Cydnie T. '12
- Course 15

So I’ve never been very good at describing, or even generally talking about, myself. Thus the concept of writing a short autobiography of myself is not exactly like eating a piece of cake (more like baking one from scratch). I am, however, able to glue together several random facts about myself that, if read as a run on sentence, would be the equivalent of an appropriate bio. So here goes nothing:
Cydnie Trice
Class of 2011
Major: Course 15 - Management Science (with a concentration in Marketing)
Minor: Course 21M - Theater Arts
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Dorm: Phoenix Group
Favorite Activities:
singing (with the MIT Gospel Choir, etc),
eating (with any group/event that will feed me for $5 or less),
networking (with alumni, current students, etc.), and
sleeping (record longest nap: 17hrs and some change)
Favorite things about MIT:
the Atmosphere (lots of love and learning)
the People (students and faculty/staff included)
the Diverse assortment of cultures (and food)
the Collaboration (learning is not learning when you’re alone)
In other news, to sum up the rest of the “Who is Cydnie” business, I’ve decided to include the “official bio” I use for the theatrical performances I’m involved in throughout the year. The fun part is, since I’m generally no good at this sort of thing (as I’m sure you’ve noticed), I gave the facts to a friend and she turned my bullet-form life story into beautiful prose.
Cydnie Trice has been acting in small productions since she was 5 years old. She believes that acting is the most basic form of artistic expression. Her philosophy is that an actor should utilize all of his or her personal experience on stage in order to portray any character properly. Since she first began her career, she has played roles in major productions, such as The Nutcracker, and the musical, Many Thousand Gone. Prior to her undergraduate years at MIT, Cydnie spent her summers participating in student written and produced productions taking on various roles, including actor, writer, and director. Since enrolling at MIT, Cydnie has been a part of Diversity at MIT, Frankenstein, La Casa de Bernarda Alba, and the Gilbert and Sullivan Players Musical, Trial By Jury. She's very enthusiastic about being a part of [insert name of current production here]. She believes that her extensive theater training will allow her to bring a fresh perspective to her work in Management.
Well, that’s me in a nutshell. Until next time …
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