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    WISE 2024

    , including the cost of transportation to and from MIT. We strongly encourage students from underrepresented and/or underserved backgrounds to apply ... : You must attend high school in the United States or one of its
  • Discover / The MIT education

    Independent Activities Period

    than 600 activities are offered each year, and regular students paying ... Departments offer hundreds of credit-bearing subjects during IAP. And any member ... January during which faculty and students are freed from the rigors of
  • infinite MIT

    ;dr We've filled this page with info and resources about what it's really ... , student adventures to follow—and don't forget to come back and visit ... bloggers are chosen to write about their own particular story and pathway
  • Discover / Learn more


    (prospective undergraduates only please). It's from us(!), and contains information about our admissions process, enrichment programs, and stories from ... campus. MIT Daily, from the MIT News Office, offers regular updates on
  • Apply / Understanding the process

    First-year class profile

    For the MIT Class of 2028 Some facts and figures about the ... -reported ethnicity* U.S. citizens & permanent residents Number of U.S. states ... citizens and excluded from all other categories). All percentages rounded to
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    Via mail

    email. Plus it is green and doesn't kill trees! 🌲🌳🌴[/intro] Application materials and other 🐌 mail Most documents can be completed and ... related to an application—you can send it to: Massachusetts Institute of
  • Apply / Transfer applicants

    Returning students

    extended break from conventional education, and we value the insights and ... , evaluations from teachers, and other supportive materials that would assist us ... or in a non-degree program to brush up on their classroom experience
  • Discover / Life and culture

    Hacks, tomfoolery & pranks

    [intro]At MIT, "hacks" are performed by students who safely and ... ethics, loosely stated, assert that hacks must do no damage to property or any person, must be safe, and must provide joy or amusement to those who
  • Discover / Life and culture

    Clubs & activities

    , and get together with your friends to nerd out however your heart desires.[/intro] The recognized student groups at MIT include ethnic and cultural associations, musical, theater, and dance groups, religious
  • Apply / First-year applicants


    , we offer an interview with a member of the MIT Educational Council, a ... you, so please monitor your inbox and respond promptly. Most Early Action interviews will take place in November and most Regular Action
  • Apply / Understanding the process

    What we look for

    The match between you and MIT Ask any admissions officer at MIT, and they will tell you that while grades and scores are important, it's really the match between applicant and the Institute that drives our
  • Discover / The MIT education

    Undergraduate research

    [intro]One of the earliest programs of its kind in the United States ... .[/intro] In 1969, Margaret MacVicar, then a 26-year-old MIT professor (and ... each year draw on UROP research, and most undergraduates will be included
  • Apply / Understanding the process

    Admissions statistics

    people understand complex systems and make informed decisions. So, a few ... characteristics like these are much harder to quantify and are therefore not ... deferred students) 614 Offered a place on the wait list 590 Wait list
  • Apply / Parents and educators

    Advising your students

    [intro]As parents, counselors, teachers, mentors, and allies, we know ... ways to define the best, and we think it’s important that young people be students and community members first, and applicants second.[/intro] As our
  • Apply / Understanding the process

    Our selection process

    between when you apply and when you receive your decision? Once your ... committee, where multiple groups of different admissions staff and faculty ... and debate an application before it is placed in the admit pile. Student
  • Discover / Life and culture

    Eating at MIT

    Bon Appétit, offer options for food sensitivities and special diets ... dining halls, or cook for yourself (and often, your friends) in a community ... , made or served, vegan or paleo, and so on. So, just like in our
  • Apply / First-year applicants

    Deadlines & requirements

    a math or science teacher and one from a humanities, social science ... recommendation—one from a math or science teacher and one from a humanities, social ... for researchers, performing artists, visual artists, and makers to
  • Apply / First-year applicants

    Essays, activities & academics

    consists of several short response questions and essays designed to help us ... makes you "look best," as opposed to the answers that are honest and easy ... four that mean the most to you and tell us a bit about them. Self