CPW 4 U by Sam M. '07
What you should do at CPW, assuming you like exactly the same things that I do.
DID YOU KNOW? MIT means “WITH” in German.
Hey prefrosh, I hope that all your hosts have had the forethought to contact you, and that all your travel plans by train, plane, and automobile, bus, hovercraft, or whatever, will work out without any problems. My own prefrosh, George, gets here in 6 hours, at 4:50 AM. Usually I offer to come out to the airport or T station or whatever. But I’m not that cool. Luckily, he’s staying with his parents until 10 AM, when his excellent journey around MIT can begin.
Of course, all 483 or whatever events that people have at CPW are awesome. All of them. Here are some especially awesome ones that I’m planning to attend.
CPW Festival (9:30 PM – 10:00 PM) — The marching band is supposedly going to kick off the festival, although we haven’t really practiced or decided with what we are going to kick yet. After that, I’ll probably hang around for the so-called festivities before going to work the…
CPW Help Desk (10:00 PM – 12:00 AM) — …I feel bad something fierce that I’m not working the CPW desks as much as some of my incredibly dedicated colleagues in blogging, but I have an unusually busy Thursday.
UROP Lab Tour (2:00 PM – 4:00 PM) — Do you like dead turkeys, underwater flame drills, and booby-trapped reactors at 100 atm? Then you ought to meet us in the lobby of Building 66 at 2:00, 2:30, 3:00 or 3:30 for a fun-filled tour of the Tester Lab, down in the basement. Hey Romeo–there’s something down there.
Elisabeth Hon’s Recital (5:00 PM – 6:00 PM) — I just found this as I was checking out the CPW schedule. I don’t know if I’ll make it there, but Elisabeth has one of the most pure, maternal soprano voices I’ve ever heard. She’s a computer science grad student, and I had the privilege of singing with her in choir for a few semesters.
Meet the Bloggers (8:30 PM – 10:00 PM) — Meet Mollie! (It might be your only chance.) And meet all the other bloggers too. But you can meet the rest of us any time next year after you COME TO MIT. Still, you totally have to come to the party–you could be the next Laura. That a goal to which I still aspire.
Back Bay 5K (11:30 AM) — Do you run recreationally? Hey, so do I. So, if you’re not too tired out from the 483 activities Friday night or stuffed with free food from one of the 170 student groups trying to recruit you for next year, come on down to the esplanade and take a few minutes to run 3 miles with some of MIT’s most avid athletes.
Tye-Dye Party (1:30 PM – 3:30 PM) — I’m not really going to this or any other Burton-Conner CPW events this year, but I did this two years ago, and tye-dying is actually so hot right now..
Marching Tour of Campus (3:00 PM – 4:30 PM) — Come to the student center! We’ll march around campus, playing songs at inappropriate venues. Plus, we’ll have enough kazoos, flags, and extra trumpets for everyone! This is really the focal point of the entry, because I LOVE BAND and I want every single prefrosh to join the marching band next year. However, I’m actually kind of upset that this event will cause me to miss the Zeta Psi / WILG cookie baking/eating party, because I am in love with WILG so much that I sometimes wish I were female.
Battle of the Bands (8:00 PM – 11:00 PM) — Planned by Bryan and company and headlined by Ben, what kind of blogger would I be if I missed this? I actually might stop by late, because I’m most excited to see what Marilee Jones performs. I’m hoping for a little Janis Joplin, myself.
Now the song ends.
Sam! Sam! I just saw the most beautiful thing ever! The greatest thing is the history of everything!
I saw you playing at the activities fair. When you played “Celebration” I went “whoo-hoo” at the appropriate time. Man you should have seen the looks I was getting.
nice job!
omigosh, i dunno how i never connected the blogger sam to george’s host sam when you talked about spam thurs night! O.O
– granola = weird white ppl’s food
– if you close your door when you sleep, maybe you wont have to hug your laptop
– hmm, youre a guy and can actually color coordinate a room, wow…
– the pic at the top of your blog is def. not like you
haha, remember me? short-haired, blue-eyed asian girl =P
My favorite was the thong song.
Thong th-thong thong thong.
To the funniest blogger, (the look on your face when that girl told you that was priceless)
Awesome weekend, and it was definitely cool to meet you and all the other bloggers at the party.
See you next fall,