Anastassia B. '16
- Courses 7 & 20

You might be thinking: Disney movie? Romanov princess? Olympic athlete?
So let me clear up my identity right now: I’m Anastassia spelled with TWO s’s (possibly a fortunate typo on the birth certificate?), making me uniquely myself. Nice to meet you!
I was born on rural Russian soil, on my grandmother’s fruitful farmland. Miraculously, my family won a green card welcoming us to America. After enduring tough gray conditions in Brooklyn for five years, we miraculously relocated to the golden climate of Miami. As the lucky streak continued, I was accepted to an art magnet high school, and in 11th grade fortuitously switched to a dual enrollment high school, gaining both illustration skills and an Associate of Arts Degree in those four years. I then – miraculously – became an EA admit to the BEST PLACE ON EARTH, and then (miraculously) accepted as an MIT Admissions Blogger!!!
At the rate I’m attracting miracles, I should probably try solving global problems.*
My endless fascination with life leads me to double major in 7 and 20, or, Biology from both School of Sciences and Engineering. I love everything living (especially angiosperms and children) and prefer human contact over e-communication. But don’t let that stop you from emailing me! I also enjoy moving; specifically, physically moving around; specifically, ~dancing~ with reckless abandon. Oh, and I also make art.
I think my somewhat hyperthymic temperament is fueled by the severe amount of sunlight I absorb. The Sun makes me really happy- it’s almost as if my ENERGY comes directly from my body photosynthesizing. (Oh, if only!) Ultimately, I’m very excited to direct my energy to these Blogging Powers and share my MIT experiences with you.
*I did try Terrascope freshman fall.
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