Funny pictures of me by Laura N. '09
I wear a New Year's party hat. That's funny, right?
You want to know the hardest part about this job? Entry titles. It’s like impossible to think of some clever 4 word phrase to encapsulate your entire entry. But I got your attention, right?
So, as I reported in my last entry, my New Year’s Eve plans included sitting in my living room and watching Season 2 of Veronica Mars on DVD with my sister while consuming large amounts of junk food. Well, that was the plan, and we did in fact make it through the four episodes we had left by then whilst consuming more junk food than is remotely healthy. However, we pushed our couch potato plans earlier in the day when we found out that my aunt was having something of a get-together.
It was just my aunt’s family, a couple of her friends, and their kids (which turned out to be a surprising number of kids). Anyway, since there were no other “big kids” I pretended to be an actual adult for the night (I turn twenty next week. Yikes!). I ate way too much food and tried to tone down my age a bit by putting on one of the New Year’s party hats that were decorated by the 6-year-olds.
Here I am, doing my best impersonation of an idiot (and trust me, there were other photos where I look even stupider):

This is what silly string looks like wet, i.e. not PROPERLY SHAKEN:

My first adventure of the new year occurs tomorrow, when I get knocked out to have all four of my wisdom teeth ripped out. Yippee!
first post!
btw, it is awesome to pretent you’re six, so keep right on wearing the hat! And why do you get to wait until college? I have to do the wisdom teeth this summer. WAHHHHH:(
Good luck with the wisdom teeth! Nice pics!
I got my wisdom teeth taken out last week, stock up on applesause and chicken broth! Happy New Years!
Wisdom teeth is rough. . .
I had two of mine removed, but the catch is that I wasn’t knocked out. Nothing like the smell of cauterized gums to wake you up in the morning (not to mention seeing smoke come from your own mouth!)
Enjoy drooling!
I had my wisdom teeth pulled this summer. First, the pain killers didn’t work, but advil did. Then I developed dry sockets. I told my dad that we needed to go back to the dentist, but he said that if I really had dry sockets I’d be complaining more, and that I just needed to go back to bed. We went back 3 days later. Those were the longest 3 days of my life. But! the good news is if that happens to you, the dentist can fix it in about 5 minutes. Good luck, yo.
I just had my wisdom teeth out yesterday.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Veronica Mars! I’m so happy that you guys are watching it.
Question, if you’re watching the third season:
Logan or Piz?
Very interesting ^@^
Could someone enlighten me about this whole wisdom teeth thing
Haven’t read it! Though, from the comments it appears that you had a tooth coming out. I remember popping record 9 pills in 12 hrs, when I was in your condition. Anyway, as the guys above me have said: Best of Luck!!
Eeee, wisdom teeth. I had mine taken out in 7th grade and my parents didn’t let me miss any school at all. Directory pictures were that week, too. Good times.
Iam a 11th class student from kerala…I would like to join in mit for aerospace engineering on year 2008…But i don’t know what to do…I decided to clear SAT mathe matics level 1 and SAT physics and TOFEL…But i dont know how to prepare for these exams…Can you please send the topics for these exams and what i have to do after clearing exams for the admission..
Is it hard to get into M.I.T.
Hi Laura,
Am also having my last few days as a teenager waiting to become 20 on 17th this month.My friends in campus know my birthday, am scared i migt be washed. So am planing to stay in the room for the whole of the day that day! About my wisdom teeth? Well I’d say you were luckier than me to have them for this long(its a long story!).
Seems you had a lot of fun on New year.I remained in school to finnish a book. But during the last 60 seconds countdown to new year i was a watching a star-somewhere in Orion.
I guess we’ll be seeing each other alot now,first in hyperspace then maybe later at MIT; am planning transfer credit for chemical engineering in 2008 but i still cant choose whether to minor in physics,robotics or both. Currently am just doing them parttime-i cant resist them; its easier resisting pizza on an empty stomach!
ugh wisdom teeth. I have to get those pulled too. Have fun! :D
Happy birthday!
u are just a guinuse am happy for u,am telling u ,u are the most beautifull person on eath ,b/cos God love u.
Hi Laura
How are you. Here I am fine with my research on Quantum Field Theory.