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MIT student blogger Laura N. '09

Post-finals stress? by Laura N. '09

Oh, it happens. Trust me.

I was lucky enough this semester to have only one final exam, which I took this afternoon.

So, I should be relaxed right now, right?


I need to have everything I own packed and stored by 6 PM tomorrow. Also, I’m going to be in Madrid in 4 days and still don’t have an apartment.

So I’m still hosed, and only taking a small break to remind you that you only have one day to bid on Ben’s autographed business card. ;-)

We’re up to over ten bucks! How crazy is that?! Ben, I think you really are a rock star.

Remember, proceeds go to a good cause that I haven’t picked yet.

13 responses to “Post-finals stress?”

  1. Oasis '11 says:

    Mm, Toledo had those awesome little almond pastries (marzipan?) though…=p

  2. christina says:

    haha, i should bid too!

  3. Karen '12 says:

    A rockstar who didn’t grace us with his presence at Battle of the Bands 2008 :(

    Have an awesome time in Spain!

  4. Karen '12 says:

    …I meant performance. Sorry, it’s late.

  5. Espero que Espana es divertido a la extrema!

  6. Isshak says:

    You are gonig with MISTI-SPAIN ? Hope you will post from there ! Show us more pastry pictures (like Chris did). What are you going to do there ?

  7. lulu says:

    ooh i wanna play


  8. Sam says:

    Whatever you do, don’t go to Toledo. Seriously, Mitra and I went and it was the most boring day of tourism we could have ever possibly had. OMG you’re doing MISTI though.

  9. Sondy '07 G says:

    When Jessie worked in Switzerland one summer, she lived in a hostel until she could find an apartment. Good luck with your summer!

  10. Anonymous says:

    I love how in related items they have “BEN HOGAN” raspberry

  11. margo says:

    rUIa9R f85fkalfbc63m7jgd82hk0

  12. Sihong Wang says:

    Dear friends,

    I am a Chinese boy. My name is sihong wang. Today when I searching MIT, I find your blog.
    It is my first time to view MIT’s website and my first time to view your blog.
    I want make friends with you. I am very interest in connect the people about MIT.

    My MSN account is : [email protected]. If you have enough time, we can talk with msn.

    Thank you!

  13. Enas'12 says:

    Haha 14 bids wow!! I’m upset we don’t get to meet Ben (and if we do, it’ll be very very short). I am out of touch with the world, and didn’t know about Blogs on the site until I applied, and didn’t start reading them until about 2 months ago.

    I have found out, though, that you guys truly are great (all of you). Thank you for all the help you guys would have given me had I read the blogs ;P I know I’m weird…

    I hope I get a chance to do for future applicants what you guys do for us!! (Applying for a blogger position, I hope)