Kidist A. '22
- Course 6-9

My name is ቅድስት but most call me Kidist. Others call me Kidi or Kid or some variation of a word that starts with K followed by an amalgamation of random vowels and consonants. I was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and moved to the US when I was thirteen. I spent most of my years here in Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia until I came to MIT.
Frankly, I tried my best to love every other university I was accepted to except MIT. Yet, when I flipped a coin and the result pointed to commit to another school, I felt disappointed. Deep down, I knew my hesitation was rooted in fear of pain, failure, struggles, and essentially everything ugly. But I also knew that if I could get through MIT, I could get through almost anything in life. With that, I decided to put my fears aside and join the ‘tute.
Have I cursed said decision at 3 AM the night before an exam or p-set due date? Yes. Multiple times, in fact. Apparently, growth is a nasty process but results in a beautiful product. Keeping this in mind is easier said than done, which is why I am here to write and blog and share my experiences as I blossom and grow throughout my journey at MIT and beyond.
Recent Posts
in which i blog again four-ish blogs in one
- by Kidist A. '22
- July 29, 2022
my room an evolution
- by Kidist A. '22
- February 8, 2022
my summer! a belated blog
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- October 18, 2021
Campus and Memories low-quality pictures and some memories
- by Kidist A. '22
- July 24, 2021
reflecting on 2020 goals and planning for 2021
- by Kidist A. '22
- March 30, 2021
things i’ve made and/or consumed art, movies, shows, and more
- by Kidist A. '22
- February 28, 2021
New Things I’ve Tried mostly experimenting with some looks:)
- by Kidist A. '22
- January 9, 2021
Avatar and Desserts Exploring Food Art
- by Kidist A. '22
- December 10, 2020
books I’ve read this year slowly but surely completing my 2020 resolutions
- by Kidist A. '22
- November 19, 2020
Favorite Classes at MIT! survey says...
- by Kidist A. '22
- October 7, 2020
MIT and Black Greek Letter Organizations An Interview
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- September 13, 2020
a peek in a week of my summer trying to enjoy it while it lasts
- by Kidist A. '22
- August 30, 2020