Info for MIT QuestBridge Finalists by Beatriz Valdez
Don’t know what QuestBridge is? You can skip this entry.
This is a blog entry specifically for finalists in the QuestBridge National College Match. If you don’t know what this is, don’t worry! You can ask questions for MIT Early Action and Regular Action at this blog entry https://mitadmissions.org/blogs/entry/early-action-updates1
So, if you’ve made it this far – congratulations! We’re excited to have you applying to MIT through QuestBridge.
Here are some FAQs that QuestBridge applicants often have at this stage:
Q: I am taking my tests in November/December/January. Am I still eligible for the Match?
A: If you have not completed all the testing requirements by the October test dates, you will not qualify for the Match. If you have not completed your testing by October, do not worry; you do not have to remove MIT from your rank list because if you do not match with any school on November 30th, we will simply email you instructions with how to roll over into our Early Action process. We will accept up to November test scores for Early Action, and up to January test scores for Regular Action.
Q: If I will not have a full set of tests by the October testing date, what happens? Should I unrank MIT or withdraw my application?
A: If your application is incomplete, we will not be able to match you. However, we would be able to admit you during Early Action (just a few weeks later) if your application is complete by then and you did not match. We can consider you for Regular Action as well, as long as your application is complete and you did not match to a binding school. If you take MIT off your rank list or withdraw your application, your application may not be able to be considered for Early Action.
Q: Where do I send my high school transcript?
A: You can fax it to us at 617-687-9184 or mail it to MIT Office of Admissions, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 10-100, Cambridge, MA 02139. Make sure your full name and date of birth are included, as well as the word “QuestBridge”.
Q: Where do I send my financial documents?
A: Fax them to the MIT Financial Aid Office at 617-253-9859, or mail them to: MIT Student Financial Services, Attn: QuestBridge Coordinator, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 11-320, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. If you have questions about your financial documents, email [email protected].
Q: How do I schedule an interview?
A: You can find your interviewer’s information by logging in to your MyMIT account (http://my.mit.edu). Please be patient when trying to get in touch with them, as it may take them several days to respond to your request. If you have problems accessing your interviewer’s information, contact [email protected] for assistance.
If you have not yet contacted your interviewer, do note that the deadline for interviews has passed. However, you may still be able to do an interview. While we cannot guarantee that interviewers will be able to accommodate you, some will accept late interviews on a case-by-case basis. Completing an interview can be helpful for your application, especially if you intend to remain in the Regular Action pool.
Q: Why hasn’t my Questbridge application shown up on my MyMIT tracking page?
A: Colleges only just received your application. It will take approximately one week to process your application; your MyMIT tracking page should be updated by early next week. (You may see your tracking page show Part 1 and Part 2 as complete because your QuestBridge application is being used in place of the MIT application).
Q: I’ve already done an interview, but the interview is not checked off on the MyMIT tracking system. What should I do?
A: (Don’t panic!) Just notify us through the MyMIT website that you have conducted the interview so that we know to expect a report from your interviewer.
Q: If I’m not matched, can I still apply to MIT for Early and/or Regular Action?
A: On Nov 30th, QuestBridge will announce the results of the National College Match. If you are not matched with any school, we will send you an email asking whether you would like to be considered for MIT’s Early Action and/or Regular Action processes (or neither). Please look out for this message and respond to it quickly, so we know what to do with your application. See questbridge.org/for-students/ncm-faq for more info.