What’s on my mind by Paul B. '11
*insert witty caption here*
It’s been a busy week, and I’ve still got a lot on my mind. As long as I can remember, I’ve found that writing things down is one of my ways of decompressing – imposing order on chaos, as it were. So I figured I’d share my thoughts with you.
Things I am excited about:
- my new UROP investigating the genetics of tuberculosis at the Broad Institute
- the freshmen in my fraternity
- the Class of 2012 in general
- Independent Activities Period! Only two months away!
- picking my classes for spring semester
- learning more Python and more LaTeX
- showing off my Brass Rat in the spring
- this upcoming summer :)
- this weekend!
Plans for this weekend:
- studying for the upcoming 20.110 (thermodynamics) test
- getting a head start on my 18.700 (linear algebra) problem set
- 18.02 grading
- shopping at the Garment District for my Halloween costume
- transcribing the minutes from my fraternity’s recent house meetings
- working on the MURJ website
- updating the Medlinks website
- sleeping lots
- blogging :)
Blog entries I want to write:
- recap of the Medlinks retreat
- thoughts about Fraternity Rush
- all the photos and events from last year I never had time to post :)
- a look at MIT’s tunnels
- advice and thoughts about the application process
- more about some of my student groups (Assassins’ Guild, MURJ, Medlinks)
- a look into my previous UROPs at the Langer Lab and the Amon Lab
- whatever you want me to talk about! Let me know what you want to hear!
OH! The tunnels! Blog about the tunnels! PLEEASE!!
Like you really have enough time at MiT to do all that in a weekend!!! ;P
Good luck… It’s doable if you don’t sleep lol…
Also, Class of 2012 are awesome. And the clueless-ness of new-comers is amazing (yes, I was like that a couple of months ago) so seeing the new prefrosh should be lots of fun too…
Ok random reply I know sorry lol
Good Luck!
oooh, I’d really like to hear about the tunnels!! with pictures too!
blog about your interview experience?
mine’s next week O_O
Good luck! And could you please write that Blog entry about the application process soon?
*death (for the time being), and afterlife in MIT of heaven or hell (doesn’t matter really)*
Wow, one of my blog entries from freshman year! And here I thought I was entirely forgotten…
it’d be better, if u got ur essay posted here. PLEASE!!!
oh man, i pass by the broad institute every time i go to 7/11. (okay, less glamorous than a urop there, but oh well.) anywho, you should stop by the haus at some point because it is so darn close to that urop of yours…
independent activities period…i’d like to hear about this