..and Here We Go Again! by ARTalk
[by Ken Haggerty '11] ARTalk is back!
[by Ken Haggerty ’11]
MIT can be a very tiring place.
MIT IS a very tiring place.
There are lots of P-sets and lots of work to do.
Which is why it’s even more satisfying and exciting to see ARTalk get back up and running!
(…but what is “ARTalk”?)
ARTalk is MIT Admissions official blog on the arts! We’ll be highlighting anything and everything art-related that goes on at MIT, from building large-format cameras to LARPing (for you non-nerds, that’s live-action role playing) and giving out recipes for snacks. Art gives us MIT students a reason NOT to do schoolwork, and ARTalk lets us share these more fun-filled moments with the rest of you.
(…but who’s writing these things?)
Good question! So without further ado, our bloggers:
ARTalk Bloggers 2010!
ABOVE, from L to R: Biyeun ’10, Mei ’13, Shelby ’13, and Ken ’11.
Biyeun Buczyk ’10: I photograph—both analog and digital—and I’m fascinated with light and optics. I teach photography classes at the Student Art Association, and I do my research in Camera Culture, a group at the Media Lab.
Shelby Heinecke ’13: Hey everyone! What’s up!? I’m Shelby and I’m a math and music double major, class of 2013. When I’m not studying theoretical math, I’m playing Bach on my violin, singing Black Sabbath songs, listening to eccentric contemporary classical music, or broadcasting my show, Peaceful Purgatory, on the radio. I’m excited to share my interesting artsy experiences with you all!
Ken Haggerty ’11: I’m a junior majoring in brain + cognitive sciences with a minor in architecture. I was incredibly lucky to be asked to help start this blog back in freshman year, and I’m glad to see it’s still going strong! I like photography and visiting art museums, but this semester I’m starting to play around with contemporary sculpture.
We’ll also include guest blogs by MIT students, faculty, and staff from a wide variety of programs on a non-regular basis to keep things interesting. And of course, if you’re interested in writing, just shoot us an email at [email protected].
Okay well I have to go to class now but ARTalk’s first real blog for 2010 will be posted this Monday by Biyeun, so stay tuned.
n looking forward to ur posts..
yay, arts!!!
you should talk about RUNE!
Morteza jan shoma az koodoom madrese hasti?
I’m so excited! The art and music are as much a part of my life as the academic stuff, and insight about them at MIT is invaluable. I’m very much looking forward to reading! Thanks
ARTalk is back! Sweet.
@Alireza: Allame Helli High School (NODET)
Very happy to hear that! Im from the same school. Which city do you live in? Hope we both get in!
Looks great, I’d definitely get into that stuff, the music i mean.
@Alireza: Hamedan, And you?
Arak. I did my best on the application and just waiting for the results. Best wishes for you.
Total awesomeness!! MIT+arts=rapture…
@Shelby Heinecke ’13: You sound like a person after my own heart. Nerdy music/math jokes alert:
So what do grumpy violinists say at Christmas?
“Bach humbug!” :D
And where do ill mathematicians go?
“Hopefully, my blog will be an expos√© of the glamorous side of MIT. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da!”
Well then…I must confess, that is rather intriguing- I didn’t know that MIT had a glamourous side. A cool one, yes, but glamourous? I don’t know about that one.
@genius(18): Well, I suppose it depends on whether or not you think science is glamourous
on another note…..THE SAINTS WON THE SUPERBOWL!!