2 AM Destiny by Lydia K. '14, MEng '16
An early evening snapshot of an MIT kitchen
2:47 am, better known 26:47. Three hours and 13 minutes before the day rolls over, by Random Hall Standard Time.
Destiny, the southern half of the first floor of Random Hall. One of three all-male floors in Random, and the only floor with monkey bars. From the floor description:
tl;dr – Awwwwww yyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sometime between 2002 and 2005, the then nameless Destiny sold its naming rights on eBay for $36 and used the money to build stadium seating in the lounge. The highest bidder named Destiny after his daughter. Destiny as a floor is dating Loop, the southern half of the second floor, flowers and dinner included. Tonight we are in Destiny kitchen.
The MacBook is a ghost, two fridges have been nommed, and the exit sign is breeding. These are not normal occurrences in Destiny kitchen and are not representative of reality. Please excuse my photo stitching.
From left to right—
Phillip ’15, hiding behind the Cheez-Its. Phillip is a freshman on pass/no record. He intends to declare Course 4 (Architecture) as his major at the end of this year, when freshmen at MIT declare their majors.
Phillip is photographing apples he picked at Random Hall’s annual apple picking trip to Honey Pot Hill Orchard. Here’s his photograph of the apples:
Chad ’13, in the green shirt, stopped by the kitchen for a cup of tea on his way to fight an invisible space bear the printer. Chad is majoring in Course 22 (Nuclear Engineering).
Devin ’13 is watching the West Wing. A few minutes ago he was reading up on hyperinflation in Zimbabwe and Hungary. Devin is Course 18 (Math).
Cory ’13, a Course 2 (Mechanical Engineering) major, is working on a 2.006 (Thermal Fluids Engineering II) problem set. 2.006 is the second in a two-class series on thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid flow. This problem set is on boundary layers and laminar external flows, neither of which I understand.
Erons ’12, also Course 2 (“I major in Awesome.”), is taking a break from his own tooling to help Cory with his p-set. Otherwise Erons is working on his term project for 2.009 (Product Engineering Processes). In addition to launching angry birds at each other, 2.009 students spend the semester designing and building awesome consumer products that they later present to the MIT community.
Me, on the couch, taking this photo. I am looking at pictures of agarose gels for my UROP, doing my 6.042 (Math for Computer Science) homework, and writing this blog post (how meta).
I leave you with a photo of Erons’s angry bird in a chair:
Everyone’s future boss. Caption this photo for bonus points.
Before any confused prefrosh start wondering just what in the world Honey Pot Hill Orchard does to its apples, I’ll note that one of those apples is a delicious cider doughnut. Do not be alarmed by its deliciousness.
Also, man, I need something to do with all my apples…
Oh shoot thanks for clarifying. I was starting to wonder…. =p
<3 you Piper. Thanks for making me smile. =)
26:47 – “early evening”
Hehe. So true. (Only on some days though…)
Angry bird’s thought bubble: “No one can ever know that I’m actually a softie…”
I’m loving the memes on the ceiling :p
@Anthony: Sadness. Yes. Some days. I love sleep.
@PseudoIntellectualHack: Bonus points!
@Muhannad: Yes! Random has so many memes on the ceiling. Especially Destiny. I’ll definitely post photos soon.