The Birth Of Baby Nance by Bryan G. Nance
Regular updates from labor through delivery (guest-hosted by Ben).
Hi folks,
Ben here, with an update from The Nance, who called me at 7AM to tell me that his wife’s contractions were 20 minutes apart. (Next time, Bry, just stick to the 9AM report unless they’re 20 seconds apart, mmmmmkay?) :-)
So Lance “Nance Nance Revolution” Nance is on his way.
I’ll keep you updated over the course of the day. Let’s use this thread to make predictions on the exact time and weight. The closest time and weight guesses will receive gifts from Bryan (Ha! I love hijacking his blog and making promises on his behalf!).
Personally I am hoping that the little guy waits until after midnight so that he will be born on my birthday, which is tomorrow. So my (wishful thinking) guess: January 12, 12:42AM, 7 pounds 1 ounce.
Let the predictions begin!
[EDIT] 2PM: Contractions are 10 minutes apart, but they are lasting longer. Bryan says that anyone who guessed over 8 pounds is going to be in big trouble with his wife.
[EDIT] Noon on 1/12/06: Finally got in touch with Bryan! Alas, Baby Nance was not born on my birthday. :-( He was born at 10:40PM on 1/11/06, weighing in at 9lbs, 14oz (!) and 22 inches long. Congrats to Bryan and Tina!
Just so it’s here in the comments too:
January 12, 12:42AM, 7 pounds 1 ounce.
I guess 7 pounds 5 ounces. 19 inches long.
I’m going with 7 pounds 6 ounces
I predict 8lbs. 2oz., born today at 8:43pm. Just so you know, I don’t think Lance Nance is really in the running for names!
7lbs 14oz, Today 11:23 pm
wow – those are “little” babies! i’ll up the lb’s to 8 pounds 3 ounces, born at 11:45!
Hope Baby Nance arrives today 01/11/06
weighing in @8lbs 2 ounces 21 inches long
Baby Nance will arrive today at 1:52 PM, weighing in at 8lbs 10 ounces & 21 1/4 inches long
2:23 today, 7 lbs 8 oz
7lbs. 5oz.
01/11/06. 4:27PM. 8 lbs 2 oz.
hum dee dum…
let’s say 8.3 pounds, born at 8:16 on 1/11/06. That would make Baby Nance an hour old right now.
meant to say 8 pounds 3 ounces… what can I say, I’ve been studying for chem? I’m currently swimming in decimals.
Wow, I was born at ~5.5lbs. Then again, after about a week of worried observation and feeding I grew to about 15lbs. Very fat baby, I was.
11:36 PM today
8lbs 6oz
pi * 10^(-1) smoots long
12:03 AM
8 pounds 3 ounces
20.5 inches
Congrats Mr. Nance! We all wish your new family the best in 2006!
OK, I’ve had 2 babies and I’m gonna go with my gut on this one. (Um…. I didn’t mean that to sound sketchy, sorry.)
Today (Thursday, 1/12), 12:14pm Eastern time.
8 lbs, 4 oz.
Wait, the baby’s name is Lance? Lance Nance?
In order to risk Mrs. Nance’s wrath I’m guessing 7.99 pounds, at 9:30 pm.
OMG! Ben wants Mrs. Nance to undergo labour for the entire day.
CONGRATS! I hope we get to see a picture.
Wow! Congratulations!
Excellent. Congratulations Bryan!!
Lance Nance….
Lance Nance
7 pounds 6 ounces (don’t really know how heavy that is since I’m a SI guy). 5.30pm
Sorry, forgot to add the date … 01/11/06.
Happy Birth Date (=P) little Nance and congratulations Bryan.
3.65 Kg
12/11/06 3am
*off to cuba to do you know what!! tehehe*
Congratulations!! Have you decided on a name?
Congratulations! Post pictures soon, please
Congratulatinos Nance!
Give us the name ben!
Hahaha yes, a name please! Congratulations! =D
CONGRATS!!! Is this your first child? Wow, a nine-pound 14 ouncer!!!! Glad he was born healthy and strong ready to take on the world!
Pictures and NAME please!!!!
P.S. just something that I thought i’d share… I was 6 lbs. 10 ounces, born at 6:10 AM, and on the 6th month and 10th day of June… a triple 6-10!
But anyway back to the Nance’s boy~ congrats again and wish your family the best!
Congratulations! =)
congratulations! surely this news eclipses the news of our own petty acceptances/deferrals/denials :-D
who officially said the name was Lance? ::is confused::
Congrats again! My friend just turned 18 yesterday… it’s a good day for birthdays!
Awww…the baby was not born on my birthday (which is today…Friday, the 13th), but I guess that was a good thing, right?
HURRAH! What’s he called? I know we’ll all call him NNR.

Since most of us aren’t parents (I think), that makes us all eligible to give tips to The Nance Effect.
Parenting tip #1:
Learn how to make Gingerbread houses from Ben.
Parenting tip #2:
Ensure he NEVER gets to read your post asking for baby names.
(“DAD, you actually wanted THEM to name me?!!”
Congrats to all three Nances!
Best wishes to the Nance Family!
Congrats, NNR!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!11 I feel so happy for your family. January is also the perfect month cause its beginning of year. Wait is his name Lance NAnce cause im confused? Well congrats anyway thats great i sure you been in celebration mode since new year’s. great way to start of the year.
Jeez, that’s a BIG baby. I think we should all pitch in on some sort of medal for Mrs. Nance. Meanwhile, congratulations to everyone in the Nance family.
Best wishes
It’s about time your friends in Ithaca (remember that place?) heard the good news about Miles! Please give my warm regards to Tina…I am experiencing sympathy pains as I write! I hope the Benedict-Augustine cradle is providing lots of warmth and comfort to the little guy…so the mom and dad can get some sleep, too! Hey, when you get a chance, post your address so we can follow-up by U.S. Mail.
Congratulations to you all!
Love and hugs,
Congratulations on the birth of MILES.
Miles is an awesome name!
pix please?
I second April’s comment. We want pix.
Oh and btw,
Parenting tip #3: (God, I am cheeky!;)
There is no such thing as enough pocket money.
s, your parenting tips are so true
Where is your baby. Where are the pictures
Pls provide it!!!
Congrats, Nance! The gift of January. More to follow?
Aww, congratulations! That’s so wonderful
Parenting tip # 4:
Chocolate IS a basic food group!
And can’t u guys (eg April) contribute. I cant come up with 52 ideas by myself. I’ve got final exams till Mar 17.
i like chocolate ^^
parenting tip #5
snowmen are your friends
it’s SNOWING here in NJ
I’m back! Miles Nathaniel Nance is here and raising sand! I’d like to thank you for your warm comments and well wishes. In the next day or I hope to give you all a glance of the Manchild named Miles. According to Miles’ Grandfather (my dad), my wife gave birth to a toddler!
I saw this great tee-shirt: “My daddy drinks because I cry”. It is my deepest host that my 2 year old lets Miles live!
So drop me a line!
Congratulations!!!!! And WOW is Baby Nance a big boy… It is utterly amazing to me that I was glancing through the blogs only to find you. I remember when I met you at the college meeting in New York City and you informed us that you’re wife was pregnant. Well, I wish you and your wife loads of happiness!