suppose I might wait for financial aid decisions? Boston is a gorgeouos city, but freezing cold (I live in New Hampshire, I shouldn’t complain), and Caltech is warm and in California…. But I spent a month at MIT this summer and fell absolutely in love… They’re both amazing schools — I never dreamed I’d have to actually make a choice between them.

    Thank you so much to you and all the admissions people at MIT! smile smile Do you accept baked goods as thank you / Christmas presents? wink


  3. Dan P. says:

    YESSS!!! I’m definitely going now that I got in! It’s very exciting!

    I’m also from MITES (what’s up, Kristin!?) and I really enjoyed my experience at MIT over the summer.

    My entire school found out— mostly because I ran a lap around the school when my mom handed me the tube (she had brought it to school) and I quickly realized that I haven’t had much physical activity for the past few weeks due to a knee injury but it didn’t matter!— i got in! The very next day (Tuesday) I was practically treated as a celebrity. It was kind of weird but I put up with it.

    ARMAND, I’m also from Miami and I have three friends(maybe five by the end of the week) who have gotten into MIT so far also. Email me whenever you can.

  4. Dan P. says:

    sorry i thought my e-mail would go up automatically. it’s [email protected].

  5. Jake says:

    alright, still no tube, but I’m not going to worry yet. However, as you can imagine I am incredibly nervous. Are my scores good enough? Did my E.C. have a positive attitude about my interview? Were my essays well-written? All these questions can really make you anxious! I was just curious how you (those already accepted) feel your interviews went and how your test scores were and how they reflected on your obviously outstanding application? Maybe it’s for piece of mind until I find out if I am in or out. smile

  6. thekeri says:

    Tube! Tube Tube Tube!

    ..but you knew that already. I reposted my entry over on Matt’s blog.

  7. Karen says:

    Every year of my life, I have welcomed the arrival of snow. What a beautiful thing, so white, so clean, so glittery, so fun to play in….

    This year I wish it hadn’t snowed at all.

    That’s the only reason I can think of that would slow down everything to the Midwest.

    Here’s hoping to Wednesday.

    Why I really came on here: There is a rumor among the (two) other applicants to MIT from my school that I’m sure is false, but I will not be reassured until I hear it directly.

    One of them claims that his EC said something to the extent of “I can only take one of you…” which he took as – from our school. I didn’t think t here was a limit to the people you can admit from a school. Is there? I don’t think there would be. MIT doesn’t seem like a place that would be that unreasonable.

    Anxiously, but sincerely,


  8. Ben Smith says:

    No tube or letter yet. From reading Matt’s blog, I’m apparently not the only Minnesotan to be dealing with these anxieties of “did I get in earlyor not why can’t the info come yet”. I’ve got to have faith it will come tomorrow. I eagerly await my tube (or letter. right now I just want to know.)

  9. Tyler L says:

    In response to Jake’s post two posts ago, here’s some encouragement. First of all, I got my tube today. Now here’s something you may like: I had a US History score of 500! Obviously, and I knew this, but you don’t have to be perfect to go to MIT. I don’t think they’d want that anyway. I had lots of other good stuff on my app, but my interview, to me, was only so-so. It could’ve been better because I just really didn’t answer the questions with any vigor or excitement. (I had just gotten back from Vegas which was a very draining trip.)

    As far as essays go, I’m a believer in this philosophy (which I’m only pointing out because you’ve already submitted the app): Essays don’t make that much of a difference. Provided you have good credentials on the rest of the app and you write from the heart, you’ll be fine. I believe a terrible essay might break an otherwise good candidate, but an excellent essay can turn a deferral or rejection into acceptance. So if you feel good about the essays, don’t sweat ’em.

  10. manuel says:

    Bryan, do you know what percentage of the admitted EA applicants are minorities?
    if you know, do you have specific percentages of each particular minority?
    thanks again and sorry for asking much..

  11. Armand and Caroline,

    Congrats! Welcome to MIT!

    Armand…Although you have homework, take a minute to dance in the snow, or sand depending on where you live.

    Caroline…Way to go! What a great problem to have. Remember to take a moment and pay attention to factors like, the student body, and the place that will make you happiest. PLEASE don’t place that high a premium on the weater! (If you do, make sure to consider who has the best fall folliage.)

  12. Kristin R. says:

    Hi Brian!…Mr. Nance! Mr. Revolution!

    Sorry, I can’t stop exclaiming. First off, I’ve been more of a blog-reader than a blog-maker, but the arrival of “Da Tube” calls for a change of pace. To answer your questions: yes, YES, reservations to what? and YES! My story is that I went to MITES this summer (actually met you briefly, and Matt too!), had the best time of my life, and realized that not only was MIT the best place on Earth (better than Disney, even…or *ahem* Harvard, for that matter!), but that I actually had a shot at getting in too! And look at me now! I’m so content that it’s like my life is complete before I’ve even truly done anything.

    So if you played any part in my specific admissions decision, I want to give you my sincerest thanks. And if you didn’t play any part in my specific admissions decision? You still get my sincerest thanks!!! I love you, I love MIT, I love MIT Admissions – all I do all day (okay, I’m exaggerating) is tell other kids how pathetic their school of choice’s admissions website is when compared to MIT’s. But really, you guys have all been so ACCESSIBLE and REAL for us applicants. So thanks again.

    I guess I could tell “the story” about accosting the mailman and rolling through the streets of my city, but I’m sure you know how it goes already! I try to tell my mom that the news of getting accepted is so big that it eclipses my birth, but she won’t here it. I guess she has her own stock invested in my birth…

    …Anywho, I think you’re really FUNNY and really AWESOME and don’t tell the other admissions officers, but for some reason you’re my favorite! (Ben’s a close second if he somehow reads this) Okay, I’m done.

    Oh wait – RESERVATIONS!!! I get it…not like to a hotel, but like…mental hang-ups. NO! The only possible reservations could be a) snow (I don’t do well with anything under 80 degrees…but that’s why jackets are made!) and b) lack of sleep, which I’m already dealing with now so…all systems are go!

    I’ll find you at CPW! (Please don’t interpret that as a scary threat)


  13. Anonymous says:

    Wait a minute…that post wasn’t made by “the Nance Effect”…it was made by me, Kristin R…oh, well.

  14. stephanie says:


    Congrats! I’m still waiting for a tube or something out in California, and I’m only telling you to go to Caltech so there’s more room at MIT for ppl like me! But Pasadena’s great…

  15. KRISTIN,

    Welcome Home! Go easy on stressing out your mom. She is already comimg to grips with the fact that her baby will be leaving for college in less than a year. Don’t push her over the edge.

    I definately look forward to seeing you (again) at CPW. Ben will be happy to know that he too is loved.

    Please post regularly, and let us hear more form you!

    Again, welcome to MIT!

  16. Tyler,

    You are soooooooooo right!

    “….Provided you have good credentials on the rest of the app and you write from the heart, you’ll be fine. I believe a terrible essay might break an otherwise good candidate, but an excellent essay can turn a deferral or rejection into acceptance. So if you feel good about the essays, don’t sweat ’em.”

    Although, I’ll add your essay is veryyyyy important. We really looked for passion.

  17. Manuel,

    Good question. I have not had a chance to split out the minority admits by specifics. I promise to post it all as soon as I get a chance. I can tell you that the percentage of minorities accepted early increased this year to 27%.

    In an article in the Article, Minority Admits Recover Even As Selectivity Rises, (written by Benjamin P. Gleitzman, Staff Reporter for The Tech) Benjamin wrote, “This year also marks a success for the Admissions office, which doubled the percentage of admitted under-represented minorities at MIT.”

    To read the entire article, check out the following link:

  18. Caroline,




  19. Has anyone from the state of MN received the tube yet?

  20. Sam says:

    Do you remember how much people you guys admitted form Brooklyn named Sam?

  21. YeSeul says:

    DEF. C U AT CPW (unless i go up there for an overnight visit)!!!!!!

    p.S> did anyone else from maryland get in?

  22. Sam says:

    I got tubed yesterday. I was driving home and saw that my mailbox’s flap couldn’t close due to some oversized piece of mail. It was a tube! I was pretty pumped. No one was home to share my excitement with, so I blasted The Doors throughout my house and danced around while making toast.

    I’m almost positive I’m the first person from my (rural, public) high school to be admitted to MIT. When you get the time, could you post statistics about the Early admits for 2010? Someone else requested ethnic stats, but I’d be interested in geographic ones as well. State-by-state breakdown maybe? Whenever you guys have time, that would be cool so see.

    Thanks to the admissions department for taking the process so seriously and keeping us up to date with the blogs.

  23. April says:

    how baout someone from NJ named April?

  24. Ben S. says:

    Central MN–no. nothing.

  25. Alex says:

    CA applicant here. No sign of The Judgment yet. I got deferred by Caltech, so that may or may not set the tone for what to expect from MIT…

    Deferral is just fine, but it wouldn’t hurt to come home to a nice tube sticking out of my mailbox! Here’s hoping.

  26. Timur Sahin says:

    Deferred but hopeful. Although I had to chime in, because down here, if someone got into MIT, we say they got TUBE’D!.

    I dunno, it’s interesting.

    “What happened?”
    “Soandso got TUBED!”
    “Last night!”

    So yeah, those tubes are definitely having an impact. smile

  27. nora says:

    another minnesotan applicant sadly left out in the cold clutching nothing but empty air.

  28. MIT is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I came home Monday night and did not at ALL expect to see the TUBE. However, as I said in Ann’s blog, MIRACLES DO HAPPEN. One thing that no one mentioned and that I was very impressed with, was the actual presentation of acceptance. First of all, the TUBE is unique and creative. Secondly, I enjoyed the beautiful stars/confetti that pop out when you open the tube. Best of all, the letters, particularly from Marilee Jones, are so warm and welcoming. I was so thankful and in total shock.

    I just wanted to show my appreciation for all the work done by everyone involved in admissions. This includes the admissions officers, interviewers, website maintenance, representatives, etc. THANK YOU!! I cannot wait for the CPW!

  29. Alexandre says:

    One of the other blogs had a story about three people being accepted from the same high school. I can’t speak for The Nance Effect, but I’m sure that your rumor is false.

    Good luck!

  30. MikeyYang says:


    That’s awesome! “TUBE’D” reminds me of Teen Girl Squad on homestarrrunner…anyone seen that? “ARROW’D!” hahaha

    As Alia, the other Admissions Counselor, says: “it seems like a theme for this generation is to turn nouns into verbs”. (You know you’re getting old when you say ‘this generation’ not ‘our generation’…ugh)

    Grats to those who’ve gotten their tubes! Hope to see you at MIT sometime soon!

    P.S. for those of you who don’t know who I am, I’m one of the Admissions Counselors at MIT, graduated ’05. smile

  31. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully everyone overlooks the fact that I typed “here” instead of “hear”…at an MIT-related website…*sigh*

  32. Kristin says:

    Hey, wait a minute!!! I know this is my fourth post in one day, but I JUST REALIZED that when a person makes a post, their name goes UNDER the post…not BEFORE it…!!! Which means The Nance replied to my comment!!! Ah! Thanks for everything you said…and now that I know how the comment board works…I’ll leave fewer confused comments!

    So…let’s hope no one reconsiders my acceptance over this. I mean…common sense can’t be THAT important.

  33. manuel says:

    nothing in PR

  34. Zach says:

    Hahaha “ARROW’D!” I love that cartoon, MikeyYang. I would, however, love to be TUBE’D much, much more. If my notification isn’t waiting for me when I get home I’ll be remarkably upset, and lose all faith in the USPS.

  35. Aaron says:

    Has anyone from Oregon seen a tube yet? I’ve been racing home after school every day this week to look in the mail. I’ve wanted to go to MIT since 5th grade and I have been freakin out for the last week!

  36. Joanne says:

    Hey guys!

    I got “TUBE’D” (lol) on Monday afternoon, I am SO happy! My dad called me when I was still at school and he left a message saying something about a “big envelope-tube thing”….when I heard the word tube my jaw dropped about 50 miles. haha so I called back just to make sure it was a tube, and that my parents hadn’t opened it yet =P The confetti was hilarious. Thank you so much!! And I also want to say that the MIT admissions blogs are so nice and makes the whole process a lot more personal and real :] I think in the last couple weeks I check them as much as I check my email.

    Again, thanks!

  37. Timur Sahin says:

    It’s worth pointing out that Joanne attends my school, thus proving that I’m not making up the “TUBE’D!” thing. smile

    Grats Joanne!

  38. JULIA YOO says:

    HEY BRYAN!!!!! Finally…the waiting is over! I’m SOOOOOO EXCITED that I will meet you again…by April I will get to see your baby too smile

    Ok…SO I actually wasn’t suppose to recieve my tube in the mail til tomorrow because there is currently a horrendous blizzard in MN…so my dad drove me to the Post office two days in a row (yesterday too) and on our way our car got stuck!!!!! so we had to shovel around our tires in the middle of the freezing road.

    But the JOURNEY was well worth it!!! Whoo-hoo!

    Thanks Bryan!!!!!

  39. yasha says:

    the doors…sweet. my god i hope i get tubed tomorrow. it’ll be the best thing that’s ever happened to me. that, and i’ll probably be the first person from this side of tennessee who’s ever been accepted to an out-of-state school, much less mit, if i get in………

  40. Jake says:

    alright, im posting again! but im still tubeless :( when i was a little kid i used to laugh at people in tv shows that would run out to their mailbox to see if they get in, now i AM that person! i’m so nervous. of course there are always those that tell me, “oh you’ll get in, you can do it!” but then there are those that remind me about the real world and tell me, “its not the end of the world, you’ll do well wherever you end up.” i just want to tell everyone that has applied good luck and to remember that you wouldn’t have applied if you weren’t truly capable of doing something amazing with your life. I find that i am constantly reminding myself of that very thing. hang in there is the only thing i can do. if anyone from ohio got their letter, i hope you were accepted, I’m just going to camp out by my mailbox on tomorrow’s potential snow-day, praying for the stress to end and a verdict to be read!

  41. Alex says:

    posting again… This is getting ridiculous. Not because there’s still no sign of a tube or a letter, but because I saw a DHL delivery van driving through my neighborhood on my way home from school, obviously on a completely unrelated delivery run. It’s like the fates are toying with me or something!

    It sounds like the “recipient wall” is moving slowly West, and I’m all the way over in California. I might end up resorting to the phone call on Friday at this rate!

  42. Kathleen says:

    Hey just dropping “the Nance Effect” a line. I received DA TUBE on Monday….I am still sooooooooooooo excited! I have no doubts or reservations. MIT was always NUMBER 1 on my list. Getting DA TUBE Story (short version): Rode my bike home, saw that the mailbox wasn’t overflowing (was disappointed), was walking bike up drive way when I saw a box on my front step (turns out the box was from my grandma–Christmas presents), after putting my arm on the box and wondering why it was sent on the very day I was awaiting something from MIT–I saw DA TUBE–it was in between the box and the door…I started crying/jumping for joy/screaming. I could hardly walk, let along open DA TUBE. I just wanted to drop a line on your blog because I came to the information session you did in Maryland…so great by the way smile. –Kathleen

  43. “the wall” may be moving west…but i’m in the east and still nothing :(

  44. annieee says:

    Thanks to the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere, I didn’t get anything yet.

    MIT doesn’t send rejection letter later than ‘da tube’ right??


  45. tylerinbox says:

    Saying, “long time reader, first time poster” makes me feel a bit cliche, but we’ll leave like that.

    Wow, THAT was amazing. Since December 1st, I was waiting for something (if not ANYTHING) to arrive in my mail box. Of course, it’s Christmas so there are so many packages. Anything that was visible in my mailbox from the street as I was pulling into the driveway made my heart skip a beat. By this week, I was so skeptical that MIT would even send me anything I figured the tube was just a huge sign that said, “so sorry, get lost.”

    I waited for at least a full five minutes before I even opened it. Staring, I wondered if I should wait for my family to get home or just tear into it. I love pessimists. When I had dumped out the confetti, I fell apart and even had trouble getting the papers out. I was on the phone with my uncle and just burst into tears.

    This made my week, if not my month. It was perfect timing too since I have to go to court tomorrow for a fender bender I was in. It balances things out. When I called my friend, I was in tears as intense as when I had gotten into the accident, she thought I had gotten into another.

    Anyways, my name is Brooke. I am from Chicago land in the northwest suburbs. I moved here about four years ago from California and lived in GA before that. I am looking forward to making another move to Cambridge.

    I am still nervous about senior year, but I feel like I can finally take a deep breath since I have gotten accepted into one choice. Barring all apprehension, I hope they follow in suit of acceptance. Risking sounding cliche again, I wanted to say thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.

    We’re a match in the fact that it’ll be crazy-mad style the entire time, and I plan on taking advantage of that.

  46. sarah says:

    Has anyone from colorado gotten in? I think I’m the only one from my high school and area that applied because first they gave me the wrong e.c. and then my e.c. was all surprised that mit wasn’t at any of the college fairs or anything. I wish I could just know now whether i’m in or not. I don’t want to be deferred, I can’t take anymore waiting.

  47. Joanne says:

    Oh Timur. haha <3 this convo is the best plan ever, i thought i should share it. example of MIT shaping futures:

    TCSahin: We’ll go to MIT together.
    TCSahin: You’ll become rich and famous.
    TCSahin: I’ll do something silly like major in physics.
    sushigirl505: hahahhaha
    sushigirl505: sounds like a plan!
    TCSahin: We’ll get married so you can pay for me.
    sushigirl505: lol!
    TCSahin: :D
    sushigirl505: amazing
    TCSahin: And in exchange, I will cook!
    sushigirl505: wow, that is perfect
    sushigirl505: i can’t cook to save my life!
    TCSahin: yayyy!


  48. Allex says:

    Hey Mr. Nance!
    I received ‘Da Tube’ on Monday, and I couldn’t be happier! My reaction was similar to that of other commenters…dancing, shouting, running around my house/culdesac like a wild woman. I am almost positive that my neighbors think I am insane. Needless to say, I am still in shock! Sadly, I have exams that I need to focus on. It’s a shame, really, because all I want to do is think about MIT and enjoy my holiday break. After reading all of the comments I am even more excited about attending MIT and meeting all of the great kids of the class of 2010! See you guys at CPW!!!!

  49. Nita says:

    Miracles do in fact happen, and I too was tubed Monday afternoon (and the confetti was gorgeous. And the yellow paper was too. Actually, everything about that tube was…but I’ll shut up now.)

    Eee. I still can’t really believe it; I’m a junior, and the fact that I “know” (“know” = shorthand for “very very sure”) where I’ll spend the next four years, and “know” what I want to learn at MIT and how I want to go about it–that is too cool for WORDS.

    I’m gibbering. Will shut up now.

  50. Nita says:

    Oh, and Armand–I too wept like a little girl. Only I was laughing too. Seriously. It was the greatestest emotional rollercoaster I’ve been on in forever.

  51. manuel says:

    I got in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. manuel says:

    Bryan, I saw in the statistics that it says 7 countries and 44 states, that means, no one from the US territories? No one from PR?

  53. ASHA says:

    I’m in!!!! I got my tube on Monday and I was sooo excited. MIT is definitely my top choice. I was just mad because none of the people at my school have ever heard of MIT. They even think that it’s bad because it’s an institute instead of a college or university. Aaaaah, the people that I hang out with. But either way I’m still Excited. MIT CLASS OF 2010!!!!!!! AND I GET TO SEE MY WTP 2005 FRIENDS!! I <3 MIT

  54. George says:

    Thank you Bryan. Think I just spoke with you and got news that my son is deferred. A good relief. At least, hope is still there. We will keep our fingers corssed for another 3 months. Thanks for all your hard work and the heavy work ahead. But enjoy a hiliday break first. Cheers!

  55. Jon C. Elder says:

    So Nance, I suppose you had a lot to do with the fact that 27% of early action admits were under-represented minorities. If a black kid and a white kid applied with the same application, the black kid, if anyone, would get in. I’ll be called racist for making this point, but you are the real racist. And I’m proud to have the courage to call you one.

  56. Caroline says:

    Asha! smile Yay I’m so glad you got in! Yay for WTP 2005!

    And it’s ok… Someone in my school asked me where MIT was the other day, and if it was a state school… None of my relatives have heard of MIT either, because they’re all from England – Should have gotten into Oxford or somewhere instead. smile

  57. manuel says:

    Bryan: thank you for the 27% of minorities… a cool group of Puerto ricans got in today…

    April: thanks! im sure ill see ya in august

  58. Amy Leung says:

    Hey Bryan!
    Thanks for the message on the letter!

  59. Jose Barcena says:

    I got a tube. Yupeeeeeee. Congrats to everyone who did it.

  60. ... says:

    dear mit,
    why didn’t you reject me
    without any hesistation?

    dear mit,
    why didn’t you deny me
    with definite rejection?

    dear mit,
    why didn’t you kill me
    with the deepest damnation?

    dear mit,
    I would feel better
    if you rejected me at once
    with no “further consdieration”…

    dear mit,
    my intense love fire would be
    died off temporarily
    if you havent told
    that you “have decided to hold it
    for further consideration…”

    dear mit,
    do you know that how many times
    I’ve been thinking of you
    as a wonderful dream to fulfill
    as an impossible star to reach
    as my deepest love to possess

    dear mit,
    when I know that you’ve only taken
    377 out of 3098 suitors
    my heart was broken
    shallowed with all possible
    and hopelessness…

    dear mit,
    you make me want to die
    for you secretively
    because please remember
    there’s always a little girl
    named angelina
    waiting for your acceptance
    to her unconditional love
    regardless the time
    regardless the place
    regardless anything

    dear mit,
    this little girl wouldn’t feel any regret
    any more because she knows
    you have ensured
    all her achievements
    everything she has done
    for you to be worthy
    that is enough…

    dear mit,
    angelina’s strongest
    and most passionate
    love fire
    for you would never die off…

  61. i might get in trouble w/ this post..

    the one thing i hate about our society is the emphasis we put on race. the last couple of years i’ve been looking for good engr. summer camps..wut made me mad is that there are SO many that are just for minorities..i don’t see how this can be isn’t my fault i was born white and it seems as if pple are discriminating against me in the name of affirmative action…I AM NOT SAYING MIT DOES THAT..i don’t mean that…after lots of searching i finally found a couple of camps i could apply to (they had to be free i’m cheap..well..just broke)..the one i got in was at Pittsburgh Univ. i guess you can say i’m shelterd..but being homeshooled i have NEVER thought about race..i don’t think it matters..i grew up in a church of about 200 pple represnting over 25 countries..i never thought about race..i didn’t think other sdid either..the summer program i went to proved me wrong..all of a sudden i was a minority because of my gender (how does that wrk out?!?!) i was forced to take a class called “cultural awareness” a misnomer..i had to sit through this teacher bashing my race every class.. that’s all it was..”it’s all white ples fault that blacks are a minority in engr” EVRY class! it was hard for me and when i tried to speak up she ignored me or twisted my words…i guess the purpose of this post is i don’t understand y race matters..we’re all the same..that’s why whenever possible i don’t submit my race or gender..i see no reason why whoever is asking for it should need it..please don’t understand me…almost all of my friends are minorities…(i hate that word) i just wish we lived in a world were race didn’t matter…i am not saying i was deffered cuz of my race! definately not..i dont’ think that at all..i’m not against affirmative action..i just wish we didn’t have to have it..i for one didn’t put my race don on my app and i doubt VERY much it had anything to do w/ it..if you’re complaining about not getting in because of affirmative action you’re too immature to deserve MIT and the amdission officers did teh right thing to reject u..if i have offended anyone i am sooooo sorry..that is not at all my purpose

    well..that’s all..congrats on your admits pples!

  62. Minnesota says:

    To John C. Elder and anonymous-

    The underrepresented minorities were just as qualified as the asian males, white males and females..etc, and any other applicant. Please don’t blame race as a factor, because seriously, if someone is super qualified, they will get in hands down regardless of race. I’m not considered a minority at MIT, yet I still got in and so did a bunch of my friends of all races who are all equally amazing.

    And your comment calling Bryan “racist” was rude. It’s shallow and selfish to be against affirmative action simply because it doesn’t help you. You are missing the point of affirmative action. Diversity is such an essential factor needed in a world that still has lots of work to do to so that minorities are ensured equal opportunities as other races.

    Please do not take this message personally. But I believe that diversity is so important in a multicultural society where there are still sadly many blatant disparities between races.

    I am proud that MIT had so many URMs!

  63. Jackie says:

    I totally agree with Minnesota.
    Elder, you are not blatant, you are just a prick. why are you writing on the “accepted” wall anyway?

  64. Caroline says:

    It’s a good question though — How much of a role does affirmative action have?

    Certainly being an African-American female doesn’t guarantee you anything — You still have to do exactly the same amount of work. On the other hand, surely being an Asian male doesn’t help…

    I’m not sure — I’m a white female, so I figure I’m fairly neutral as far as affirmative action for engineering schools goes…


  65. MIT Alum says:

    I went to MIT over 20 years ago. Back then, and I’m sure today, MIT doesn’t admit minority students unless the Admissions Office believes they are qualified. Don’t think someone got in just because of his/her race or sex, because that isn’t true.

  66. Sarah K. says:

    Caroline and Asha,

    YAY for WTP ’05! So glad to hear that you got in! See you guys at CPW! WEEEEEE HOOOO!

  67. Been There says:

    The difference in URM’s between my engineering school campus and my daughters soon to be campus is night and day. We were 90% male and 90% white. If affirmative action played even a small role in the transition, we should be proud of that change. Racism will always be a part of our culture if we try to live in isolated clusters of like people. Lets celebrate the fact that there are so many talented students for MIT to chose from, regardless of background. Personally I would be hesitant to admit any of the deferrals that exhibit such narrow minded behavior.

  68. recent alum says:

    Dear April,

    As a recent graduate and a minority female, I have often thought about the importance of race and gender in my life. At many times, I wished that we could all be “the same,” and I wished we could all be without biases, prejudices, and fears of one another.

    After being in an environment in which I was a minority in several ways, I realize that I don’t want race and gender to go away. I think what I bring to the table as a minority female from the inner city is important. My history, my culture, and my experiences have shaped so much of who I am. I do not want these parts of my identity to be discarded. At the same time, I am eager to learn about others who aren’t necessarily “minorities.” I don’t wish to imply that only

  69. Anonymous says:

    I haven’t heard anything still, and I’m in MN. Has anyone else?

  70. Fred says:

    To Jon Elder:

    Wow, let’s not get too tense about race. I think the real question is why the racial proportions of society don’t occur naturally without affirmative action. The other really important question is whether we should do anything about it, and if so, what? It’s probably pointless to have that debate here in this blog entry, but it’s something everyone needs to consider.

  71. For those asking about Minnesota: We’re from MN and haven’t received any MIT mail, as of 12/15.

    I telephoned for my son (he’s out-of-town in snow-packed Hibbing) and he was deferred! I think it it’s a great compliment that he still has a chance (hey, you guys are all incredible,top students!!) and wasn’t denied outright.

    I feel so happy for students with tubes (Julia from MN)–it is great that you are rewarded for all your hard work. I am sure you will all love MIT. I have been very impressed with MIT for a long time. (If the Car Talk guys are alum, that says it all). My feelings have only grown, as I hang out on the blogs occasionally.

    On the other hand, my message to the deferred/denied students: you will all suceed anywhere you go! From what I have deduced, the type of student who applies to MIT EA are also the type to take destiny in their hands and make it their own. WAY TO GO, EVERYONE!

  72. Julia says:

    Hey I heard yesterday from MN. But because of the blizzard, I know there are serious delays. I actually picked up my decision (tube, yes!) at the post office last night.

    Good luck to everyone else and the Minnesotans! I go to Wayzata High School btw.

  73. Sebastian says:


    I know this is not the place to post other kind of comments appart from acceptances. I just ran into this blog and into the whole MIT admission process. See, I really need help from you, people who got in, and also from Nance there, I hope I don’t annoy you with my story:

    Well, yes, of course, I want to go to MIT. As well as 15000 students around the world, many of them probably better candidates, and brilliant people. Myself, I might not have a chance at all, I come from Ecuador, a small country in South America (Although I guess you all know where it is). I lived there for years, all my childhood and then I had to move with my family to the US. I was actually not planning to go to any school due to financial issues back there, and also because I had to work. Now, I finally was able to travel to the US, and knew about all the opportunities that are available here, specially for people who are trying to succed. Me, I simply love math and physics (among other passions). I practically taught myself throughout most of my life, school here is not the best thing, and I’m confident of what I’ve learned for myself. The problem is, I’m 19. Yes, old. Maybe too old for a freshman, I’m afraid. I know I have the potential for any school in the world, even MIT, Sometimes you just know when you are good. I only need a chance, but maybe it is too late for this school. Most kids here are 17, but I can make up all the lost time with all my self-studying. (Calculus, Multivariable, Linear Alg, Complex Analysis, Some Tensor Analysis, Mechanics, Fields, Waves, Thermal Ph…) I just want to know if I have a chance, a consideration, a thought for admission. Since I just got here, I’ll take the Toefl and the SAT and prove I know my stuff. I just love to learn, and I don’t want to miss the chance to attend the best school I can (which I dream might be MIT). I’m really motivated, and will do whatever it takes to earn a spot.

    What do I have to prove? What do you need to know? I don’t have any recs, or ECs. But I have talent, intelligence, knowledge and passion. I do not only do math, but I paint, I’m a musician, and love literature. I learned english practically due to my own effort, as well as most of what I know. Please, only one chance, that is all I need, in the land of opportunities

  74. cool person says:

    Hi Sebastian,

    You sound like a good candidate with a lot of passion. It’s NOT too late to apply, some freshmen here are like 21 years old. In the meantime, you should definitely take the Toefl/SAT and find people/teachers that know you that will give you a recommendation, someone who will vouch for your hard work and passion. With out recommendations, it will be hard to get in. Also, we know you are very smart, but be careful not too sound too confident/arrogant. Just show through grades, activities, recommendations that you are talented academically as well as passionate in other activities. Action speaks louder than words.

  75. Star says:

    Hey Mr. Nance! I’ve been reading your blog for a while but I think this is my first comment. I got my tube today… I’m from Hawaii but I go to boarding school. I ended up having to get the school bookstore/mail office specially opened to get my tube and then walk 6 miles back to the house of the people I am staying with (winter vacation swim team training).. nobody’s in town anymore now that school’s out. It was completely worth it! I was both speechless and ecstatic. The best part about the confetti was that my name is Star… and it was star-shaped confetti… I wish you guys would put a polaroid camera in next time to capture people’s faces. Mine would surely have been worthy of Kodak.

  76. ccaleb says:

    Question: I was wondering how applications with no racial preference / stated background? Are they automatically rejected, assumed as white, or what?
    Also, I was wondering why male/female dichotomies are rigidly enforced and I would like to hear about your opinion on that because answering those questions on applications has made me continually uncomfortable this year.

  77. ccaleb says:

    I can understand some hesitancy against affirmative action, because I was against it at one time. I can try to explain why I changed my mind.
    First, though, I must say that MIT and other instituitons provide a better learning environment for everyone when they have a diverse student body. A racially blind policy of application reading that fails to achieve diversity might get the best test scores, but the educational experiences in the dorm rooms and such could never be as full as if racial equality was reached. Meaning, at the end of four years, the full cultural and persynal maturity of the students could not match that of a competing diverse institution.
    The other issue to realize is that despite civil rights movements, inherited barriers to success still exist and are still felt. More time is necessary to overcome these, and affirmative action can help to put students with equal minds and unequal levels of privelege together.
    Finally, affirmative action at MIT could not possibly be leaving out people who are objectively better. There are so many great applicants for so few spots that tie breakers become extremely important. If this means choosing an under-represented minority over another student, it seems justified for the greater good of the institution.

  78. Anonymous says:

    Hi……..if my sat score is like……2140, in what range do I fall and hw much difference does that make to my admission chances?

  79. Japanther says:

    In my own humble experience, I’ve found that diversity of race is pointless and superficial, while diversity of culture is truly rewarding and enlightening. But hey, that’s just me.

  80. manuel says:

    (que hay loco un saludo de un puertorriqueno q acaba de entrar a mit!)
    Just to let you know, you have a good chance.
    I have a friend from ecuador en MIT right now (his name is Sebastian btw), so that should give you hope..
    I have a lot of good friends in ecuador!
    if you have msn messenger look for me: [email protected] and we can chat !

  81. manuel says:

    April, I am a minority and I think just like you.
    A way of discrimination is avoiding it.

  82. Anonymous says:

    So Nance, I suppose you had a lot to do with the fact that 27% of early action admits were under-represented minorities. If a black kid and a white kid applied with the same application, the black kid, if anyone, would get in. I’ll be called racist for making this point, but you are the real racist. And I’m proud to have the courage to call you one.

    That was quite blatant, although it’s probably just a general thing. It never was easy for Asian males to get in in the first place. Leastwhiles when MIT hates my high school.

    There are three cases of early decision affirmative action in my high school. They all did less than I did, had lower grades, and could not offer more than I could. I really wish I could say that race had nothing to do with it, but the real deal is: race has everything to do with it.

    Here’s to a disappointing next year with colleges. My trials will be over soon. I had been told by everyone that all colleges would be like this. I really hate it when they’re right.

  83. Daniel Suo says:

    you know, I had a good picture to show you. But I don’t have your e-mail address.

    Hallelujah for acceptance via phone. I’m not sure where my tube is…somewhere floating out there. I hope I get it!

  84. Justin says:

    While on the topic of minority admission, does MIT consider that it may have over admitted URM’s? 27% may not seen like much but it is definitely a greater percentage than URM’s have in overall society. Granted basing race and ethnicity in college on their values in society would create an unhealthy concentration of whites but making all races and ehnicities equal would be equally bad especially after one leaves college to go into the real world. Basically, what is the ideal balance of different races and ethnicities to make a college culturally diverse but also realistic?

  85. recent alum,
    i don’t mean that minorities are a BAD thing!

    i just wish that we didn’t have to mention it on applications..

  86. Julia says:

    Hey guys, I just wanted to introduce myself again~

    My name is Julia and I live in Minnesota~
    I love meeting new people, traveling new places, blazing new paths that haven’t been taken, reading, political activism (amnesty international), music, math, and of course, spending time with family and friends.

    I would like to major in Biology or Course 9-(brain and cog) and minor in Biomed Eng. I am extremely excited and looking forward to meeting all you amazing people during CPW!!! It is such an honor to be accepted into the greatest place on earth!

    feel free to aim me @ julbabee88

    hope to see you all in April smile

  87. Julia says:

    Oh I forgot to mention how EXCITED I am that Randal (MIT Phd 01) won the apprentice! I wish I were at the auditorium cheering him on!

    YaY!!! Go MIT and go Randal!

  88. Julia says:

    To Ccaleb,

    I couldn’t agree with you more about the importance of diversity. This summer I attended the Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science at MIT, and coming from a school that lacks diversity, this enriching summer program broke my bubble and exposed me to a whole new world.

    Thus, after this summer, I realized that MIT is not only a place that pushes through scientific breakthroughs, but also a place that celebrates diversity and widens the horizons of many students.

  89. Anonymous says:

    i think that diversity is a FANTASTIC thing! i just wish it didn’t have any bearing on college decisions

  90. Lindley says:

    So I’m the one of 2 African-American girls in my entire senior class and the 2nd ever in my school to get admitted to MIT. But it IS a small school about 400 high schoolers. I applied to MITE2S and got a nice rejection letter . And then applied to MIT, my pop’s alma matter, and stressed out all last week waiting for the tube. AND IT CAME! So in short my really summarized story. Btw MIT is an has been for like the past 6 years or so my top choice. Yay!!!

  91. Hello All!

    Again, congratulations to all of you admitted Early Action to MIT. All I can say is job well done.

    I have been reading the blog and trying hard to refrain from jumping in too much. I am most happy when The Nance Effect is a conduit for conversation. Oh boy has it been just that over the last few days. I think that its time for me to jump in. Forgive me, but this might be a long one.

    When I started this blog I wrote the following:

  92. Ccaleb,

    Students who don’t report their ethnicity are admitted, postponed and refused at a rate no different than any other group. We don

  93. Sebastian,

    I’m glad to hear of your passion for learning. Feel free to send me an email off line and we’ll talk.

  94. April, George and others defered,

    I’m really proud of you, Seriously. This is why I am in this job. I don’t know what the regular pool looks like, but I know the what kind of student it takes to be successful at MIT. It takes Persistence & Perseverance! Keep it up!

  95. Justin,

    Good Question.
    “While on the topic of minority admission, does MIT consider that it may have over admitted URM’s? 27% may not seen like much but it is definitely a greater percentage than URM’s have in overall society.”

    Here are a couple of conter-points.
    1. We admitted 27% URM’s (under represented minorities) EA.
    2. EA admits make up only 1/3 of the total number of admits.
    3. Not everyone admitted will choose MIT (Yeah, I find that hard to belive also!)
    4. The 27% includes African Amerians, Latina/o’s and Native Americans. So, there is even diversity in our diversity.

    Given these facts, I don’t believe that we’ve stacked the deck, so to speak.