Hosed by Laura N. '09
Hosed- adj. Bogged down with work (From the glossary of the 2007-2008 How to Get Around MIT)
You know, I have about a million awesome entries planned, and NO TIME TO WRITE THEM. Seriously.
Why? Because the end of the semester has me totally and completed hosed. I can’t even believe I’m taking 15 minutes to write this entry, but I thought you guys deserved at least an update, and a taste of things to come.
Item 1: How hosed am I? According to the timesheets we’re supposed to keep for 2.009, I’ve spent THIRTY HOURS working on that class this past week. It’s a 12 unit class, which means the professors think you should be spending 12 hours per week on the class. Sometimes professors are wrong. *glare* But, it will all be over soon: final presentations are tomorrow night! I just bought a yellow accent piece for my business outfit (go Yellow Team!) for the final presentation and am about to head off to a team meeting.

Yeah, it’s a wall. Don’t start with me- you have NO IDEA the technical challenges involved with building that wall.
Item 2: The other day, I got an email from the administrative head of the Mechanical Engineering department, informing me that I needed to fill out my degree application online.
This is terrifying.

(Yes, that’s actually the degree I will be awarded: A Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering as Recommended by the Department of Mechanical Engineering.” Because 2A is cooler than you.)

(Oh man. They show you this image so you can preview what your name will look like on the degree, but…let’s not jinx this, okay guys?)
Item 3: Airline prices make NO sense to me. Somehow, flying round trip to Milan from Boston THROUGH New York is significantly more expensive than flying round trip straight from New York. Does that make any sense at all? Also, check this out:

Oh, but why am I looking up roundtrip plane tickets to Milan?
Wouldn’t you like to know…
Wow… good luck with all that XD
And… have fun in Milan?
you don’t know when decisions will be posted, do you?
Good luck with the wall!
Woah, I totally missed that email about how we’re supposed to sign up for our degree. Good thing to know! :S
are decisions on the 13th or 20th?
What is really scary about the plane tickets is that the “taxes and fees” are almost as much again as the ticket.
Guys, I have no idea when decisions come out! I just post embarrassing pictures of myself, I have NOTHING to do with decisions! As soon as admissions knows for sure, I guarantee you they will post about it!
You know, I tend to think a lot of flights that fly directly out of NYC are cheaper than flying from Boston and transferring. I’m starting to think the extra domestic flight leg has high fees or there’s not enough domestic seat space or something. (you would THINK that it would be cheaper because you’re stopping over, but I don’t think conventional wisdom applies for US -> international flights…just US -> US flights I think)
I’m contemplating on starting to fly back to Taiwan directly from NYC rather than from Boston, since the $15 Chinatown bus fee seems significantly more appealing than spending another $100-250 dollars on airfare.
@ all anxious students awaiting decisions –
Last year MIT announced (on these blogs) on December 10th that decisions would be posted online on December 15th at noon or a few minutes earlier.
So it is possible that MIT will announce (on these blogs) on the 8th or 9th if decisions will be posted on December 13th. If nothing is posted early this week, you could ASSUME that decisions will not be posted until December 20th. Just sayin’.
Yeah guys, she stated how stressed she is so I dont really think it polite to ask her such a question at this time, especially when it has been answered repeatedly over several blogs.
For Laura: as a student looking towards MIT’s Mech E program, is this something that occurs frequently for most students? I suppose it varies from student to student, and I may end up digging my own hole one way or another, but it’s just something that entered my mind. Thanks for posting, I enjoy reading about MIT life. Good luck!
-J. Go
This wall is kind of interesting. It looks deceptively simple. Is it a secret passageway or some sort of hidden storage? Hmmmm….
Has anybody run up to your wall and shouted, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” yet?
@ak: You might want to look up transfer admissions. They’re what you might be looking for. Not freshman admissions.
I nominate Jamo G for Hero of the Week.
I am from India and I graduated from my 12th in June 2008 and have already joined a college,but I wish to restart at MIT as a freshman by giving TOEFL and 2 SAT2s in Jan2009.Is it alright.
Reply soon!
omg…Milan. And a wall. Wow, have a great time.
I have emailed my EC 3 times till now but he hasn’t replied yet.What should I do?Deadline’s on 10th Dec.
Also,I completed my 12th grade in 2008(June) and have joined a college but I really wish to restart at MIT as a freshman in 2009(fall).Is it alright if I apply as a freshman?
I would like to apply for MIT, I am a Chinese student ,If the applicants are living in China ,How he should interview 。How interview 。
thank you .
yeah i just did that too, I have to choose between 8 and 8A, wtf which one am I supposed to pick? Does it even show up as that?
@ AK
Granted, I’m not an expert. But if you have used your time at your local college to learn and to try to narrow down your interests (especially if you’re torn between eight or nine different things you might enjoy doing), and if you are not interested in transferring credit, I imagine the Admissions Office would be okay with it. I’m not certain, but I don’t think it would hurt to try.
Ugh, my condolences on your present situation, Laura. Ah, well… all in a day’s work!
As for the trip to Milan, have fun! Is it at all school-related, or just a vacation (which, somehow, seems like it is much needed)?
Personally, I’d just stop in London… but that’s just me.
i know this wall, the one you open by saying open sesame
Hey Laura, I thought you’d decided on changing your major to International Development- did you change your mind?