A Time to Enroll by Latasha Boyd
You have doubts, I have gifs
It’s May 1st. Most of your friends have decided where they are going to college in the fall and can sleep soundly.
But making a choice is a little harder for your situation. You may be overwhelmed thinking about prices, distance from home, community, and/or ability to perform well at MIT.
First of all, please
and let’s review a few common questions you may have about enrolling at MIT.
1. Are there normal people there?/Are ‘my kind of people’ at MIT?
With 457 different student groups, different dorm personalities and the insane amount of activities happening regularly, the short answer is yes. If you don’t want to take my word for it, comment with your must-have interest and I’ll look into it.
(This is an activities bulletin board outside my office).
2. I don’t think I can handle the curriculum at MIT.
Don’t let imposter syndome win! We accepted you because we know that you can have a successful MIT career. Here are some wise words from Mikey, our director of selection, who has experienced the same doubts. If you’re still worried, there are services available to help you succeed and you’ll have a faculty or staff advisor who can help guide you during your four years at the ‘tute.
3. I don’t think my parents and I can afford MIT.
We know that the cost of MIT factors into most students’ decision processes. Members of the Student Financial Services staff are available to you to answer any remaining questions that might be lingering for you or your family.
Remember that the value of MIT is worth more than the price of the education. You’ll be a part of a unique community of problem-solvers receiving a hands-on education that provides opportunities for undergrad research, internship opportunities, and study abroad experiences. ^_^
4. How do I enroll?
Log in to your myMIT account and select “I will enroll at MIT for the term beginning September, 2014.*” (There are other options, but you’re on your own there.) That’s it! No deposit required.
If you think about these questions and decide MIT is not the place for you, we thank you for letting us get to know you this year and wish you the best…
Are there other questions you have about enrolling? I’ll be around answering them until 11:59 PM EST tonight to help you make your decision!